2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

guys, get it through your heads...

we're not getting Philly's picks

We're the knicks, we don't fleece teams, they fleece us.

and lets wait and see how the ping pong balls pan first.

and WCS isn't dropping that far.

anything is possible my dude. for one, im not pessimistic and look at what cleveland was able to pull off. it CAN happen. now if we're talking about the actual likelyhood of such a thing, thats a different story.... :lol:
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I've been catching up on the last few pages and i agree with most of what @Air Pope  has said. Okafor is just a bully in single coverage and you can give him the ball at the top of the key and he will get to the hoop for an easy two. He also passes soooo well out of the double team. He is bulkier than towns, too, but is horrible for a fast paced game.

After seeing KAT down the stretch against Notre Dame i don't know how you don't pick him number one though. Dude was so damn dominant and just automatic.

WCS's offense i so bad i don't understand where you guys are coming from. Yes he has length and size and is a great rim protector but no way I'm passing up a chance at Okafor to get WCS.

I'd take Mudiay or Winslow over WCS any day of the week
I've been catching up on the last few pages and i agree with most of what @Air Pope
 has said. Okafor is just a bully in single coverage and you can give him the ball at the top of the key and he will get to the hoop for an easy two. He also passes soooo well out of the double team. He is bulkier than towns, too, but is horrible for a fast paced game.

After seeing KAT down the stretch against Notre Dame i don't know how you don't pick him number one though. Dude was so damn dominant and just automatic.

WCS's offense i so bad i don't understand where you guys are coming from. Yes he has length and size and is a great rim protector but no way I'm passing up a chance at Okafor to get WCS.

I'd take Mudiay or Winslow over WCS any day of the week

WCS had a smaller defender on him so many times & couldn't score due to lack of skill. That's crazy to me.
calamari is gonna get out coached.

He's more of a motivational speaker than a coach to me.
he's solid to very good dont get me wrong, but yeah, Bo Ryan is gonna give him that work this weekend. calamari is definitely a great motivator.

I actually have a feeling that Wisconsin is gonna pull it off. They have the talent & great coaching. Kandinsky is also a force offensively. He's gonna get those bigs in a lot of foul trouble.
Kaminsky and Dekker are two talents UK hasn't faced all year. Cal's merits will definitely be tested and I'll love to see how these two guys outwit each other. Gonna be a classic game.
I hope to hell Calipari sics WCS on Dekker for the entire game.
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i wanna see WCS guard him and how Bo would react to that. man that game is gonna be a chess match.
i honestly can't wait.

It's a shame that wisconsin wasted that absurd 3 point shooting night against arizona because that might've been their best shot against kentucky. If they light it up like that again 
I picked 80s Madonna it was a toss up between her and Katy Perry. Mariah Carey got a bad body but her personality is just too much at times, I would have got some of them cakes then kick her out the crib, Britney Spears in the toxic video/slave MTV VMA perfomance would get it.
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I picked 80s Madonna it was a toss up between her and Katy Perry. Mariah Carey got a bad body but her personality is just too much at times, I would have got some of them cakes then kick her out the crib, Britney Spears in the toxic video/slave MTV VMA perfomance would get it.

brittney now though :x isnt she back in rehab or something?
ricky ledo with his 2nd 10 day contract?

and apparently phil is happy with shved? i wouldnt mind resigning him. hes like a poor man's ginobli.
This might be the first game I watch since lord knowns when.

Most of us are going on damn near 2 seasons of an almost complete strike of Knicks basketball.
worst record is a must

worst case scenario we get Mudiay/Winslow, which is not bad at all
i see winslow becoming a james harden with real defense.....I see how he handles the rock,his intensity,ability to take contact..i have a good feeling about the kid.
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