2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Houston in a tough spot, crazy how Bron can ruin it for Houston.

hopefully daryl moves on from bosh. we're better off in 3 years that way.

I disagree. You guys need to go all in for Bosh now. No one knows what injury will happen or how far this team gels. Harden-Bosh-Dwight is an instant contender and the more these guys play together the better chance you guys have at winning one this decade.
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if i was bosh I would have signed that houston offer and been chilling at pappadeaux.

f waiting on another dude.
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hopefully daryl moves on from bosh. we're better off in 3 years that way.

right, imagine that squad though! Harden, D12, Bosh and if they can keep Parsons! WOW!!!!

we'd have beverly for one season, then we'd lose him. we'd have no bench, and in 2 years when dwight and parsons opt out we'll have harden, and a 32 year old bosh and really that's about it.

if we don't sign bosh, we can fill in the roster with an actual bench players. we'd have the same starting lineup as last year that won 54 games, and a much improved bench. that sounds better than harden howard parsons bosh with no bench and no cap flexibility.

Houston in a tough spot, crazy how Bron can ruin it for Houston.

hopefully daryl moves on from bosh. we're better off in 3 years that way.

I disagree. You guys need to go all in for Bosh now. No one knows what injury will happen or how far this team gels. Harden-Bosh-Dwight is an instant contender and the more these guys play together the better chance you guys have at winning one this decade.

like i said, going in for bosh destroys any flexibility we have. and literally all we'd have is parsons harden howard bosh, and have very close to no money to even assemble a bench.
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Let's play a game.
Houston still not going nowhere for some time,

Will take a couple years for that core to get it together..but eventually it will be good

Once okc gets it together the west is in big trouble.. One more contributing player away from wrecking capabilities
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That's all that matters though.

no it doesn't ... any major sports story would get talked about more than the World Cup in America -- esp with America long eliminated

now if this was being talked about more than the Superbowl, he might have a point

we ain't checking for the World Cup like that regardless
I think LeBron going back home. Wade and him are close, but this seems more like a last appearance together, than them staying together. 
Great points, but if you talking Championships, you need to make that Bosh deal happen.

you see what yall just did with zero bench? you see what the spurs just did to you? we literally have to DECIMATE our roster to get bosh and parsons.

"if Rox have just Dwight, Harden & Parsons (before having to match), they can offer Bosh up to $19,458,730 -- a little short of his max $20,644,400. Again, they have to dump everything that's not bolted down, and a few things that ARE bolted down -- Lin, Asik, Jones, Motiejunas... One possibility would be to dump them in a sign-and-trade arrangment with the Heat, which would keep the Rox over the cap, and therefore preserve exceptions like the mid-level. In a S&T they could also potentially give Bosh his full max, and maybe not have to dump some guys they'd rather keep."

we could sign and trade, but we'd have to match bosh's salary going out and why would miami want what we would offer?
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