2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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This season showed that Thibs should not be faulted for any injuries. Blame clearly belongs to the medical team. I am so very sorry for any ill thoughts I've had of Thibs..
Amel, you are not the only one that feels that way. 
Oh boy. DC Kevin Durant. If he was smart he'd come to San Antonio
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Scott Brooks 
Who's taking that team out in the ECF?
The Cavs? :rofl:
The Heat? :rofl: :rofl:
Hell, you throw KD on any playoff team in the East & they're making the finals over the Cavs.
Any top 4 team in the west would kill the Cavs in the finals

The Cavs are garbage but let's not act like Bron ain't been killing KD in career matchups.
I hope Washington actually wants Brooks & didn't just go after him to lure Durant...
Rose became an MVP, Jimmy became an all star. Noah became DPOY. Jesus. What more do you want?

did you follow the bulls for the 5 years thibs was the coach? serious question.

he didn't develop rose, his first year was his MVP season. of course he gets credit that was a great season, but i dont see anyone giving Vinny Del Negro credit for developing an MVP??

Same season he had korver on the bench, in favor of bogans who couldnt find a team after he left the bulls. korver went on to become an all star in atlanta.

Noah definitely thrived under thibs, but also fell off a cliff because he had nothing left to give. thats what im talking about when i say he will sacrifice anything for regular season wins. Instead of playing your bench guys when starters are nicked up, he trots out his regular roster with his regular rotation.

love the signing for minnesota, hope he does very well. but he had a lot of questionable decisions as a head coach that many ppl tend to forget about.
I followed probably closer than you.

So Thibs gets absolutely zero credit for getting the most out of Derrick Rose? Rose was supposed to win MVP that year huh?

So against the Miami Heat, who feature Wade, Bron, & Bosh on the court at the same damn time, you want him to play Kyle Korver? Who exactly is he guarding in that situation?

And was Noah's injury woes on Thibs, or the Bulls medical staff? Nobody was playing outrageous mins before the injuries began in Thibs FIRST season. Dudes started dropping like flies, he played his starters more like every single coach in the league would've done :lol:

Butler & co were just as injured this year under Hoiberg & that medical staff is the common denominator.
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