2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

definitely lowered expectations this coming season. phil jackson had a very bad first year

i kinda don't have the energy to be cheerleading for the unknown with this team anymore. i'm gonna be cautious

did he though? i mean he cleared house and freed up some cap once he realized this team isnt going anywhere, instead of waiting until it was too late. tbh, this is the best season we've had in long time in terms of actually having a structure for the organization. yeah, i wouldve preferred to make the playoffs and all that, but we have a really good start at rebuilding without having to be the sixers. we have a top 10 player, cap room, and a top 5 pick. i cant be too mad. id rather have one ****** season, then be a bottom feeder like the sixers for years.
Yeah i'm just expecting the worst now so that I can be surprised. Bill Simmons was talking about how bad our prospects are on his Podcast last week, and that was when it truly sank in to me that most likely we will end up with a draft pick that could go either way and end up overpaying for guys that won't make us contenders anytime soon. :smh:

There is no way we get the likes of Marc Gasol, LMA, Butler as much as i'd like that to happen.
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Simmons is a Celtics fan, his opinion is invalid

his team isn't gonna be doing anything relevant in the near future either
I do not believe that drafting Towns will prevent the Knicks from pairing Melo with a combo forward (as opposed to a traditional 4). Like Gasol, Towns protects the rim well and has the potential of being a two way force. Despite being 10 pounds lighter and two inches shorter than Gasol, Towns has the same wingspan as Gasol (7'4 wingspan) and a greater standing reach (9'5). Additionally, Towns is only 19, and Gasol will be 31 next season. Towns would be a raw, athletic center that can be just as great a fit as Gasol, with a brighter future. Plus, Towns could still get a growth spurt, he's that young.

The Knicks should NOT employ a traditional lineup. Melo needs a forward who can shoot 3s while being able to defend both the perimeter and the post (Draymond/ Jeff Green, Tobias....) If not, It will be 2011 all over again: the logjam that was Melo-Amare-Tyson.
I somewhat agree with this and I have brought up the possibility of drafting Towns to be our rim protecting center while still pairing Melo with a combo forward like Jeff or Draymond Green instead of a true 4 like Monroe or Aldridge.

Like I have said a couple of times though, the only major issue that I have with this would be Towns getting into foul trouble. Towns is young and raw and still very skinny to be the lone rim protector of an NBA team. In a little over 20 minutes per game of action, Towns led the SEC this season in fouls per game. If Towns is fouling that much in 20 minutes of SEC basketball, just imagine what it would be like as the starting center and lone rim protector on an NBA team.

There would be sure to be plenty of speed bumps along the way, as opposed to with someone like Gasol who is an elite post defender/rim protector right off the bat. But again it is all temporary and could actually be viewed as a potential positive. Towns has a ton of potential and room to grow. He has the offensive skill set to be a tremendous all around athletic forawrd with range out to the 3 point line, post skills, great passing ability, and the ability to take the ball from the elbow in the triangle and use his speed to blow past opposing centers to the hoop. That is a dangerous ******* force. And although there would be plenty of speed bumps in throwing Towns into that rim protecting role right away, it might force him to grow up/develop as a rim protector/post defender even faster, which could ultimately be a very good thing.

