2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Sucks that Marc and LMA both have to play one another, if both got bounced in the first round...[emoji]128520[/emoji] haha
i'd put money on LA staying. he loves that team. he loves dame. paul allen loves what they have growing together. it's almost a family out there. no shot anyone leaves.
like hibbert, if we were one player away, i'd take the chance on reggie. cause at that point, you're so close and just that one piece is needed, the risk-reward is more favorable. with where we are as a franchise, where we need a lot of help, idk, just feel like we may be better being a little more frugal with this money. either way, i just want to see a good team fielded that plays hard, doesn't cause headaches and wins games.

this team actually played pretty hard. the problem is they just werent talented enough...obviously. id like to see a bunch of these guys back, just because of what they showed towards the end of the season. like 50 block game we had or whatever haha.
good group of role players. I'm content with them staying to come off the bench and adding some starting caliber players to them.
i'd put money on LA staying. he loves that team. he loves dame. paul allen loves what they have growing together. it's almost a family out there. no shot anyone leaves.
Man have yall seen what has gone on in the NBA the last decade? You act like any close knit team has never broken up before. No superstar has ever chased greener pastures.

Most places in the NBA, teams/players/organizations are close knit. How can they not be? It's all a bunch of young dudes in the prime of their lives making an unthinkable amount of money doing what they love most in the entire world with a bunch of other dudes that they consider to be their "brothers" that they go to war with almost every night. Even when you hear about players being "disgruntled" playing in a ****** losing *** city like Minnesota, these dudes still live sooo much better than 99.9% of the world. So especially when you are on a playoff team currently, everything is going to seem great from the outside looking in. Doesn't mean that new opportunities wont arise and players will leave.

At the end of the day money always talks. And I know that Paul Allen probably won't let himself get outbid but at the end of the day none of these dudes are restricted and they will all look out for their own best interests. Nothing is EVER guaranteed to stay put in the NBA, just how it works. Title contenders are constantly being torn down, and you are talking about a borderline playoff team in the incredibly difficult Western Conference like they are as thick as oak and have no chance of being blown up.

I'm sorry I just don't see it that way. Maybe I am cynical but nothing is EVER set in stone in the NBA unless contracts are signed. Even last year when Aldridge turned down that 3 year extention because he wanted to wait until this summer and sign for 5 years because it "made sense financially" and that he had "no interest" in leaving Portland I still knew that nothing was guaranteed until his name was signed on the dotted line. Now there is a lot of talk that despite those earlier reports Aldridge is actually now "50/50 on whether he resigns with Portland." I'm sorry but that is how this **** works with the NBA. The writing is on the ******* wall. That is exactly how it went with Bron and Dwight and others so don't be shocked if that is what happens with Portland despite all of Paul Allen's $ and the "family mentality" they have built in Portland. ESPECIALLY if that "family" suffers an embarrassing first round playoff loss this year to another "family" that can be broken up just the same. Don't be fooled, anything can always happen and will happen.

However, the latest rumors are that if LA leaves Portland it would be to play closer to his native Texas so that wouldn't make very much sense for him to leave for the Knicks, but like I said you still never know. Maybe Phil's free agency presentation blows him away and he comes to the conclusion that the triangle offense and Melo and the weak Eastern Conference is exactly what he needs to boost his game the most and make a deep playoff run, and that NYC would do wonders to his marketing.

Again, I don't know about this but neither do any of yall. **** LA himself probably has no idea at this point but anything can happen between now and July 1st. Don't let yourself be fooled any differently. If LA wants to leave, then he will leave, and there isnt a damn thing that Paul Allen and all of his $ or anyone else could do to stop him. Just like there wasn't a damn thing Dan Gilbert and Mickey Aronson or Pat Riley with all of their $ and power and success could have done to stop Lebron from doing whatever the **** he wanted to.

You don't think Lebron was happy with the "family mentality" in Cleveland when they won 62 regular season games that 2009-2010 season? Or in Miami last year when Lebron was a 2x reigning NBA champion living his life in South Beach while Cleveland was floating their way through basketball purgatory before they were manhandled by a hungry San Antonio team in the Finals? Anything can happen with these guys 
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there was no family mentality in Cleveland man, Delonte ****** dude's mom :lol: And I'm almost positive LeBron went to Miami knowing it would be a short lived venture to just get those rings. He knew Wade was on borrowed time and he knew his wife never wanted to leave Ohio. It just made the most sense for them at the time to get it and come back if the Cavs created a better atmosphere which Cleveland did.

Portland is a special case since they have the budding talent that is literally knocking at the door to make a run. Once they address their bench, they're gonna make a Finals run. I just don't see anyone leaving that team or their billionaire owner being cheap enough to not entice his talent to stay. If you're expecting to even have a chance at these Portland guys, you're gonna be let down.

