2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Son said 31 yr old like stars aren't at their absolute best in the late 20s/early 30s. Lebron has been hurt for the past few seasons and I don't hear people talking that **** about him falling off. Melissa hasn't even fallen off and yall calling for it. Hasn't he actually gotten better?
Weren't you on NT in December?
probably missed it amid the hairline jokes

Well I stand corrected. NT wild boy.
Exactly! Ridin coatails of Bronnie, Irving and Love. JRs best year in NY was when he came off the bench as an x factor and relied upon nite in nite out..

JR stepped out of his boundaries the last couple of seasons. he wanted to be a starter, but hes really a 6th man. he got what he asked for and look what happened, he faltered. but i always liked JR, so good for him playing for a contender. i'll be pissed if he wins a chip before melo though.
Exactly! Ridin coatails of Bronnie, Irving and Love. JRs best year in NY was when he came off the bench as an x factor and NOT relied upon nite in nite out..

JR stepped out of his boundaries the last couple of seasons. he wanted to be a starter, but hes really a 6th man. he got what he asked for and look what happened, he faltered. but i always liked JR, so good for him playing for a contender. i'll be pissed if he wins a chip before melo though.
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Dude Melo goes from Atkins diet skinny last offseason to the Aftermath rapper starter kit

Watch we get a PF and C and dude is forced to slim back down :lol:
i dont know whats worse that chandler dunk that was a goal tend or when al harrington hung on the rim and caused a technical... both cost us the game but both equally as dumb :lol:
Why have I never heard of the Chandler goaltender before

Just saw it for the first time :rofl:

**** is a classic blooper and should be in the Shaqtin a fool hall of fame
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Melo gonna come byke and lead us to the 7th seed :pimp:

hairline lookin immaculate also

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Dude Melo goes from Atkins diet skinny last offseason to the Aftermath rapper starter kit

Watch we get a PF and C and dude is forced to slim back down
Smart move by Melo. Trim the excess fat with mad diet and cardio and get super skinny like he did last summer. And then once you are all skin and bones lift your *** off doing rehab and get swole. The better Melo keeps his body the better he will age, considering that he already has the kind of game that should age well compared to other NBA players.

The skinny/cardio look gets him in better shape than he has been which is less on his body and improves his stamina/endurance, and then the lifting improves his strength so he could beast inside the paint once he loses a step or 2 on the perimeter. So I like what I see here.

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^ Have you watched the past 2 Knicks seasons? JR was a ******* cancer man. This isnt 6th man of the year JR, he wasnt producing and his clown *** DGAF attitude was a virus to the entire team ever since he cost us the playoffs in 2013 by head butting Terry and them going ice cold vs the Pacers. Losing JR was like the Pistons losing Josh Smth this season. Addition by subtraction.

Get off your hating. You act like Phil has destroyed this team when in reality he took a broken *** team and gave us a top draft pick in a talented draft for the first time in my life time and cap space this summer and all that didnt even cost us Melo. If you would have told me that this time last year I would have signed anywhere you asked me to.

And that is ultimately why I turned around on Phil. I HATED the Phil move when it happened. figured it was another publicity stunt by Dolan to turn people's attention away from the catastrophe of the season. I didnt think 70 year old Phil with 0 experience would have the hind sight and patience this team needed to turn things around. But he has done right by me and I can recognize that. The Knicks are in a good place right now and a lot of that is Phil's doing I couldnt give 2 ***** about the whole "worst record in franchise history" that the media loves to shove down his throat like that makes him a failure.

And LOL @ "extinct offense." Yeah the "extinct offense" that won him championships across 4 different eras of the NBA including the most recent time he was in the league in 2010.

You act like that was 1980. The triangle has proven its test across time and could absolutely work with the right kind of commitment and personnel and that is what Phil is doing right now. He is building this team with the triangle in mind and it might work and it might now but don't tell me that is is "extinct" because it hasnt been in the league since it won a championship in 2010.

And I get that dudes like Rambis and Shaw flamed out with the triangle in addition to countless other Phil disciples (even in the late 90s with dudes like Jim Cleamons even when Phil was proving that the triangle definitely worked in that era with the right personnel, so Idk how you could get the triangle being "extinct" just because a couple of assistants havent had success with it in this era, if that is what you are basing your argument off of), but those teams NEVER tried to build a roster in the triangle's image. They got the coach but did nothing more to help them try and instill the offense. The triangle could work but it definitely calls for a certain type of personnel it isnt about the era.

I mean Minnesota hires Rambis to run the triangle and then drafts Rubio and Jonnt Flynn DIRECTLY ahead of Steph Curry? Come on. That was idiotic even then. David Kahn could have given Rambis an excellent triangle fitting franchise PG in Curry and a triangle fitting big in Jordan Hill right off the bat hut instead gave him 2 PGs who were AWFUL fits for the offense. But sure lets blame that on the triangle even though at the SAME TIME it was busy winning championships in LA.

And then the Nuggets win 57 games playing in George Karl's fast paced offense before hiring Shaw. That team wasnt made for the triangle it was made for fast paced basketball. Shaw was a bad fit on that team from the start.

But sure, lets blame that on the triangle being "extinct" despite thriving in the NBA from 1990-2010. Come the **** on. I know you are smarter than that. Youre willing to throw anything out there right now that contributes to your Phil/Melo hating. Just get with it.

I wish I could rep you twice
so since carlisle doesnt think rondo will be back next year. how much (or little) are you guys willing to pay to have him here? rondo definitely isnt going to get a max contract from any time. hes turning into deron williams after he left utah.
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i'd give him like 1 year $5 mil to prove he's not washed. low risk, high reward.

1 more vote!!!!
i dont know whats worse that chandler dunk that was a goal tend or when al harrington hung on the rim and caused a technical... both cost us the game but both equally as dumb :lol:

Oh gosh, I totally forget about Al Harrington's stupid play. His bald is probably the most ugliest I've ever seen.

Remember Nate Robinson shot the wrong basket against the Nets. My heart nearly stopped and thought referees were going to count it for the Nets.
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