2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

if the cavs win the chip love wont complain and will end up staying... we always catch L's during free agency :smh:
honestly i could still see him leaving. he'll feel like mission accomplished and won't feel bad about leaving. we'll see what happens. but i think he's our best bet in free agency.
While the PG position is deep and having that floor general/leader is a huge need, you're still not going to be a contender without a rim protector. Of course you could find them in free agency, but you can find PGs in free agency too. I side with the "go with the big man" crowd, unless the guard is the perfect prospect. 

And to be honest, I don't really care about Melo when it comes to this pick. Best case scenario, this pick is a legit/top player by year 3.. more than likely year 4-5. I'm not letting a potential franchise player decision be dictated by Carmelo Anthony's remaining good years and how they might fit together. 

I agree with the importance of finding a rim protector for this team. I think it is a major need that falls just below finding a franchise PG in terms of what this team needs most. I just think that PG has a slight edge considering that team standings has become more and more correlated with the quality of PG play over the years and Melo needs a PG to be successful. I agree that helping Carmelo shouldnt be the end all be all in terms of our draft pick, but just like everything else it HAS to be a factor to consider when making the decision. It must be part of the equation.

If 2 prospects are relatively equal in terms of pure talent and potential but one player wouldnt mesh well with Carmelo while the other would make Carmelo better and Carmelo would also make that player better himself, than it would be stupid not to take the player who would play better with Carmelo. Melo signed a 5 year contract and he is here for the long haul. He is one of the best scorers in the NBA today and at least a top 10 player by all accounts. Not only is Melo here for the long haul but we should also want him to be. One player doesnt win a champioship and we are lucky enough to already have a player on this roster capable of being the best scorer and the best or second best player on a championship team if surrounded by the right pieces. That kind of player doesnt just grow on trees. No matter how good the player we draft might become, he is going to need somehelp to take this team to the promise land. In Carmelo, the Knicks already have a MAJOR piece locked up for the next 4 years, so to say that it doesnt matter how well any player we draft would play with Carmelo would just be ignorance.

This would make life a lot easier for whichever player we draft so it would be smart to draft a player who would help Melo out while also benefiting from playing with Melo himself. If we want to build a championship contending team it is important for the Knicks to draft not only the best available player but the player who will help the team out the most. Like I said, OBVIOUSLY you dont base your decision on this. Like JRS said things can happen. Melo could go, Phil and Fisher could go, etc. You want to put yourself in the best possible position to handle whatever obstacles might occur in the future by assuring yourself that you are drafting the best available player in this draft. Because you are never in a bad place with a franchise player on your team. I mean look at the Pelicans right now. They would probably be a mess with a lot of the moves they made recently, but they have AD, so all is well in New Orleans.

Anyway, the point of what I am trying to get at is that I think PG is the biggest need for this team and because of that I have D'Angelo Russell atop our big board. I think solely as a prospect he is up there with the likes of Towns, Okafor, and Mudiay but I like him better than the rest for our system and our roster. However, I agree that finding a rim protector should be of the upmost importance and I have been on record saying that I would LOVE Karl Towns on this team, just that I like the idea of getting Russ as our franchise PG just a little more than I would want Towns as our franchise center/rim protector.

The problem with Jahil Okafor is that he doesnt fill either one of those needs because he is NOT a rim protector. I want to get Russell or Towns because Russell becomes our franchise PG/QB of the offense that is needed in 2015 and especially around Melo. Towns becomes a dominant big man who anchors the defense and fits what we are trying to do defensively.

Okafor? He just becomes another scorer for this team. Imortant? Certainly. Ive said that in many other drafts Okafor would be the clear cut prize at #1. In a different year, sure I might want the Knicks to get Okafor. You could never have enough scorers on your team and Okafor is as good as a post scorer as I have ever seen in a college freshman. However, when I look at Russell and I see how well he would fit as a triangle PG and see the rim protecting potential of Karl Towns, Okafor just doesnt fill a big enough need to justify being picked ahead of either one of them IMO. Okafor would just give us another scorer and basically make it essential for us to go after a defensive minded 4 in free agency.

