2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

We can move on for real now. Thanks for everything Stat

Na, not yet. We still have Melo lurking around getting paid 20 plus million. No moving on until he's shipped, this burden is still being carried.

As far as I see it, Melo is next. He's the only face left :lol:

Melo ain't going nowhere for a while. At least they get to build around him in the offseason.
My feelings on Stat are mixed. I really was a huge fan when he first arrived and was killing it. I really hoped him and Melo could make something special happen that was the greatest time in the last 15 years to be a Knick fan IMO when we made the trade for Melo so much hope....

But then that fateful game in the playoffs against the Celtics Stat hurt his back and honestly he was never the same after that. His fire and heart can never be denied but punching a fire extinguisher was a very selfish thing to do and his injuries were so frequent that it was hard to be a fan of his because of that contract (which wasn't his fault but it still was a nuce around our neck.) While I wish him the best I think he should of stuck it out here and signed back for the vet min it is the least he could've done to save face here.

hope he ends up with a ring eventually
really cant wait for the offseason
Sorry since my dude Ewing didn't win one I have no sympathy for anybody else because he played his a** off and put the knicks on his back more times I could count and he ended up empty handed.
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Knicks tape is officially dead

The team with Kidd, Sheed and Kurt and Camby was our best in recent memory.

Our best coaching staff.

I don't see the issue with Carmelo playing. He needs surgery, needs it now but that game isn't doing any more damage. He wanted to play for the home crowd. Hope he gets the surgery this week.
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Melo ain't going nowhere for a while. At least they get to build around him in the offseason.

Yea, let's hope you're wrong and Melo doesn't hold the franchise back another 5 years. Building around Melo doesn't make sense to me, dudes not 25 anymore. He's not a center piece.

I think he gets traded after next season. If he fulfills his contract out in NY, it'd be a travesty. Not just for us but for him. Only way I see him staying the full contract is if we win, only way we win soon enough is if we miraculously sign a top tier free agent that Melo would have to differ too and become the number 2 option.
No one we get in FA will be better than Melo anyway. Kinda forced to put pieces around him.

I don't think Phil Jackson thinks like that. I think Dolan thinks like that tho.

If we don't get good pieces or a better piece then you have to trade him. Perfect time would be after next season.
I don't want to sound all cryptic, but I hope Melo goes through and gets the surgery if he needs it because after Stat's knees started breaking down, no FA will want to come to NY if they think Melo's knee(s) will do the same.
Hey guys, ONeg thinks this is his last night on NT. I say we all either make sure he stays or roast for the fun of it :lol: :nerd:
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