2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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I mean considering he's 29 and talking about his place on "mt Rushmore" yea i would say his legacy is important to him just a tad bit.

Good to hear he's doing well these days still involved in the game
I thought him and Bron were going to tear **** up 

I still remember him going AT IT with AI in his rookie season.
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I still remember the original Slam article on him way back in the day. Around the time he scored 100 points in a game.
Wade and Bosh gonna opt out... 

Heat sign Melo, tell Bosh to kick rocks, then pressure Wade into signing for peanuts...

"get down or lay down Dee-Wayne" .... 

- Riley the Boss 
A doctor told me that I was going to be at least 6'6" because I was about 6'2" at 16.

10 years later... same height.

I know this feel |I

I was supposed to be 6'4 when I was 5'7 in the 6th grade

Ended up growing like 3 inches and stopped when I was in middle school :stoneface:
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You keep replying and say nothing. If it's a game to you I can see why.
I already explained why it wouldn't work...  

you chose to ignore it and then tried to ask me the same exact **** in a different way .... 

enough already...  not going to go in circles with you 
serious?? wow. he's gonna lose alot of what makes him kd lite.

I REALLY REALLY wish people would stop mentioning his name anywhere near KD's Your talking about a guy who is possibly going to be the best scorer ever... it's actually disrespectful to him to call alphabet boy KD lite.

This guy is going to be Nicholas Batum at best (Which is a very good piece)
serious?? wow. he's gonna lose alot of what makes him kd lite.

I REALLY REALLY wish people would stop mentioning his name anywhere near KD's Your talking about a guy who is possibly going to be the best scorer ever... it's actually disrespectful to him to call alphabet boy KD lite.

This guy is going to be Nicholas Batum at best (Which is a very good piece)

how is it disrespectful? dude could be like kd. better than nick batum. people more so mention it because of the similar bodies and his watered down skill set. doesnt take away from kd because he's mentioned with him. stop being so sensitive boo
A doctor told me that I was going to be at least 6'6" because I was about 6'2" at 16.

10 years later... same height.

I know this feel |I

I was supposed to be 6'4 when I was 5'7 in the 6th grade

Ended up growing like 3 inches and stopped when I was in middle school :stoneface:

A doctor told me that I was going to be at least 6'6" because I was about 6'2" at 16.

10 years later... same height.


My doctor said I'd be 6'2 or 6'3" when I turned 12.

Ended up 5'7" That's some ****

lmaooo you doctor sucks.
you can't tell NT nothing... 

Let me put it in perspective first.

The fact that this is the biggest news of the morning and the biggest event in people's lives will make this hard to understand for some... But I'll try.

It's just basketball, it's just a game. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't care if there's 24/7 news coverage on it or if there's a hall of fame for it. It's a glorified activity that's fun to play. There's no legacy lol him buying into a legacy of sorts doesn't prove that there is one in the first place. Just means you and him drank the same koo-aid.

People burning jerseys, hating the man for making his own life decisions saying playing for multiple teams tarnishes his place with the greats lol this **** is ridiculous.

I think lebron thinks winning is fun, but knows winning with your best friends is more fun. Can't everyone agree to this? I enjoy playing basketball with strangers, but I'd much prefer to play with my homies. Lebron is doing that but the media and people like you make it to be this big deal. "Omg Michael Jordan would never do that! Wow kobe never chased a ring!" Lol WHO CARES. People have this idea of who lebron should be and what he should do with his life to please people who have a disillusioned idea of a make believe greatest of all time stature.

There's no goat. There's no legacy. There's no mt Rushmore. There's no standard for what it means to be goat.

It's just a game where you put a round orange ball into a net. Just enjoy it.

Edit: disclaimer - I don't even watch basketball much these days. Just putting in my 2 cents since I know this is sadly a huge deal around the world today.
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