So yeah, I agree with you. It is possible  to draft Towns and still pair Melo with a combo forward as opposed to a true 4. I think the IDEAL fit in between Melo/Towns would be Draymond Green, because he is one of the best defenders in the NBA and compliments Melo perfectly. However, he is obviously going to be very tough to get. It would be hard to out bid hometown Detroit to get him to sign an offer sheet to begin with, and if we are able to get that far it would be tough to out bid Golden State not to match. But he would be a great fit in between Melo/Towns because he defends the paint well, so Towns would have to focus more as a rim protector than as a last line of defense defensively. Don't get it twisted there is a major difference between the 2 with just rim protecting being a much easier task for a rookie big man to handle than a last line of defense who constantly has to account for defensive lapses bt the rest of the team. a Classic example of this "last line of defense" center would be Tyson during his time here and Marc Gasol in Memphis having to always compensate for a weak *** defender like Z-Bo.
did he though? i mean he cleared house and freed up some cap once he realized this team isnt going anywhere, instead of waiting until it was too late. tbh, this is the best season we've had in long time in terms of actually having a structure for the organization. yeah, i wouldve preferred to make the playoffs and all that, but we have a really good start at rebuilding without having to be the sixers. we have a top 10 player, cap room, and a top 5 pick. i cant be too mad. id rather have one ****** season, then be a bottom feeder like the sixers for years.
Agreed. I am glad that Phil cleaned house right when he saw the writing on the wall instead of pulling some stupid **** just so we could get to 30 wins and achieve absolutely nothing except his pride and less of a tongue lashing by dumb *** NY media folk who like to make a big deal out of pointless **** like the Knicks having their worst record in franchise history. At the end of the day isnt a good thing that Phil/Fisher have done something this season that no Knicks team has done before? Even if it is accumulating more losses than any Knicks GM/coach of the past, if we are doing **** that Isiah and Layden didnt do then I will take that as a step in the right direction. 

All in all I also view this season as one of the most successful Knicks season in recent memory. I for one would MUCH rather be in this situation right now then be a 7 or 8 seed in the playoffs about to get man handled in the first round. It is very rare that there is a draft like this that comes around and even more rare that the Knicks actually have their own first round pick.

This season was the perfect storm to tank and have a great draft pick and I am glad the Knicks took full advantage of it. It was known that we were not going to be truly competitive until after this summer with a low playoff seed being the most optimistic prediction possible, so I am glad that the Knicks have used this gap season to truly be bad. We knew that this team was going to undergo a major overhaul this summer regardless of what our record was so it only helps our cause to have a top draft pick in addition to the cap space we were already planing on using to fix the roster.
exactly. i mean look at the celtics. they have some good young players, but theyre going to be mediocre....forever. at least the knicks can start fresh and actually build something into hopefully a title contender. at least the culture is changing and moving in the right direction. teams like boston, new jersey, new orleans, etc. are gonna be just moving laterally for the next few years.
they won't be mediocre :lol: they have what will be lottery picks from the nets, cap space, they're honestly in a pretty good position rebuilding wise. tons of picks and cap space can be used in a myriad of ways.
definitely lowered expectations this coming season. phil jackson had a very bad first year

i kinda don't have the energy to be cheerleading for the unknown with this team anymore. i'm gonna be cautious

did he though? i mean he cleared house and freed up some cap once he realized this team isnt going anywhere, instead of waiting until it was too late. tbh, this is the best season we've had in long time in terms of actually having a structure for the organization. yeah, i wouldve preferred to make the playoffs and all that, but we have a really good start at rebuilding without having to be the sixers. we have a top 10 player, cap room, and a top 5 pick. i cant be too mad. id rather have one ****** season, then be a bottom feeder like the sixers for years.
that's one way to look at it i suppose. i wasn't even talking about making the playoffs cause i definitely had no expectations for the team making the playoffs this season after even 10 games into the season. i'm just still a little sour about how much the knicks got fleeced in their trades this season. beggars can't be choosy, etc - it was right to get rid of players, but the team got very little back in return. i kind of expected more there at least

also, every year is about restructuring. we bottomed out this year so there's no way to go but up, but team's been trying to restructure for how long now?
Yeah Boston got enough draft picks for 5 teams :lol:

Either way...we might have direct our eyes on some less unheralded players and see if we can capitalize. Guys like Jerebko....can shoot the 3 so he can function as a stretch 4, solid rebounder and best of all we wouldn't have to offer him crazy dollars.
that's one way to look at it i suppose. i wasn't even talking about making the playoffs cause i definitely had no expectations for the team making the playoffs this season after even 10 games into the season. i'm just still a little sour about how much the knicks got fleeced in their trades this season. beggars can't be choosy, etc - it was right to get rid of players, but the team got very little back in return. i kind of expected more there at least

also, every year is about restructuring. we bottomed out this year so there's no way to go but up, but team's been trying to restructure for how long now?
I don't look at the JR/Shumpert trade as getting "fleeced" although it may look at that way from the outside. IMO I look at that trade as trading JR's contract and Shump (who wasnt gonna be a Knicks next year regardless) in order to improve out best asset (our draft pick).

