2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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What? Dwight had better numbers than Bynum as a Laker :lol:.

Y'all really think Orlando was filled with playmakers that just spoon fed Dwight to his way to 20-23ppg a night huh? :lol:.

I can tell y'all convienently forgot. That **** used to command double teams. And the shooters would flourish. He was also a terror in P&R.

Perception got dudes wildin :lol:
If I want a bucket when it matters I can get the ball to Bynum and get that. With Dwight, can't say the same. He commanded double teams Cuz son was a athletic freak surrounded by 4 shhoters. U gotta keep a man on the shooter and son was a rebounding machine. One on one he was feasting. Now that the athletic ability isn't what it was and he's not surrounded by 4 shooters u can spot the holes in his game. He def needs a change of scenery, but the only way u will get amazing numbers out of him again is if he goes to a team that's going t build around him. He can't just go to a team and play 2nd or 3rd option and put up crazy numbers. That team is gonna have to cater to his strengths and cover the weaknesses like orlando.
lol Bynum infinitely the better offensive player than dwight will ever be.

Bynum was dominant on BOTH SIDES.

like Will said, Bynum can go get a bucket anytime he wanted...ESPECIALLY in the end of games.

+ bynum aint a lil girl trapped in a 7foot muscle bound body either
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Again, I gotta realize who I'm arguing with. I provide stats to show how they've improved. Said person rejects the stats. You don't go from averaging 12ppg as a rookie...to averaging 23ppg as a first option a few years later WITHOUT improving offensively.

You know, post offense is more than just "moves". It's duck ins, positioning, timing, touch, footwork, running the floor etc. If you're going to sit here and spew that Dwight Howard hasn't improved offensively since he came in the league....you are truly a lost cause.

WOW!!...i think I have to take in who I'M actually arguing with.

First off, you were ONLY responding back with SERIES stats...hmmmmm, wonder why?

Second, his 23 points was that ONE year in Orlando and was the most he's ever averaged. Why don't you mention what the REST of his averages are since you like pulling up numbers so much and show us how he's ONLY declined since that ONE 23 point year.

Secondly, yeah, those "moves" you are mentioning is exactly what i'm talking about. That's ALL he's had since coming into the league. He may have improved his footwork, timing and even positioning but he hasn't ADDED anything significant such as a go to move, a jumper, improved free throw shooting, etc which is what pretty much all of us is getting at that were arguing this.

Why you think he has so little field goal attempts throughout his career? Ain't cause he has ball hog teammates (well, maybe in LA and Houston :lol:) but it's because he has NO moves to get his own shot cept for the two basic ones he has.

Here's a better example for you of what I mean by offensive "improvement." When Amare first came into the league, he had the same offensive arsenal as Dwight which was run the floor, catch lobs, or use their quick athletic spin towards the basket. Obviously, when he got injured, he lost that explosiveness so he needed to added more to his game. What he go and do? Added a pretty nice mid range J.

So again, same point I made earlier, Dwight has been strictly scoring by using his athleticism instead of adding onto his offensive arsenal.
What? Dwight had better numbers than Bynum as a Laker :lol:.

Y'all really think Orlando was filled with playmakers that just spoon fed Dwight to his way to 20-23ppg a night huh? :lol:.

I can tell y'all convienently forgot. That **** used to command double teams. And the shooters would flourish. He was also a terror in P&R.

Perception got dudes wildin :lol:

Damn homie, you are STILL missing the point.

He was getting those STRICTLY due to his athleticsm. As we can see, he's not the same athlete so scoring for him is even harder now because he never added ANYTHING else. He just relied on his natural athletic gift.

You keep going on and on about him averaging 20 pts, etc but he was doing that when he was a freak athlete.

I wouldn't go that far in saying he never improved offensively since he was a rookie. He has making steps but again his development stopped in 09. At his peak he was a great defender and rebounder and people were saying "when he gets a post game he'll really be dominate" we kept waiting and he never added any moves.

QFT, especially the bolded part. Maximus quickly becoming my new favorite NTer.
Same argument can be made for Bron, really. Refs just like him more and he's less lazy than Dwert. Still equally as athletic and non-skilled dough
Same argument can be made for Bron, really. Refs just like him more and he's less lazy than Dwert. Still equally as athletic and non-skilled dough
except when Bron played in the post as a 4 he was one of the most effective offensive players in the league. Not to mention he shoot 36% from 3 while in Miami, but troll on.
I wouldn't go that far in saying he never improved offensively since he was a rookie. He has making steps but again his development stopped in 09. At his peak he was a great defender and rebounder and people were saying "when he gets a post game he'll really be dominate" we kept waiting and he never added any moves.

