2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

what players did we trade that are actually good players now that would help the team? Mozgov? W. Chandler? Gallo has yet to play a full season since the trade & Felton is Felton.

we traded a bunch of role players for an established superstar, the picks kinda hurt us tho.
the picks and Mozgod have shown to be the only ones we'd miss.
what players did we trade that are actually good players now that would help the team? Mozgov? W. Chandler? Gallo has yet to play a full season since the trade & Felton is Felton.

we traded a bunch of role players for an established superstar, the picks kinda hurt us tho.
The biggest things that hurt us ended up being Mozgov (potentially prevented the Knicks from signing CP3) and the draft pick. But again, this is on Dolan. Unbelievable to continue to blame Melo for this. Only thing that could be used against Melo was making it clear he wanted to sign with the Knicks and not leave them blindsided like douchebag selfish *** Lebron would have done. But that is Melo. That is what I have been saying. He is loyal to a fault and wouldnt do that to Denver. He is authentic, and lying about his intentions would have been a fake *** Lebron move, not an authentic Melo move. If you want to ahte on him for that, than hate on. But dont hate on him because Dolan is a ******* moron. Dolan was a ******* moron long before Melo got here, and will continue to be a ******* moron long after he is gone. That is all I am saying.

... That quote in your signature really is unreal though 
He wants to be a Billionaire Tech investor and his wife is an actress...I'm supposed to hold that against him?

He couldn't have done those things in LA, next door to silicon valley with the premier NBA franchise? He wouldn't have gotten paid crazily if he went to Chicago (another Tech hub) and was currently playing in the Finals with that hypothetically stacked quad? He couldn't have forced his way to the Wizards and played with a team full of young stars for his hometown, who would also be instant contenders and only minutes away from NYC?

Come on, give the man a little recognition....the Knicks aren't the desirable organization y'all make them out to be. If we were, top free agents would actually be coming here, instead of using us as bargaining leverage every summer.

Y'all praise A'mare for having the bravery to come here....when he got an uninsured 100 million dollar contract, to sit out 60% of it and write children's books in Zoolander outfits. I never got that...he took a guaranteed 100 mill that NO ONE ELSE was going to give him. What's so noble about that? He didn't care about the Knicks franchise and showed it with his departure. He was the one purely following the money trail.

I'm not going to downplay the dollar sign but I do see some NY loyalty in Melo's stay here. From him re-building his childhood court in Red Hook to his reverence of Bernard King, dude's cares about the legacy of our franchise.
Melo's one of my favorite players in the league. Doesn't mean I gotta take his word as gospel.

That was more directed towards the numbered fellow. I don't take his words as gospel, but I also don't think everything he does is malicious either.
You call it malicious, I'm just calling it business.

I will admit I am disappointed in Melo somewhat, maybe even unfairly.
what players did we trade that are actually good players now that would help the team? Mozgov? W. Chandler? Gallo has yet to play a full season since the trade & Felton is Felton.

we traded a bunch of role players for an established superstar, the picks kinda hurt us tho.
The Nuggets had a better record than the Knicks did the year after the trade, in the West.

Yes Chandler, Mozgov, Gallo would be helpful.  Combined with the picks there would at least be movable assets.  More than anything else is the opportunity cost given up when you trade everything of value to build around a player like Carmelo Anthony.  Think about what got traded for Chris Paul a year later.  Think about the good players that have been drafted in the 1st since.
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over the haul gallo has been injured and inefficient and wilson was always just a role player.

i honestly dont care about what happened years ago. since you know, it's 2015 and i care more about what's happening today.
over the haul gallo has been injured and inefficient and wilson was always just a role player.

i honestly dont care about what happened years ago. since you know, it's 2015 and i care more about what's happening today.

So the right move would be to try and get Melo to waive his clause to accept a trade to the Bulls and get a young player and/or picks back in return.  Maybe even a Butler S&T if they're having contract difficulties or feel like panicking into "win-now" mode.
Melo's one of my favorite players in the league. Doesn't mean I gotta take his word as gospel.

That was more directed towards the numbered fellow. I don't take his words as gospel, but I also don't think everything he does is malicious either.
You call it malicious, I'm just calling it business.

I will admit I am disappointed in Melo somewhat, maybe even unfairly.

I always try to find common ground w: the players. Even w/ LBJ. I actually like the guy. I have no bad feelings towards him. But I feel like things should be fair. Ppl praise LBJ & bash Melo, when in fact, Melo has been more honest than LBJ. & great point brought up about Amare. If we're gonna praise that man, then we have to praise Melo for coming & staying even if money played a factor.
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Nah right move is to just sit tight with him. He's worth too much to the franchise, attendance, jersey sales, etc. to just trade.
The Nuggets had a better record than the Knicks did the year after the trade, in the West.

