2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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The complete opposite of what any franchise needs, like a BA chick with stage 5 clinger tendencies.
I hope that tat is not nearly done... Font is horrible and letters arent even the same size :smh:
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I'm all for calling nick young an idiot but why dont tattoo artists run spell check before accepting a job?

or running chinese words through google translate 
Lin seems like he can only work his set from the top of the key though. Is that just me?
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Man I hope Lin stays with the Hornets. My favorite player to watch in person at the Hornets games I've been to this year. I think he should stay there just off the comfort that he seems to have there alone. His last couple stops were pretty rough, I don't think it would be a good idea to risk going into another bad situation.
Man I hope Lin stays with the Hornets. My favorite player to watch in person at the Hornets games I've been to this year. I think he should stay there just off the comfort that he seems to have there alone. His last couple stops were pretty rough, I don't think it would be a good idea to risk going into another bad situation.
He's actually thriving pretty well in Charlotte. Good back up pg. hope he stays there and continues to grow
The Nets contacted him last summer and they hired Atkinson, who was an assistant on the Knicks during Linsanity.

Yep, that's why I feel he's going to the Nets. He still works out with Atkinson during the off-season. As a Lin fan, I want him to start again. I know he's not content being a backup to Kemba the rest of his career.

Lin to Brooklyn makes too much sense.
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I have to think he didn't want to be in a big media market like Brooklyn (even though no one cares about the team) again given the way the last few stops have gone. That's why he went to Charlotte.
Naw, he went to Charlotte simply because he felt like Clifford promised him minutes and that he understood and would allow him to play his game. With Atkinson, he'd give Lin the usage and opportunity. Even with the Hornets, he's still thriving but only as a third-fourth fiddle with barely any plays called for him. Give him the usage rate that other starting PG's have and people will see he'll put up impressive numbers.
I actually thought Lin seemed to be in the perfect situation in Charlotte. Based on the games I've seen, it looks like he's finally in a place where he can simply play basketball and not have any type of pressure on him
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