Thats another area of concern for me. Like if we get Russell we have our pick of the litter of which big men to go after in free agency. If we get Towns we could pretty much go after any kind of forward to play in between him and Melo, because Towns will become our clear rim protecting center. If the Knicks draft Towns we could happily sign Kevin Love if he becomes available without having to worry about the defensive issues he brings to the table next to Carmelo.

If we sign Okafor? No way in hell we could even think about touching Kevin Love. The Melo/Love/Okafor frontcourt would be an absolute defensive nightmare and I dont even think they would be such a great fit offensively because they are all pretty rim dominant. If the Knicks draft Okafor we would be severely limiting our free agent possibilities to basically only players like Draymond Green and maybe Milsap? Josh ******* Smith? I dont even know and I would rather not have to think about it.

Not to mention we would still need to go after a PG to run this team, no easy task either. Draft Russell or Towns (or trade down and draft WCS, which would be a no brainer if Philly would offer up 3 and 11 which I dont think there is any chance of), and we are gucci not only in terms of having the best overall prospect that fits well with Carmelo (which is obviously important), but also in terms of having much more leverage in who we could sign in free agency. If we draft one of those 2 players it wouldnt be a problem for the Knicks to go after Love or Milsap or Tobias Harris, etc, etc. 

And I like the idea of signing Kevin Love. I would LOVE (no pun intended) to steal him away from Cleveland and I think we would have a pretty solid shot at getting him. Clearly he is not happy there, and if he left I think a top priority for him would be to go to a team with the potential of knocking Cleveland off their throne. I think that the Knicks play in the East would be an advantage because of that. I think the chance to play with a proven star like Carmelo who is not afraid of Lebron would be an advantage. I think the chance to be a part of something from the ground floor and play with a top pick in this draft would be an advantage. And most of all I think the chance to play for Phil Jackson (who he idealized as a Laker fan) in a system that would probably be a GREAT fit for him with his shooting and post abilities as well as his incredible passing would be a major advantage that the Knicks would have. Not to mention the advantage that comes along with having the cap space necessary to pay him the big bucks he most definitely will want over anything else as well as the chance to play in NYC/MSG every night instead of ****** ******* Cleveland.

I would prefer a proven commodity like Kevin Love on this team over Okafor if we had the choice of acquiring 1 dominant scoring big man with defensive issues, but that's the problem right there. There can only be one. The Knicks simply cannot get Okafor and Love. Cant happen. Especially with Melo at the 3. I dont care how good they might be offensively (and I would have concerns about that as well), you arent winning **** with that frontcourt defensively.

And this isnt just about Kevin Love. Many top tier free agents would become off limits for the Knicks if we drafted Okafor (Tobias Harris, Greg Monroe, Gasol, probably Milsap, Jeff Green, etc.). If we draft Okafor, the Knicks would basically be forced to go all in on signing Draymond Green to a huge offer sheet and hope the Warriors dont match. Now dont get me wrong, I love me some Draymond Green, I just dont think he is the best option to rely upon. Especially considering that even if he was our primary target there is no guarantee that the Warriors will let him walk and there is no guarantee he would even sign an offer sheet with us with his hometown Pistons likely making a play for him this summer as well. It is best for the Knicks to leave their options open in free agency which is another big reason why I prefer Russ or Towns to Love.
We need to trade for Moe Harkless. 21 he can ball good size getting no burn. Get him to the Mecca asap.
LOVE Mo. Hes still like 21 also. If the Knicks do end up signing a player like Kevin Love, we are definitely going to need some lock down defenders to come off the bench. Id love to bring in the NY kid Harkless to back up Melo and guard players like Lebron and KD when we need him to. If we can get him at a low cost I say do that in a second.
Melo-Love-Towns would be :pimp:

Melo & Love could certainly handle the scoring load while Towns could get his when either one of them get doubled.

Towns would also be there at the rim when Melo or Love's man drives past them.
While the PG position is deep and having that floor general/leader is a huge need, you're still not going to be a contender without a rim protector. Of course you could find them in free agency, but you can find PGs in free agency too. I side with the "go with the big man" crowd, unless the guard is the perfect prospect. 

And to be honest, I don't really care about Melo when it comes to this pick. Best case scenario, this pick is a legit/top player by year 3.. more than likely year 4-5. I'm not letting a potential franchise player decision be dictated by Carmelo Anthony's remaining good years and how they might fit together. 
The voice of reason.

