2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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^^^Aside from the clear nut punch to Julius Hodge from 2003....those to other videos were REACHES :lol:.

But I understand it. What Cp did to Julius Hodge in college was unnaceptable. That's a tough rep to shake. I get it.

hope to see the ReverseWindowNaeNae Wax Off gif of CP.

Now i know why they do high fives with back of their hands.
those to other videos were REACHES
watch the slowmo of the Kaman video at the :41 point
no man should be defending that garbage.. was going to say self respecting, but nah.. no man
STRAIGHT FILTH :lol: how can y'all defend this pervert

I can't defend that. Some of the other "tricks" he pulls on the court, like stopping suddenly in front of someone to draw a foul, jersey holding, etc., I'm ok with. But intentional shots to someone jewels, nah. That's unacceptable.
yall sounding like kj mcdaniel's mom right about now :lol:

never forget :smokin

the kid is still young, he'll get his turn
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no man should be defending that garbage.. was going to say self respecting, but nah.. no man

Can't defend what he did to Julius Hodge. Unnaceptable.

But the Kaman and KD ones are reaches based off of what he did to Hodge. And I understand why. Reputation. Looked incidental to me. Far from intentional.

But you do something like intentionally hit a guy in the nuts in college, then I can't blame folks for thinking you'd possibly do it again. It is what it is.
no man should be defending that garbage.. was going to say self respecting, but nah.. no man

Can't defend what he did to Julius Hodge. Unnaceptable.

But the Kaman and KD ones are reaches based off of what he did to Hodge. And I understand why. Reputation. Looked incidental to me. Far from intentional.

But you do something like intentionally hit a guy in the nuts in college, then I can't blame folks for thinking you'd possibly do it again. It is what it is.

dirtiest player in the gm by far

incidents with cp0 happens way too often. watch him go after manu next time
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chris took a full feel squeeze of dude's junk and you think that was some sort of accident?

I mean he didn't go full blown reggie evans, but still.. and reggie evans for this who don't know:

what about what he did to marc gasol?
then this:

:wow: :x that play on collison

:x :x that play on Gasol!

I forgot all about that! Dude is so quick with it I had to run it back twice
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Surprise CP3 hasn't got Chris Childs yet.
I'm pretty sure before his career is over he going to catch a two piece
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:wow: :x that play on collison

:x :x that play on Gasol!

I forgot all about that! Dude is so quick with it I had to run it back twice

That Collison one wasn't really that bad. The Gasol one was cheap.

Dudes talk all the time about how rough and tough the 80s and 90s were...where the Collison and Gasol one wouldn't even be a blip on the radar. Cp3 does it, it's a travesty. Idk, maybe I'm desensitized. That's just a cheap basketball shot that happens ALL the time. And used to happen more so back in the day.

Julius Hodge nut punch. Slander cp3 all day for that one. A few cheap shots here and there....

going assume the spurs throw a party.. might be the most excited anyone ever sees duncan
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