QFT, especially the bolded part. Maximus quickly becoming my new favorite NTer.

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Same argument can be made for Bron, really. Refs just like him more and he's less lazy than Dwert. Still equally as athletic and non-skilled dough
Other than having an incredible awareness for the game, great court vision, and passing.. those are skills too.


It's crazy that some people never adjusted their expectations for Dwight. Do you know how many players would kill to have the kind of career he's had? Multiple time all-star, superstar max contract player, multiple DPOY, and an MVP caliber player in his prime. I was one of those who would hold out hope, see a few glimpses of developing post moves, and then he abandon it and go back to what he knows. He would never been elite in the post, but he did show flashes of potential there but he wasn't consistent enough. All it would take is a couple missed shots and he'd give up on it. Same with the FT shooting.. that **** was all mental for him and it's 100% a valid criticism and flaw.

Rather than recognizing that, people are so quick to say he should have been the next Shaq/Hakeem/all-time big men. Twig legged Dwight Howard should have NEVER tried to be the next Shaq. It's those kind of expectations that hurt our view of him. He never had the natural touch and feel of some other great big men, so he'd never have Hakeem's footwork.. it doesn't matter how much he practices, some people just have natural limitations. He just doesn't have that kind of natural fluidity and feel that you need. He wouldn't be a jump shooting big man either.. he's a limited offensive guy, but in the right system he could be an impact offensive player.

Dwight is one of the best defenders we've seen in the game too. I know we all love to criticize his offense and FT shooting, and a lot of that's fair. However, people always make a passing mention of "Yeah, he's good on defense but...". No. He was an ELITE defender. He dragged those defensive bums in Orlando to top defensive teams. His impact there is never given enough credit.

As for Dwight being unlikable, his image issues, etc. I'd say its mostly earned, but people just latched on to him with this narrative and it's stuck. Even back when he was in Orlando and at his peak popularity, dummies like Charles and others on here said he smiles too much, he doesn't take the game seriously, you'd never win with him joking all the time. And yes, lacking leadership and accountability can make a difference for your team, but do we really think the Magic would have played any better if Dwight was far more serious. Really? Would that have made Jameer 4 inches taller or given Hedo an ounce of defensive ability? Nah. Did the Lakers fail because of Dwight's joking attitude? Not really.. Same for Houston. Dwight isn't without blame, when you're a star you have to take your share of the blame and not all the praise, but whatever effect his personality has on his team isn't the difference maker to me. The league has a ton of personalities in it, you can prefer your players a certain way and that's all well and good.. but you can't expect to have an entire league of boring *** Kawhi Leonard's out there.. stars with personality like Dwight are needed, whether or not you like them.

His image took a hit because he left Orlando on horrible terms and handled it 100% unprofessionally. He ditched his small market team in a sloppy and embarrassing way. You lose a lot of fans that way. Then he went to the Lakers, that flamed out, so now you have the Lakers fanbase hating you too. Then add his injuries and understandable decline that goes along with it, and that's where he's at now. 

Dwight should go to Charlotte or a smaller market team with less expectations. Did he reach his potential? No, he didn't. But he didn't fail to reach that potential simply because he never became the next Shaq. He failed because he never cracked his mental block on his free throws.. and he never focused on what he could  do offensively, rather than what everyone expected him to be doing. But hell.. that's okay, man. Not a lot of players reach their full potential. It doesn't change that in his prime he was an elite, MVP caliber player who dominated defensively and could give you some offensive game.
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Other than having an incredible awareness for the game, great court vision, and passing.. those are skills too.


It's crazy that some people never adjusted their expectations for Dwight. Do you know how many players would kill to have the kind of career he's had? Multiple time all-star, superstar max contract player, multiple DPOY, and an MVP caliber player in his prime. I was one of those who would hold out hope, see a few glimpses of developing post moves, and then he abandon it and go back to what he knows. He would never been elite in the post, but he did show flashes of potential there but he wasn't consistent enough. All it would take is a couple missed shots and he'd give up on it. Same with the FT shooting.. that **** was all mental for him and it's 100% a valid criticism and flaw.

