2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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there was always a creepy under current of racism to the way some fans fixated on Lin like he didn't deserve to be in the league.
there was always a creepy under current of racism to the way some fans fixated on Lin like he didn't deserve to be in the league.
Chinese people aren't well known for sports. Hell, even Charlotte security doesn't recognize Lin sometimes.

As someone of Chinese descent, I'm glad Lin isn't some stuckup s.o.b., the slander would be even worse :x
Asian on the rise  
Not sure if crayfish protein or he took the stuff MJ took in those years.

Lin is the exact same guy he's always been.

The only difference is delusional Laker fans aren't saying ridiculous things about him.

He's a league average starter/ high level backup.

They are delusional and ridiculous, but it's pretty clear as day that he doesn't play like he used to. Sure, stat wish may not be different, but straight up watching the games you can see a lot more confidence on the court and mistakes have been minimized.

Didn't rockets fans hate Lin too?

Yea, when he wouldn't play defense, haplessly brick shots at the worst times, blew layups, and cause maddening turnovers due to running into the paint with 3 defenders circling him and not getting a pass off. Lin's last year as a Rocket was basically a better version of current Corey Brewer

lol like luke gonna wanna coach the rockets

its hard to believe a team with harden and howard would be less attractive than a bad laker team

Not really since LAL has a collective management that amounts to Jerry Jones. They'll bring in Rick Fox, Derek Fisher, or even Adam Morrison.
Dwight is definitely a HOF and doesn't suck, it's ridiculous to think he's not getting in. But are you also implying the Laker fanbase got everyone to hate Dwight? Because I don't think you're giving that **** boy enough credit.

He brought it all on his damn self with his silly *** shenanigans.
Talk to your average basketball fan. They'll tell you "Dwight is a bum". "He's soft". Kobe said it. To them, he should've stayed in LA to play with a 35 year old Kobe. Not doing that, makes him "soft", and "not a winner".

Dwight fkcd up. Mainly the Orlando situation. But nobody cares about that, or remembers it much when they talk about their dislike for him.

Lakers have the biggest, and most vocal fanbase. They can play a hand in perception.

Shaq has a big hand in it too.
I'm not gonna deny there isn't that type of sentiment out there, but again, I don't think you're giving Dwight his due.

I've never met a Dwight Howard fan in my life. Ever. Dwight supporter at default because he's on their team? Yup. An actual fan of dude? Nah.

Even if people don't remember exact details anymore, I'd say most are still familiar with the infamous SVG awkward exchange. They know Dwight flip flopped multiple times and we got the term "Dwightmare" out of it.

Certain quotes over the years that make everyone roll their eyes. The incessant whining to refs. The perception that he's too big (pause) to be doing half the **** he does.

His overall demeanor and reactions got him here. It rubs a lot of fans the wrong way. Apparently it doesn't sit well with past & present teammates. Dude is about to move on to his 4th franchise. For entirely different reasons, he's left/leaving each situation on bad terms and more disliked than when he first got there. Bad breakup each time.

That last thing you said is true though. Hell, I'd argue the constant unfair comparisons to Shaq, and Diesel damn near calling him a punk ***** every week at TNT hold more weight than anything else with the avg. fan.

What sucks for Dwight is how people can't distinguish the HOF player on the court from the idiot goofball who says and does stupid things. I can do that very easily. Most can't or won't though.
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They are delusional and ridiculous, but it's pretty clear as day that he doesn't play like he used to. Sure, stat wish may not be different, but straight up watching the games you can see a lot more confidence on the court and mistakes have been minimized.

Yea, when he wouldn't play defense, haplessly brick shots at the worst times, blew layups, and cause maddening turnovers due to running into the paint with 3 defenders circling him and not getting a pass off. Lin's last year as a Rocket was basically a better version of current Corey Brewer

All of this. Minus the delusional and ridiculous part.
I"m just happy my boy Lin is still in the L. Definitely proud of him. Don't care if he's a starter or not. As long as he's contributing and is one of the core guys on his team, that's all I can ask.

Personally though, I definitely don't think he's starter material. He's a great backup and that's fine with me.
He's playing the exact same way as before. He just doesn't have huge expectations given his salary, stuck playing off the ball or play for a coach that seemingly hates him.
I"m just happy my boy Lin is still in the L. Definitely proud of him. Don't care if he's a starter or not. As long as he's contributing and is one of the core guys on his team, that's all I can ask.

Personally though, I definitely don't think he's starter material. He's a great backup and that's fine with me.

This. He CAN start if needed be, but he's better suited as a backup PG that can play big minutes on/off the ball

He's playing the exact same way as before. He just doesn't have huge expectations given his salary, stuck playing off the ball or play for a coach that seemingly hates him.

This as well.
Linn is a nice player to come off the bench. No defense, decent play maker, every now and then he'll have a good scoring night. And soft as hell.
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He's playing the exact same way as before. He just doesn't have huge expectations given his salary, stuck playing off the ball or play for a coach that seemingly hates him.

Not exactly the easiest systems to thrive in playing with the two most ball-dominant players in Kobe & Harden.

He was never a spot up shooter, which is essentially what they wanted him to be on the Lakers
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Linn is a nice player to come off the bench. No defense, decent play maker, every now and then he'll have a good scoring night. And soft as hell.
which Lin are you watching ? I'm sure you're not watching playoff Lin. Watch the next game. He can't be soft attacking the paint all the time and attacking the defense and throwing his body . his defense isn't the best but it's slightly solid
Dwight deserves to be in the HOF. 3 DPOYs and by the time he's finished, he will be top 10 in all time rebounds. Maybe even top 5.
I feel like it's been a decade since we've seen that Dwight

He averaged 18/13 in 2014...played 71 games.

Averaged 16/14 in the playoffs last year...and was the best player on the Rockets team that made it to the WCF last year. Still a very good player. It's ALL PERCEPTION with Dwight.

When healthy, he's arguably STILL the best center. That tells you how great he was in his prime..and how good he is now.
I'm not gonna deny there isn't that type of sentiment out there, but again, I don't think you're giving Dwight his due.

I've never met a Dwight Howard fan in my life. Ever. Dwight supporter at default because he's on their team? Yup. An actual fan of dude? Nah.

Even if people don't remember exact details anymore, I'd say most are still familiar with the infamous SVG awkward exchange. They know Dwight flip flopped multiple times and we got the term "Dwightmare" out of it.

Certain quotes over the years that make everyone roll their eyes. The incessant whining to refs. The perception that he's too big (pause) to be doing half the **** he does.

His overall demeanor and reactions got him here. It rubs a lot of fans the wrong way. Apparently it doesn't sit well with past & present teammates. Dude is about to move on to his 4th franchise. For entirely different reasons, he's left/leaving each situation on bad terms and more disliked than when he first got there. Bad breakup each time.

That last thing you said is true though. Hell, I'd argue the constant unfair comparisons to Shaq, and Diesel damn near calling him a punk ***** every week at TNT hold more weight than anything else with the avg. fan.

What sucks for Dwight is how people can't distinguish the HOF player on the court from the idiot goofball who says and does stupid things. I can do that very easily. Most can't or won't though.

Let's not forgot how he came into the league on this choir boy super Christian **** only to have a 100 kids by 200 baby mommas soon as he started getting them checks. Dude is a fraud and nobody really likes him unless your forced to cause he's sporting your teams uniform
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