I feel you on that.
Would we be able to rob Philly of their, let's say 3rd pick and 11th + Nerlens or Embiid ? For let's say, our 1st and Tim H. ?

1st pick + Tim Hardaway for Nerlens + 3rd and 11th pick ?
HELL no.

Melo-Love-Towns would be

Melo & Love could certainly handle the scoring load while Towns could get his when either one of them get doubled.

Towns would also be there at the rim when Melo or Love's man drives past them.
Bad spacing though. And Towns would get in foul trouble so damn fast having to clean up for those 2.

Pairing up Melo & Love is redundant IMO. I don't even think about that as a possibility. Plus if Love does bounce after this season (which I doubt)...he certainly ain't going to NY.
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Bad spacing though. And Towns would get in foul trouble so damn fast having to clean up for those 2.

Pairing up Melo & Love is redundant IMO. I don't even think about that as a possibility. Plus if Love does bounce after this season (which I doubt)...he certainly ain't going to NY.
Why bad spacing though? Love is a shooter. Plus the triangle creates proper spacing in the half court setting. I think that that frontcourt would be great here. Love would be an unbelievable fit in the triangle and I think that it would be able to work with Melo as long as we got a rim protecting center to cover for them defensively, like Towns.

And idk why you would think Love wouldnt sign with NY if he left Cleveland. There are only so many teams with cap space out there this summer, and the Knicks are one of them. Add in Phil Jackson and the chance to play with Melo and I think the Knicks would almost be frontrunners for Love if he left Cleveland.

IMO if Love leaves Cleveland he isnt signing anywhere except for NY or with the Lakers. I think that because the Knicks have Melo, Phil Jackson, probably a higher draft pick than the Lakers, and the chance to beat Cleveland, Love would be most likely to sign here in free agency I mean I couldnt possibly imagine Love leaving Cleveland behind for any team besides the Knicks and the Lakers. Can you? Not many teams have cap room this summer and of the ones that do I couldnt see Love choosing any of them besides the Knicks and Lakers. And if it did come down to the Knicks, Lakers, and Cavs this summer I would feel pretty good about our chances.

Not saying that it is definite that Love would sign for the Knicks this summer but I like our chances. I dont know why you would say that he definitely wouldnt come to NY. Its not like he is going to have unlimited options to choose from this summer if he decides to leave.
one thing i heard about Love is that he's homesick, misses the west coast, can't wait to go back. if he signs anywhere it's most likely with a west coast team like Portland or the Lakers.

chances of him coming further east don't seem likely ....

he soft anyway, I want BULLDOGS on this team. dudes that don't shower and smack their wives if dinner ain't done. drink beer with everything and have 2 guys foul out everynight ...... /rant
one thing i heard about Love is that he's homesick, misses the west coast, can't wait to go back. if he signs anywhere it's most likely with a west coast team like Portland or the Lakers.

chances of him coming further east don't seem likely ....

he soft anyway, I want BULLDOGS on this team. dudes that don't shower and smack their wives if dinner ain't done. drink beer with everything and have 2 guys foul out everynight ...... /rant

So why aren't we signing Darko Milicic? :lol: Dude is probably the angriest player I've seen of the past decade.
I seriously cannot come into this thread without somebody knocking Okafor. I swear you guys don't watch college basketball.

Anyway, regarding that hypothetical trade. I'd do it, wouldn't happen, but I would do it. I was actually just wondering if the Knicks could somehow get another first round pick.

This RJ Hunter kid from Georgia state is gonna go top 12.
I seriously cannot come into this thread without somebody knocking Okafor. I swear you guys don't watch college basketball.

Anyway, regarding that hypothetical trade. I'd do it, wouldn't happen, but I would do it. I was actually just wondering if the Knicks could somehow get another first round pick.

This RJ Hunter kid from Georgia state is gonna go top 12.
Aint nobody "knocking" Okafor. I have said many times that he would be the prize in many other draft classes. It just isnt the case this year.

You seriously going to tell me you would prefer the Knicks draft him over Karl Towns? Am I "knocking" Okafor by pointing out that Karl Towns is better than Okafor at every single aspect of playing basketball besides low post scoring? The Knicks need a PG and they need a rim protector. If we go with a big man in the draft, I am going to prefer that the Knicks draft Towns, who looks like he has DPOY potential, as opposed to Okafor, who has big man you need to hide defensively potential.

