2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Ya melo never really had great help which is why hes not successful in the playoffs. this is why i find it comical they say shump and jr are great because they play with lebron and not melo. lebron couldnt win anything until he joined a stacked miami team
if he wants to he could probably be better honestly. his motor and passion is questionable though. but the talent is there.
Exactly what I was thinking. Which is why I wouldnt be pissed if we took him (as long as we dont pass up a franchise PG by doing so and/or trade back and hopefully get a better PG option in the trade).

I didnt like the WCS mindset for awhile because I kept thinking "Why the **** get rid of Tyson just to draft WCS?" But I have since realized that drafting WCS basically gets us prime Tyson for a decade +. IMO he will be an elite defensive center from day one for the next decade +. You could do alot worse than that. He would come in and fill a GAPING hole for us from the second he enters the league.

Then if we could incorporate triangle offensive principles in him from day 1, he could become a solid triangle center. He doesnt have as many bad offensive habits yet, he is just raw as ****. Not trying to say he will ever be a good offensive center, but if he is taught the triangle from Day 1, he could take care of triangle center responsibilities similarly to how it was done in Chicago (as opposed to Shaq/Pau/Bynum in LA), all while being the best defensive center Phil has ever had. If we could find the offense elsewhere, we could get a lot worse than that in the draft.
I find it hard to believe either russell or mudiay wont be available at #4. if we cant get okafor or towns id go with a pg. we need a center badly more than a pg but at the same time if those 2 pgs are available at #4 you cant pass on either for WCS
I still disagree that we need a center more than a PG in general. I mean both are our 2 biggest needs, obviously. But just the way the league is set up today in general, and in order to best exploit Melo's strengths offensively in particular, I think need #1 is finding Melo a cerebral PG who can take away facilitating responsibilities and set up Melo as a scorer first.

Regardless of the triangle or not. I just think you need this to succeed in the NBA today. That is why I love Russell so much. IMO Russell is a potential franchise PG who would fit well with Melo and in the triangle and help evolve it into modern NBA times. Teams just dont do well without production from the PG in today's game. It has truly become the QB of the modern NBA. Look at the Knicks/Melo's track record as well as the NBA standings, and I think you will find that a floor general is of greater importance than a center is.
I still disagree that we need a center more than a PG in general. I mean both are our 2 biggest needs, obviously. But just the way the league is set up today in general, and in order to best exploit Melo's strengths offensively in particular, I think need #1 is finding Melo a cerebral PG who can take away facilitating responsibilities and set up Melo as a scorer first.

Regardless of the triangle or not. I just think you need this to succeed in the NBA today. That is why I love Russell so much. IMO Russell is a potential franchise PG who would fit well with Melo and in the triangle and help evolve it into modern NBA times. Teams just dont do well without production from the PG in today's game. It has truly become the QB of the modern NBA. Look at the Knicks/Melo's track record as well as the NBA standings, and I think you will find that a floor general is of greater importance than a center is.
Agreed i'm pretty sure we will end up with Russell or Mudiay at #4 why risk losing them in a trade for Ty Lawson or something else. These guys could potentially be the next top PG why risk it???
Agreed i'm pretty sure we will end up with Russell or Mudiay at #4 why risk losing them in a trade for Ty Lawson or something else. These guys could potentially be the next top PG why risk it???

i think those trade scenarios are if neither are available at #4. i doubt both PGs will be taken 1-3, but anything is possible.
Can i possibly be right ? Is it possible that KAT, who is signed to Melos agent CAA, who are known for getting players together, force his way to NY.. same way Melo did? Projected #1 pick not working out for both top two seeds? Philly will select a point which would likely allow KAT to drop to 4th, BUT the Lakers or T'Wolves can also just pick him anyway.

Karl-Anthony Towns Declining Private Workout Invite From Lakers
JUN 9, 2015 5:46 PM

Karl-Anthony Towns has resisted coming in for a private workout for the Los Angeles Lakers.

Towns has also declined a private workout for the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Reports emerged in May that Towns would interview but not workout with either team.
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Rubio is perfect for the triangle. He has great vision, still needs to work on his shots though. Sheeeet, I wanted us to draft Rubio but I wouldn't give up a pick just to get him.

:pimp: @ KAT forcing his was to us
KAT knows hes a top pick so no need for a workout... its been a long time a player refused to play for the team that drafted them... last time i remember was steve francis but i could be wrong..i doubt he lands on the Knicks but wishful thinking :lol:
Can i possibly be right ? Is it possible that KAT, who is signed to Melos agent CAA, who are known for getting players together, force his way to NY.. same way Melo did? Projected #1 pick not working out for both top two seeds? Philly will select a point which would likely allow KAT to drop to 4th, BUT the Lakers or T'Wolves can also just pick him anyway.

