2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I know I might get a lot of flack, but I've always hated amare. I don't understand how a guy with that much athleticism can be such a bird on the defensive side and boards. He did give us some bright spots when he first came, but I was never sold and always knew he was gonna screw us. Which is why its do or die with melo next season. If I'm looking for anything type of player in the offseason this year, it's a proven leader/floor general.

End rant.

Also hoping Phil trades thjr and early for a first rounder.
Welp, time to start cooking up new scenarios that will never happen to carry me through this next phase of NYK basketball.

How's Russell Westbrook sound as the not so distant future #1 guy in blue and orange? An aging Melo, not as piss poor as ASG '15 Melo, takes a backseat to Westbrook who is unchained from OKC.

Put some high energy guys like Acy, a couple knockdown shooters and defenders at the C & SG spot....flourish?
Amare gone to Dallas for the veterans minimum.
He'll be successful with Rondo and the pick n roll.
But he'll also get injured before April and will be inactive for playoffs.
So.......lololol. sucks for you Dallas!
Westbrook would come to NY for the max no doubt about it. We need to try for Durant next year after he spurns us we need to be all aboard the Russell train

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Thank you, Amar'e! I wish you all the best!
Russy is gonna be on the decline by the time his contract with OKC is up with the way he plays.

Feel the same way. Look at what happened to all the other super athletic guards - Steve Francis, Marbury, AI, TMac, VC. They fall off a cliff quickly. Plus if he ever does leave, I can see him wanting to be Kobe's replacement in LA more than wanting to play w/ Melo.

I'm not sure I see any of the big free agents coming here (which is why I mentioned reaching for Larry Sanders the other day if he'd be willing to come), but thinking about it realistically, we only have 3 legitimate rotation players on our roster (Jose, Tim, Melo) and we should probably be trying to move Jose.

Best case scenario, we get a top 5 pick and get 1 impact FA this offseason, depending on who our pick is. Since talented bigs are more scarce, and more expensive, it'd be ideal to get Okafor/Towns/Caullie-Stein and sign Rondo or Dragic, or maybe for a little less than the max, Wes Matthews. If we get Mudiay/Russell, try to sign Monroe or a cheaper big, though Kanter, Amir Johnson, Robin Lopez aren't really all star level players. But at least then we'd be looking at next season with 3-4 decent players around Melo, and can make another move the next offseason, depending on what happens w/ the new cap.

The new salary cap could have a huge impact on the league. If the cap is going to shoot up immediately in 2016, teams are all going to look to lock up FAs this summer and max contracts aren't even going to look that bad, relatively.
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