Yes Chandler, Mozgov, Gallo would be helpful.  Combined with the picks there would at least be movable assets.  More than anything else is the opportunity cost given up when you trade everything of value to build around a player like Carmelo Anthony.  Think about what got traded for Chris Paul a year later.  Think about the good players that have been drafted in the 1st since.
I'm not questioning your criticism of the trade. Just telling you it is COMPLETELY misguided. You use the trade to bash Carmelo when in reality you should be using it to bash Dolan. I have a lot of problems with the trade as well, but I understand that the fine details are not on Carmelo. When else has a player ever been bashed over ******* trade details like Melo?

And its not even like the Knicks lost the ******* trade. If the option was either making that trade or not getting Melo, I still make that trade even knowing what I do today. Because the trade got us Melo, a top 5 talent who is loyal to this team. We didnt give up anything spectacular in return. Could the trade process have been handled better? Certainly. But to me, getting Melo in that deal is MUCH better than not having Melo. And again for emphasis, stop ******* blaming Melo for dolan's mistakes handling the trade.

I dont even blame my least favorite Knick of ALL TIME (Eddy Curry) for being the centerpiece of probably the worst trade in Knicks history that cost us 2 ******* top 10 picks. I dont hate on Curry for the $ he made either. He is an NBA player, that is what he does. I HATE on him for being a fat lazy piece of **** who refused to work on his craft or make any sort of defensive effort whatsoever for years. Those are fair criticisms to make about a player. And anybody who remembers me during the Curry years remembers how much I used to criticize him for it. But the trade details and the money? That **** falls on Isiah and Dolan. Not ******* Curry.

Melo got traded here, played out of his mind for us, continues to work on his craft, and has dedicated himself to the team. That is all I can ask for from him. Anything else is on the organization/Dolan.

Its honestly more than I could even ask for given all the **** we have been dealt with. Melo is a true professional who loves the Knicks. Yet, you instead choose to criticize him for **** that he cant even control? People will always look to focus on the negatives as opposed to the positives here. Even when the ******* negatives are beyond his control 
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I'm not questioning your criticism of the trade. Just telling you it is COMPLETELY misguided. You use the trade to bash Carmelo when in reality you should be using it to bash Dolan. I have a lot of problems with the trade as well, but I understand that the fine details are not on Carmelo. When else has a player ever been bashed over ******* trade details like Melo?

And its not even like the Knicks lost the ******* trade. If the option was either making that trade or not getting Melo, I still make that trade even knowing what I do today. Because the trade got us Melo, a top 5 talent who is loyal to this team. We didnt give up anything spectacular in return. Could the trade process have been handled better? Certainly. But to me, getting Melo in that deal is MUCH better than not having Melo. And again for emphasis, stop ******* blaming Melo for dolan's mistakes handling the trade.

I dont even bash my least favorite Knick of ALL TIME (Eddy Curry) for being the centerpiece of probably the worst trade in Knicks history that cost us 2 ******* top 10 picks. I dont hate on Curry for the $ he made either. He is an NBA player, that is what he does. I HATE on him for being a fat lazy piece of **** who refused to work on his craft or make any sort of defensive effort whatsoever for years. Those are fair criticisms to make about a player. And anybody who remembers me during the Curry years remembers how much I used to criticize him for it. But the trade details and the money? That **** falls on Isiah and Dolan. Not ******* Curry.

Melo got traded here, played out of his mind for us, continues to work on his craft, and has dedicated himself to the team. That is all I can ask for from him. Anything else is on the organization/Dolan.

Its honestly more than I could even ask for given all the **** we have been dealt with. Melo is a true professional who loves the Knicks. Yet, you instead choose to criticize him for **** that he cant even control? People will always look to focus on the negatives as opposed to the positives here. Even when the ******* negatives are beyond his control 
Nah my problem with Melo is his on and off court demeanor and performance, not the trade.  I just brought it up because the way it went down flies in the face of what you have said about his loyalty, which I completely disagree with.

I agree that the trade is Dolan's fault, 100%.
So I have come up with a theory, think it is worth bringing up in NT...

So obviously Lebron has spoken about "extra motivation" that has carried him in the Finals. I figured this was just more of the same old Lebron media bull ****. To me, Lebron's motivation is the excuses he uses so desperately to fall back on and avoid people viewing him as a choker if he loses. To me, that is why he is playing so well and I called it right when Kyrie went down. But that is neither here nor there.

So yeah I initially brushed this talk off as more Lebron bull ****. Obviously, I ******* hate Lebron. It all goes back to what I said the other day about Starks and JR Smith. Lebron is like a better/smarter version of JR to me. To me, the principles are all the same. Lebron only ******* cares about Lebron. He doesnt give a **** about Cleveland and he never ******* has. He let that much be known over and over again to rationalize deserting them back in 2010.

Personally, I think Cleveland is weak as **** for accepting Lebron back with open arms like they have. I have felt this way from the start. Maybe this just my personal hatred of Lebron speaking, but I truly ******* believe that to the fullest extent. Like JR with the Knicks, Lebron loves playing in Cleveland. Lebron ******* LOVES all that Cleveland has done for his image/public perception. Just look at those hideous ******* commercials. However he couldnt give a **** about the Cleveland fanbase or the Cavs organization. I 100% think Lebron is full of **** and doesnt even consider Cleveland until he realized the Heat were done and the Cavs won the lottery. I have always remained committed to this stance.