It's more likely we get a guy like Jimmy Butler due to Chicago's stingy owners, or overpaying for Dray than it is convincing anyone to leave the Blazers.
players might wanna leave chicago because tibbs has no chill. butler played over 38mpg and pau over 34mpg. coach has them gassed every game.
thibs prob gets let go so they might also have incentive to wanna leave because of that. who knows. but i dont see that bulls team staying together if Thibbs is let go.
there was no family mentality in Cleveland man, Delonte ****** dude's mom
And I'm almost positive LeBron went to Miami knowing it would be a short lived venture to just get those rings. He knew Wade was on borrowed time and he knew his wife never wanted to leave Ohio. It just made the most sense for them at the time to get it and come back if the Cavs created a better atmosphere which Cleveland did.

Portland is a special case since they have the budding talent that is literally knocking at the door to make a run. Once they address their bench, they're gonna make a Finals run. I just don't see anyone leaving that team or their billionaire owner being cheap enough to not entice his talent to stay. If you're expecting to even have a chance at these Portland guys, you're gonna be let down.

It's more likely we get a guy like Jimmy Butler due to Chicago's stingy owners, or overpaying for Dray than it is convincing anyone to leave the Blazers.
I agree that Paul Allen won't let anyone leave but these dudes are grown *** men, they will do whatever the **** they want. They will sit down at a later date when they arent surrounded/caught up by all the hooplah of the NBA season/playoffs and they will sit down with their close ones to make a decision. This is a selfish decision that has nothing to do with the team they play for and the **** they may say during the emotion of the NBA season. This will be a selfish decision that these players decide on what to do that is best for themselves. Their quest for personal and team success, their marketability/brand image, and their family/how close to home they want to be. Anything can factor in these kind of decisions and the decision that they come up with might surprise a lot of people based on what they have said in the past but that is just the nature of the business.

I mean come on, there was no way that at this time last year you would have predicted Lebron actually going back to Cleveland. I get the whole Delonte thing but still Lebron seemed genuinely happy in Cleveland before that whole **** went down and they lost to Boston. But last year was different. The Heat were primed for another title run while Cleveland just finished another abysmal season, missing the playoffs but not quite bad enough to get a game changer in the draft. I would have thought you were high if on 4/20/2014 (
) you told me that Lebron was going to leave that Miami team to go back to Cleveland and play on that dog **** squad. But then Miami gets terminated by the Spurs and Cleveland wins the lotto and then all of a sudden Lebron starts to do some soul searching, and Bam! Just like that, Lebron is going back to Cleveland. Pat riley was ******* shocked but there was nothing that he could do about it. Anything can happen and it happens just like that.

**** even now I am reading Grantland's Orlando Magic 30 for 30 and reading about how close knit that team was and how much they all enjoyed playing together in Orlando and then in the prime of their title contending years, when they should have been ready to take the step from young title contender to veteran title team, Shaq decides to go to Orlando and **** everything up.

Idk maybe Aldridge stays, but personally, knowing what I do about the NBA, to me it looks like he will leave. I am not saying he would come to NY but when I see an NBA star go from "definitely 100% staying" to 50/50 during the playoffs" I am smart enough to know that it could only go down from there, especially with an early playoff exit. This is how this type of **** works and personally to me, it looks as if when LA sits down with his agent and his family, when that time comes to make a decision, he will choose to go in another direction. And when/if that time comes there isnt a thing that Paul Allen and his $ and Super Bowl ring is going to be able to do about it.

I'm not gonna write in this forum right now and predict LA to the Knicks this summer, but if I had to guess, it looks like he will leave Portland from an outsider's perspective. So all I am saying is don't get all caught up in all of this Paul Allen/family talk like a "family unit" led by a powerful billionaire owner has never before been torn apart by free agency before. It can happen and will happen again whether it be with Aldridge this summer or somewhere else. So don't be surprised. I certainly won't be. That's all I am trying to say.

EDIT: Also I don't believe that Butler/Kawhi will stay because of the "family unit" aspect either. I believe that both those players are staying because they are restricted and I believe at the end of the day the Bulls and Spurs won't let them go. So even if both of those players make a decision to go elsewhere this summer, in those cases the billionaire owners WILL be able to do something about it if that time comes, and I believe that they will for those guys 
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i always said and felt LeBron would return but I'm not sure if that was me being a dumb hopeful bitter ******* or not :lol:
Yeah I actually wanted Bron to leave also. Just because I didn't believe he would actually have the balls to leave again, and if he did I wanted people to see that he was as much of a full of **** coward as I have always known he was. And also because **** Heat fans... But little did I know that Lebron would use the move to his advantage, and that even though he was technically pulling the same exact stunt he did in 2010 by leaving a team he helped build behind for a younger more talented team in a better position to win rings, people would love him even more for it. Never underestimate Lebron James' marketing and the stupid people who buy the **** he sells man
I'm almost convinced we wont get Gasol, LA, Love, etc. So at this point my ideal/realistic lineup is...

Dangelo Russell
Robin Lopez
i think Jimmy will stay in CHI, but if he leaves it'l be because of Thibs leaving/Chicago's cheapness
id actually be fine if we got stuck with galloway and brooks as our pgs. we dont need a superstar pg for the triangle. i mean obviously i want an upgrade, but i wouldnt be mad at that combo. i think drafting KAT is more important than anything else. we NEED i repeat NEED a post defender. if only larry sanders wasnt such a **** up...
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