2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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A nice side effect to having both Butler and Dunleavy active at the same time

Tony Snell no longer getting minutes :evil:
Beverly talking crap to motivate rose. We all know rose play better against competition and Beverly is holding his own.

We gonna see a great game tonight
My son Beas lettin em go 
It's ridiculous how much hate you get once you reach the top.

Geezers coming out the woodworks to throw salt at Young Dell.
Man. I never seen old timers hate on Mike or Lebron or Kobe like this.

Or did they?


Just read the article. Sounds like a NTer wrote it, the amount of hate on it :x

Like if that was a post, it'd be banned status!
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