2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Uh.. How could both teams not go 41-0 bruh? Explain

The Warriors losing to the Spurs in San Antonio doesn't count as a warriors home loss fam
Ya idk what I'm thinking lol. Goofed on that. Just was about to edit that stupidity too
bro you're making us Hornets look not so great!

Stingers up!!!
What in the world happened to HOU? How do you go from finishing 2nd in the west last year to not even making the playoffs? 
So Bosh has been advised by his physician to sit the remainder of the season due to high risk of blood clot in his left calf?
Damn what is he going to do? How did I miss this?
Bruh..pistons wild ***. Dudes have the best chance and theyre getting mopped up by garbage. I guess i shouldnt be surprised. Reggie overpaid 100.

Oh and caldwell pope was slipping on ice. By a weak *** crossover. I cant wait til he comes to my gym. My handle game disgusting. Hell be twisted like a dreadlock.
Need Houston to miss the playoffs to keep the pick. It goes to Denver if in the playoffs. Need all assets for the summer with two max deal available.
my Rox certanly have been playing suspect/trash all year, but guys are counting us out of the playoffs with 20 games left in the season? We're 3 games out of the 6th seed...?
Basically. We are going to be a 8 or 7 seed. Get swept or lose in 5 then Denver gets the pick. Seems pretty terrible.
Basically. We are going to be a 8 or 7 seed. Get swept or lose in 5 then Denver gets the pick. Seems pretty terrible.

i was really commenting on the earlier post which mentioned us out the playoffs as a foregone conclusion...

and i agree with you to an extent, but your stance promotes tanking the wrong way imo. I aint mad at tanking if you really think you'll get a value add in the long term/big picture. you want a lottery pick or a pick in a stacked draft usually. But if you're shooting for rando mid to first rounders, you're normally doing it wrong.

just glanced at draft express and it had:

Ivan RabbDiamond Stone, Denzel Valentine, Wade Baldwin, Melo Trimble, Zimmerman, Sabonis, Grayson Allen, etc available at that pick.

it comes down to getting one of those guys vs. trying to reach for the stars in the playoffs. im honestly not familiar with the depth of this draft
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What in the world happened to HOU? How do you go from finishing 2nd in the west last year to not even making the playoffs? :x

What in the world happened to HOU? How do you go from finishing 2nd in the west last year to not even making the playoffs? :x

They sort of overachieved last season but yea the drop off is crazy

Houston was always fugazi. Reality caught up to them. Morey's flawed rosters finally caught up to him. Buffoon just like his protege in Philly.

Have y'all just scrolled past posts throughout this entire season of people mentioning them going from 5th to 26th, becoming one of the worst in the league at guarding the perimeter, having the worst FT%, a system that's predicated on open looks instead of actual shooting skill, and very mediocre coaching that started with McHale and bled through the rest of the staff? Will just assume it's tough to catch all that in the middle of Kobe love/hate, Lebron love/hate, CP0 slander, and DuWhite s-s-soft talk, so actual discussion is glossed over
Missed the game due to the UFC card.. But them young boys did work :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: the 3 amigos
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