Rather than recognizing that, people are so quick to say he should have been the next Shaq/Hakeem/all-time big men. Twig legged Dwight Howard should have NEVER tried to be the next Shaq. It's those kind of expectations that hurt our view of him. He never had the natural touch and feel of some other great big men, so he'd never have Hakeem's footwork.. it doesn't matter how much he practices, some people just have natural limitations. He just doesn't have that kind of natural fluidity and feel that you need. He wouldn't be a jump shooting big man either.. he's a limited offensive guy, but in the right system he could be an impact offensive player.

Dwight is one of the best defenders we've seen in the game too. I know we all love to criticize his offense and FT shooting, and a lot of that's fair. However, people always make a passing mention of "Yeah, he's good on defense but...". No. He was an ELITE defender. He dragged those defensive bums in Orlando to top defensive teams. His impact there is never given enough credit.

As for Dwight being unlikable, his image issues, etc. I'd say its mostly earned, but people just latched on to him with this narrative and it's stuck. Even back when he was in Orlando and at his peak popularity, dummies like Charles and others on here said he smiles too much, he doesn't take the game seriously, you'd never win with him joking all the time. And yes, lacking leadership and accountability can make a difference for your team, but do we really think the Magic would have played any better if Dwight was far more serious. Really? Would that have made Jameer 4 inches taller or given Hedo an ounce of defensive ability? Nah. Did the Lakers fail because of Dwight's joking attitude? Not really.. Same for Houston. Dwight isn't without blame, when you're a star you have to take your share of the blame and not all the praise, but whatever effect his personality has on his team isn't the difference maker to me. The league has a ton of personalities in it, you can prefer your players a certain way and that's all well and good.. but you can't expect to have an entire league of boring *** Kawhi Leonard's out there.. stars with personality like Dwight are needed, whether or not you like them.

His image took a hit because he left Orlando on horrible terms and handled it 100% unprofessionally. He ditched his small market team in a sloppy and embarrassing way. You lose a lot of fans that way. Then he went to the Lakers, that flamed out, so now you have the Lakers fanbase hating you too. Then add his injuries and understandable decline that goes along with it, and that's where he's at now. 

Dwight should go to Charlotte or a smaller market team with less expectations. Did he reach his potential? No, he didn't. But he didn't fail to reach that potential simply because he never became the next Shaq. He failed because he never cracked his mental block on his free throws.. and he never focused on what he could do offensively, rather than what everyone expected him to be doing. But hell.. that's okay, man. Not a lot of players reach their full potential. It doesn't change that in his prime he was an elite, MVP caliber player who dominated defensively and could give you some offensive game.

And there it is

Well said :pimp:
Is it an overreaction to say the Thunder should try to move Ibaka for a SG this offseason no matter what happens with KD?
They may have to trade Ibaka with Adams eligible for an extension, Waiters a free agent and hoping to re-sign both Durant and Westbrook.
DeMar DeRozan said he wants to spend his whole career with the Raptors, and he said he’d let teammate Kyle Lowry dictate his free-agent decision.

But sometimes players get caught up in the moment and express loyalty to their team in a way that doesn’t reflect reality.

How does DeRozan really feel?

Stephen A. Smith of ESPN, as transcribed by Ryan Ward of Lakers Nation:

“He’s made it very, very clear that he wants to be in L.A.,” Smith said of DeRozan’s intentions in free agency. “He has family out there. He’s from out there. He wants to be in L.A. He wants to wear the purple and gold, and if there’s a way for it to happen, again he’s restricted, if there’s a way for it to happen, DeMar DeRozan will be in a Los Angeles Lakers uniform next season.”

When DeRozan ops out this summer, he’ll be an unrestricted free agent. So, if you want to dismiss the rest of Smith’s report because he got that fact wrong, I wouldn’t blame you. That might be the prudent approach.

But if Smith got the rest of this right, DeRozan will probably sign with the Lakers.

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Trade Ibaka to the magic for this years draft pick and one of the wings

Why would Orlando do that. No one giving up a lottery pick for an old washed ibaka
Unless they get a top 3 pick , the team doesn't need another lottery pick that just has a chance to be ok...after the top 2 not much star potential so having a good vet is better right now ...plus they need more players in the front court
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