IMO with talent like JR and Shump on the team the Knicks would have had a late run or 2 in them like they did last season and finished the season with close to 30 wins. When you look at the trade as we dumped JR's contract without taking another one in return and swapped a top 10 pick for a top 3 pick, I say that is a good smart forward-thinking trade by Phil in that scenario. Especially with the both of them seemingly trying as hard as possible to kill every shred of trade value that they might of had.

Now the Tyson trade, we might have gotten a little bit fleeced on that considering that Devner got 2 first rounders back in return for a less effective big men on an expiring contract. But at the end of the day it still amde our team worse thus improving our most important asset. IMO that is how you gotta view those types of situations from this past year. Anything that made the Knicks worse this past season had trade value in strengthening our greatest asset (draft pick).
Either way...we might have direct our eyes on some less unheralded players and see if we can capitalize. Guys like Jerebko....can shoot the 3 so he can function as a stretch 4, solid rebounder and best of all we wouldn't have to offer him crazy dollars.

This made me want to unsubscribe this thread til 2017
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Either way...we might have direct our eyes on some less unheralded players and see if we can capitalize. Guys like Jerebko....can shoot the 3 so he can function as a stretch 4, solid rebounder and best of all we wouldn't have to offer him crazy dollars.

This made me want to unsubscribe this thread til 2017
:rofl: I would like all the notable names possible but the chances are slim. A lot of these guys are probably not leaving and we can't overpay on EVERYBODY because then we'll end up short. Might have to look for a bargain somewhere as long as the player involved can contribute.
:rofl: I would like all the notable names possible but the chances are slim. A lot of these guys are probably not leaving and we can't overpay on EVERYBODY because then we'll end up short. Might have to look for a bargain somewhere as long as the player involved can contribute.

Jerebko tho? [emoji]128553[/emoji]
Phil Jackson: Getting 2-3 Players With Talent Changes Direction Quickly
APR 21, 2015 11:15 AM

Phil Jackson faces another critical offseason running the New York Knicks.

While Jackson's challenge last summer was to re-sign Carmelo Anthony, he must decide what to do with a high lottery pick this year.

"We hope that it's a rejuvenation for our team," said Jackson of the Knicks' impending offseason.

Jackson reiterated that he'd consider trading the Knicks' first round pick but that he'd prefer to develop the pick into a franchise talent.

Jackson also said how quickly NBA teams can improve.

"Getting two or three players with talent changes your direction quickly," said Jackson.

Jackson is also looking forward to the rising salary cap.

"We're moving into a new direction of free agency."
:rofl: I would like all the notable names possible but the chances are slim. A lot of these guys are probably not leaving and we can't overpay on EVERYBODY because then we'll end up short. Might have to look for a bargain somewhere as long as the player involved can contribute.

Jerebko tho? [emoji]128553[/emoji]
Yeah. Not like he'd be starting, but I think as a role player he'd work out well enough. Just need him to spread the floor, he's active, good enough athlete and he understands to keep the ball moving. He isn't as bummy as y'all think.
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Think Cleveland would have giving us two first rounders had we held on to Tyson Chandler? Mozgov is younger and is more offensive though.

And trading Iman + JR, it helped us clear JR Smiths $6.7M off the cap next season and helped us attain a possible top 3 pick
now we just need to get rid of caldo. if he actually showed up this season, i wouldnt be that pressed for him to bounce. but 7mil for a 30+ year old pg is too much.
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