Karl-Anthony Towns Declining Private Workout Invite From Lakers
JUN 9, 2015 5:46 PM

Karl-Anthony Towns has resisted coming in for a private workout for the Los Angeles Lakers.

Towns has also declined a private workout for the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Reports emerged in May that Towns would interview but not workout with either team.

I just got up from my seat...
Uh Uh! We dont do that in here.

Say what you want about Starks, no Knick in our lifetime (after Ewing himself) truly understood what playing for the "New York" on the chest meant (or should mean) quite like Starks did.

Say whatever the **** you want about his playing style and/or his shot selection. I will always idolize Starks for that much. Dude came out of nowhere and embraced NYC as much as we embraced him.

It is why the JR Smith (mental ******* ******) comparisons SICKEN me. Because JR probably understood less than any Knick of our lifetime (after Eddy Curry maybe) what Starks understood best, and just what being a professional should mean in general.

I mean just look at what JR said after the game last night...

That quote right there is as JR as it gets. He doesnt give a **** about winning, doesnt give a **** about the fans, he just worries about himself getting **** on ******* Instagram. Dude has absolutely 0 regard for ANYBODY besides himself. Same ******* reason that when the Knicks were playing their worst ball in years, thanks to JR playing the worst ball of his career, he was out there having a great old ******* time, not giving a **** about anything going on, untying MF's shoelaces and ****. 

I backed up JR through all of his poor performances, even through Chris ******* Smith saga. "Shoelace-gate" is what drew the line for me defending him. And I will fully admit that I would have laughed at it if we were winning and JR was playing 6th Man of the year ball. I will fully admit that and I dont think that is hypocritical at all. The point was that we were ******* losing. And JR was averaging about 12 PPG on 30% shooting at the time. Like throw us a ******* bone. Show the fans who love and support you all the time through constant criticism that you give a **** even 1% as much as we do that we are losing. JR Smith is a loser and a mental ******* ******. always has been, always will be. And it is that mindset that he perfectly summed up in those postgame comments that sum up exactly why JR CONSTANTLY buckles under pressure. He did it in Denver, then in NY, and he is doing more of the same now. JR only "doesnt give a ****" when he is losing. Because he is a ******* loser. In the very sense of the word.

It is this reason why I almost always support ex-Knicks long after their Knicks years or done. It is the reason why the Warriors became my 2nd favorite team back in 2010, when they signed/traded for David Lee, the polar opposite of JR. It is the reason I support Nate Robinson like I am back in Middle School wherever the **** he ends up playing. It is the reason I supported Prigioni, Shumpert, Tyson, Amare, and and even ******* Mozgov throughout these playoffs.

Some of these players I have supported more than others but I supported each and every one of them none the less. Even an ex-Knick like Amare, who I have SO many issues with regarding his tenure in NY. But I still support Amare. Because at the end of the day, he as well as the rest of those players, gave a **** about being a Knick. They handled themselves like professionals and at least somewhat understood the honor it should be to call MSG your homecourt and wear that legendary "New York" across your chest. The same "New York" that warriors like Willis Reed, Clyde, Ewing, and Starks all wore with pride/honor before you. Showed some ******* respect.

I honestly dont care how anyone actually performed on the Knicks. Some of my all time favorite Knicks were extremely flawed players, I can understand that. But simply respecting/honoring the NY and our long suffering fanbase, just doing that ******* much, is basically enough to earn my support for the rest of your careers. Starks understood this better than any Knick of our lifetime (after Ewing). JR didnt give a **** about it. Dont get me wrong, JR LOVED being a Knick. He loved what playing in NY did for HIM, he liked playing with Melo, but he couldnt give a **** about the other way around. So just like I will forever despise dudes like Eddy Curry and Steve ******* Francis because of their NY tenures, **** JR smith. **** him so hard.

But dont speak blasphemous about the great John Starks.  Say whatever you want, but Starks was all ******* heart all the ******* time.


Great rant.

Who do you think is the most New Yorker Knick of all time? To truly represent what it means.
i read somewhere that we can waive Calderon before September 1st and use the stretch provision to pay off his salary over 5 seasons, instead of 2.
Nobody is coming here anyways so no point. All it'll do is free up more money to give even bigger contracts when we have to overpay.

Btw I'm gunna be pessimistic as **** until the day we're at least 20 games deep and over .500

However many years that'll take.
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