2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

id actually be fine if we got stuck with galloway and brooks as our pgs. we dont need a superstar pg for the triangle. i mean obviously i want an upgrade, but i wouldnt be mad at that combo. i think drafting KAT is more important than anything else. we NEED i repeat NEED a post defender. if only larry sanders wasnt such a **** up...
In order to win in 2015 NBA and beyond, you need a PG. I get that the triangle never really focused on PGs in the past but that was a different era of basketball. The triangle never focused on a big man either, doesn't mean that Shaq/Gasol/Bynum couldn't dominate it in LA.

The triangle offense calls for specific skill sets and using those required skill sets, it exploits different positions that the defense gives you. It is a sort of read and react offense that favors particular types of skill sets from various different positions but it is still known as an "equal opportunity offense," meaning that any particular player in the offense could take over and score the most or do whatever all depending on what the defense gives you.

Just because the triangle has never relied heavily on PG does not mean that an elite PG couldn't thrive running the triangle offense. Like I said, the Bulls never had anything resembling a post threat but Shaq still played the best basketball of his career in the triangle in LA.

If you look at the NBA standings of the past 2 seasons you will notice that team success has become far more correlated with PG play than any other position. PG in the NBA has become increasingly like a QB in the NFL and having elite level play from the PG has almost become a requirement to be successful nowadays. I mean I guess some teams have managed to find success without truly elite play from the point, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to have that advantage. It is why Golden State has been so dominant, it has been why Toronto has won the East the past 2 seasons despite trying to tank and even teams like Houston and the Cavs who don't have elite PG play necessarily have their team's ran through Lebron and Harden who control the offense like a PG.

IMO if the Knicks want the triangle to work in 2015, the most important step is to find a franchise PG. Just like with the Lakers and Shaq, just because a PG has not been elite in the triange before does not man that absolutely can't happen. At the same time, similar to requirements from a center in the triangle, the triangle PG still has a typical prototype that it favors. This prototype is pretty much a taller PG with good court awareness particularly in the half court and the ability to hit open threes. If the Knicks find a franchise PG who fits this prototype, IMO he can be the elite level franchise PG we are looking for to stay afloat in 2015 NBA while still playing through the system.

As I have explained before, THIS is why despite my love for Karl Towns and are very obvious need for a rim protector, I still like D'Angelo Russell in the draft. I see Russell being a key for the Knicks to evolve the more traditional triangle offense into fast paced/PG driven 2015 NBA basketball. Russell possesses all the basic needs of a triangle PG and would be able to bring so much more to the table as a PG, secondary perimeter scorer, and as a leader/extension of Fisher from the floor.

Obviously if we draft Russell we still must find ourselves a rim protector, but that is why I think that the Knicks REALLY need to go after Marc Gasol HARD in free agency. He is the perfect piece for this team. He is the only player available who possesses the skill set to be a prototypical triangle center/post scoring threat and also the rim protector/post defender we need defensively. IMO if the Knicks find a way to start the rebuilding process by drafting Russell (the perfect triangle PG/franchise PG) and signing Gasol (the perfect triangle center/rim protector) we will be good to go from there.

Obviously there are a lot of ways that we could go this summer and there are more than one or two ways for us to be successful, and I will be jimping for joy if we land the hometown #1 pick/franchise center in Towns, trust me I will. But it is hard to throw out every single scenario so if we are talking about ideals, mine is still drafting Towns and signing Gasol. IMO hat gives us the most lee-way moving forward.

It also places a lot of focus on the backcourt (obviously spending our highest draft pick since Ewing would be considered a lot of focus), because IMO it would be a mistake to spend all of our attention/money into trying to piece together a front court before addressing our needs in the backcourt which are just as prudent and potentially more important. That is what we tried to do when assembling the "Broadway Bigs" of Melo/Tyson/Amare and I don't necessarily think it would be a good look to try it again.

