2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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not gon happen bruhs. aint no team good enough to beat them, even with the TO's. Spurs probably get mopped before the wcf. Clippers gonna clipper. Okc..lol.

Maybe the Raptors upset them...I actually wouldn't be completely shocked. Squad is lit.

I just think they're lucky lakers ain't taking that 8th seed

ohhh stahpppp

...do you mean it???

not gon happen bruhs. aint no team good enough to beat them, even with the TO's. Spurs probably get mopped before the wcf. Clippers gonna clipper. Okc..lol.

Maybe the Raptors upset them...I actually wouldn't be completely shocked. Squad is lit.

I would personally give each and everyone in here a rub and tug if the rockets knocked the warriors out in this year's playoffs.
not gon happen bruhs. aint no team good enough to beat them, even with the TO's. Spurs probably get mopped before the wcf. Clippers gonna clipper. Okc..lol.

Maybe the Raptors upset them...I actually wouldn't be completely shocked. Squad is lit.

I would personally give each and everyone in here a rub and tug if the rockets knocked the warriors out in this year's playoffs.

easiest bet of your life. rockets finna beat them from the crib? nah.
Raptors might sqeeze in a win in post season. With GSW record now, no way in hell TOR or anybody else will knock them out. Back to back going to be playing at the parade
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You're older too. You can retain/appreciate more of what you're watching. I've seen so many Jordan games, but a lot of them, I was'nt fully realizing what I was witnessing...just knew it was greatness.

Unless you're like, 40. Then forget all that.
40 is not that old.
Yep definitely been trying to stream every GSW game.
 Been too long since we had a player this great. Thought it was LBJ, but we seen how that turned out. ( Past tense ).

I really did hate Jordan at the time tho, but without a doubt GOAT. Would have love to have seen Larry vs JB post season both at their primes tho. Larry/ MJ matchups would have been so much more fire than Magic/Bird

If it wasn't for GSW chasing history and with a chance that the Spurs stop them from that, I'd say I'm ready for the playoffs already.
Harrison & Dray have about a month to rediscover their shots. Dray has struggled in that aspect since the ASB. HB has only struggled for the last week or so, so hopefully for GSW, he can get it going.

HB is spoonfed damn near everything. He should be well over 50% from the floor every single game.
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I feel my Spurs has the deepest roster going in to the playoffs with the addition of Andre Miller and K-Mart.
That Cavs lost yesterday was just inexcusable man. Like the Warriors losing to LA was a shocker, but that was just :lol: damn
Chris Paul started off the year slow, but he is ROLLING now.

He's gotten better each month & has been absolutely unconscious since Jan. Think he may have come into the season out of shape.

Since Jan he's at 22/10/5/2 on 49/40/90. Clippers have even gained room on OKC without Blake.
Chris Paul started off the year slow, but he is ROLLING now.

He's gotten better each month & has been absolutely unconscious since Jan. Think he may have come into the season out of shape.

Since Jan he's at 22/10/5/2 on 49/40/90. Clippers have even gained room on OKC without Blake.

Some voter is gonna vote him for MVP and lowkey he deserves atleast some votes. Dude is arguably having the best year of his career man
Welp..that settles it. Time for me to get back on this hoop grind. I'm about to go grab this 10 day with the lakers right fast. I'll be Kobe's true successor.

Wow. It took KG two contracts to reach 200 million.

I went back to look at his total earnings and he's made over 300 million on basketball contracts alone. Crazy.

That'll seem like diddly in 10 years. :lol: Stupid.
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Yep definitely been trying to stream every GSW game. :lol:  Been too long since we had a player this great. Thought it was LBJ, but we seen how that turned out. ( Past tense ).

I really did hate Jordan at the time tho, but without a doubt GOAT. Would have love to have seen Larry vs JB post season both at their primes tho. Larry/ MJ matchups would have been so much more fire than Magic/Bird

Yeah, if I have a regret from when I was younger, it would be not trying to see more prime Bird. Of course, back then it was a lot harder to check out teams/players who played on a different coast from where you lived. But still, I would have made more of an effort. I only really started appreciating how good he was when he was clearly in decline.

Blessed to have seen a lot of prime Magic though. Really think he's become underrated over the years. Could truly dominate a game without scoring much and definitely the best passer I've ever seen. Vision was incredible. Kidd is the closest to magic I've seen in terms of passing, but not as good. Amazing player.
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