I acknowledge on the regular how gifted of a post scorer Okafor is. It will be a lot more difficult to score the way he does against NBA big men as opposed to college, but he is talented nevertheless. It is just that Towns does so many things that Okafor doesnt do. Starting off, Towns is taller and more athletic than Okafor which is a major advantage to begin with. Then you add in that Towns has the potential to be an ELITE rim protector, while Okafor will be a defensive liability in the NBA. Thats not "knocking" him, that is being realistic. Then after all of that you add in the fact that Towns is a better shooter from the outside, a better passer, and a better rebounder, and it looks pretty clear to me. If the Knicks go with a big man in the draft I want Towns ahead of Okafor.

This isnt "knocking" Okafor. Towns is a once in every decade big man IMO. In many other drafts I am praying that the Knicks draft Okafor but he has an uphill battle to climb. Sure Towns' stats may not be as sexy as Okafor's considering he has had to sacrifice playing on perhaps the greatest college basketball team of all time, but Towns has significantly improved over the course of the year and I see him being a better overall center than Okafor. Thats in no way a knock on Okafor its just what it is. Okafor has a lot of holes that will start to be exposed on the next level while Towns barely has any.

Then you add in that the Knicks are looking to build a team/core through free agency and Carmelo. Am I "knocking" Okafor by saying that he wouldnt be an ideal fit next to Carmelo? I "dont watch college basketball" because I think it might be a mistake to pair our ball dominant superstar that doesnt play great defense with a ball dominant center prospect who doesnt play great defense, when there are 2 other prospects available that I see not only as great prospects but GREAT fits for this team?

You seriously going to tell me that I am hating on Okafor by saying that him, Melo, and Love would be an absolute defensive nightmare? Im hating on Okafor by saying that we are severely limiting what we can do in free agency this summer by drafting him? Youre going to tell me that the Knicks can still go after players like Kevin Love or Greg Monroe or Paul Milsap this summer when we know whoever we sign will have to be paired with Melo and Okafor?

If you want to hate on what I am saying at least be a little more specific. Because I back up every single one of my claims and dont know exactly where I am "knocking" Okafor, and I certainly dont know how it would seem that I "dont watch college basketball," considering that I have been religiously watching NCAA basketball this year, especially teams like Duke, Kentucky, and Ohio State. If you think what I am saying is wrong or hate though than I either think that you dont watch college basketball or you dont take the time to read everything that I write. Because there is no hatred on what I am saying, I am just realistically looking at who would be the best prospect for this team as well as the best fit in our system and our roster. 

Its not like anything Im saying is outlandish either, many mock drafts have had Towns and/or Russell ahead of Okafor. There are a lot of concerns about Okafor's game translating to the next level and I dont think the Knicks are the ideal team to cover those potential holes. We dont have the time or the pieces to build a team around Okafor. Aready having Carmelo locked up makes it even more difficult to do so, and that is if I saw Okafor being the best prospect to begin with, which I just dont. So instead of blindly saying people are "knocking" Okafor in here, how about you be more specific in terms of what you think? 
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i implore everyone to watch this duke game and see how okafor plays. sdsu is trapping the post every time and so far he's doing well kicking the ball out and reestablishing position. except for one possession.

Chris Herring ‏@HerringWSJ 39s39 seconds ago
13 minutes in, and Okafor is outscoring SDSU singlehandedly, 12-11.
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Okafor has it all...except defense.

if we get a top 4 pick it's almost impossible to screw it up
At this point idc, as long as its top 3. Each player has their flaws, but I think their pros outweigh their cons.

Okafor - doesnt play defense, dominant offensively in the post
Russell - might have lots of off shooting nights, still gets teammates involved/great 3 pt shooter
Towns - foul trouble/cant stay on the floor, solid post game/great defense/good passer
Russell's inability to finish in traffic worries me. Main reason why I think he's a year or two away and will struggle initally. Not phsyically ready to compete with grown men and not necessarily wet enough or lethal enough off the dribble to supplement that. Damn good passer though. He'd be a good look for the Lakers.
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