Another area of concern for me, and others who have addressed it, is the desire to move Melo back to the 4, or at least pair him with a forward (like Jeff or Draymond Green) who he could split duties with at the 3 and the 4 depending on the situation. This could be very easily done if we signed Marc Gasol with him being amongst the best rim protectors the NBA has had to offer, successfully making Memphis a defensive powerhouse in the difficult Western Conference despite having to cover for Zach Randolph the past couple of years who is a worse defender than Melo is. If we signed Gasol (and drafted Russell) we could move Melo to the 4 and not have to worry. However if we chose to draft Towns, we are more likely to probably go after a 4 in free agnecy like Greg Monroe or Milsap or one of the ones available, which could potentially work like I have said many times, but the only drawback would be that it would essentially lock Melo into playing the 3. We could always not do that and move Melo to the 4 next to Towns at center, but there is always the concern about Towns being too young/raw to cover for Melo defensively and being our sole rim protector just yet considering that Towns led the SEC in fouls per game this past season despite playing just about 20 MPG.

In the NBA, next to Melo on defense, he would most likely be a fouling machine during his first couple of seasons. At the end of the day this could actually have a positive effect in forcing Towns to learn on the spot so to speak and develop into an elite rim protector even faster than initially thought, but there would be sure to be a lot of speed bumps along the way. Not the biggest deal in the world, just nit picking really. Just something extra to think about, and another reason why I see the only draft/free agent combination with as close to 0 flaws as possible to be Russell and Gasol.
Who does the Knicks really want though? Like I don't think I'm sure who our main focus is on, whether it's the top 3 prospects or any free agents
Knicks need to go big or go home. I'm not tryna see no "stopgap" signings. That is not gonna lead us to the promised land. Period
do we have a pretty good selection of FA options? yes.
do these options fit our system well? yes.
do these FAs play for playoff contenders? yes.
does that hurt our chances at signing them? yes.
do we hope for the best? yes.
are we going to be sad once the season starts? yes.

sorry guys :lol: :\
I think I'm done with basketball if that's the case

It's been 20 years since I first started watching...maybe it's time :frown:
I think if we can just do the complete opposite of what we've been doing in the past 20 years, then we'll be just fine.
Being a Real Madrid fan balances my being a Knick fan :lol:

If only the NBA had no salary cap too and Trolan can buy rings
Besides the trash basketball season & a iffy baseball season, the Rangers playing OD good rite now :smokin
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There's Aldridge may be leaving reports now too smh. Us Knicks fans never get a break. Unrealistic fantasy options like signing M. Gasol and Aldridge + drafting Russell will kill me.
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I do not believe that drafting Towns will prevent the Knicks from pairing Melo with a combo forward (as opposed to a traditional 4). Like Gasol, Towns protects the rim well and has the potential of being a two way force. Despite being 10 pounds lighter and two inches shorter than Gasol, Towns has the same wingspan as Gasol (7'4 wingspan) and a greater standing reach (9'5). Additionally, Towns is only 19, and Gasol will be 31 next season. Towns would be a raw, athletic center that can be just as great a fit as Gasol, with a brighter future. Plus, Towns could still get a growth spurt, he's that young.

The Knicks should NOT employ a traditional lineup. Melo needs a forward who can shoot 3s while being able to defend both the perimeter and the post (Draymond/ Jeff Green, Tobias....) If not, It will be 2011 all over again: the logjam that was Melo-Amare-Tyson.
I honestly think Gasol and Draymond are the Knicks top targets. They fit everything we're tryna do and compliment Melo PERFECTLY.
Yup. Give me those two and D'Angelo Russell and call it a MF day for the Zen Master 

... That's all! Have a great day Team NYK! #TeamBritney
definitely lowered expectations this coming season. phil jackson had a very bad first year

i kinda don't have the energy to be cheerleading for the unknown with this team anymore. i'm gonna be cautious
definitely lowered expectations this coming season. phil jackson had a very bad first year

i kinda don't have the energy to be cheerleading for the unknown with this team anymore. i'm gonna be cautious
He overestimated our talent and overestimated how bad the EC is. The good thing is he realized it early on and moved onto another plan.
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