Because I am a psychopath and a fan of principle for better or worse, I think Cleveland is a soft ******* city for accepting Lebron back as openly as they have. I think this because I wouldnt have done the same as a Knicks fan. I wholeheartedly believe this. If Lebron's career path had been with the Knicks, he would have been done for me as soon as he jumped ship in 2010. The whole "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" mentality. It is for this same reason that I fully admit that I wanted Lebron in 2010 and also admit he likely would have become my favorite player as a Knick, but I have no interest in ever ******* seeing Lebron in a Knicks jersey considering all that has happened since.

Maybe this isnt very "rational," but being a die hard fan never is. We run on raw emotion. If it wasnt for this basic principle, we would have all been able to leave the Knicks in our rear view a long ******* time ago. Yet, we continue to put up with all the bull **** and the losing.

I have always said that the only thing the Knicks could do for me to stop rooting for them is to hang MJ's #23 in the rafters. All due respect to MJ (I have a tremendous amount of that, despite hating him), but out of sheer principle, I could never root for the Knicks if they chose (or more likely were forced) to honor the player who single handedly prevented Ewing and the 90s Knicks from winning a championship in the storied Garden rafters. The same Garden rafters that John Starks cant even make it into.

Over the summer, there was some brief chatter (nothing serious obviously) from NY media about Lebron coming to NY to play with Melo. I came to the conclusion then that there were actually 2 things that could make me stop rooting for the Knicks. MJ's 23 in MSG rafters AND Lebron signing with the Knicks. I could never ******* root for Lebron. I just couldnt. I would know that Lebron is only in NY for what NY does for him and I could never allow myself to root for him. I maintain both of these stances. If  the Knicks were the Cavs right now, I am 100% convinced I would not be watching the Finals. There is no way you could convince me otherwise.

So anyway, that is just a little preface. Back to Lebron's extra motivation. I started to not brush it off as much right when I heard Lebron say that he will share what this motivation is IF the Cavs win the title.

Likely, it is still some dumb Lebron bull ****. But it at least got me leading to believe that Lebron might make some sort of major move this summer based off this "extra motivation" AND the Cavs winning the title.

Lebron is no dummy. He knows that he could never leave Cleveland again with his reputation in tact... IF he doesnt win a title first. In Lebron's stupid phony *** letter he mentioned his desire to win just one championship for the city he abandoned in 2010 (*like a little *****). Lebron has also in the past emphasized how is loyalty is to Akron NOT Cleveland. Sure, he is putting on a ******* act and acting like Cleveland's savior, but maybe this fact is still true. Just maybe Lebron wants to win a championship for the Cavs but NOT necessarily spend his entire career there. Sure would make the one year opt out clauses make a lot more sense wouldnt it? After all, the salary cap increase isnt until next season and Lebron STILL has a player option for this summer.

It got me thinking. MAYBE this is all part of Bron's "external motivation." Maybe Lebron is "extra" driven to win a title for Cleveland so that he can try and do the same ******* thing with another team this summer. Sounds crazy but would you really put that past Lebron? Would that REALLY ******* catch you off guard? Think about it, Cleveland has proven themselves to be a weak *** city in how willingly they accepted Lebron back into their lives. The Heat still love him. They are a weak *** fanbase as well. Maybe the weakest. I honestly think and I honestly think Lebron thinks that he could legitimately leave Cleveland after one year with his reputation in tact IF he wins them a title first.

But Lebron still cares about his reputation more than ANYTHING else in the ******* world. He cares so much that other people label him the GOAT... How could he do this and leave Cleveland? Enter the ******* Knicks. The Knicks are armed with all sorts of cap room this summer. We have MJ's former coach running the show, a top draft pick, and of course, Bron's "best buddy" Carmelo. The only one of Bron's "best buddies" currently in a struggling situation.

In addition, Lebron might seriously think that by playing in NY/MSG (a place he openly LOVES) and winning the Knicks a ******* title like he did with Cleveland, it might take his reputation to unforeseen heights. In addition, it would make Lebron more of a brand name than ever, being in the media capital of the world. Lebron 1000% thinks like that. In addition, we are probably the fan base that still ******* despises him more than any other now that he has successfully won Cleveland back. Could we possibly be next?

Lebron already ******* knows that he is considered a mercenary amongst many NBA folks. He went from Cleveland to Miami and back to Cleveland again. Maybe coming to NY and winning here is part of his "master plan," his "extra motivation," so to speak. We also offer him an excuse filled "low risk" situation having come off our worst season in franchise history. Which he also would LOVE. It would be the classic "buy low, sell high" type situation that Bron loves so much. As we could tell, Lebron plays best when he has excuses to fall back on. This was true when he placed as low expectations as ******* possible on himself in that initial letter and it is also true every time he speaks about injuries and being the "gritty underdogs" of the Finals.

I guess my question is, if you think about it, would this really surprise you? I dont think any of this will happen, but it just wouldnt throw me off guard. Not with ******* Lebron. It all makes a lot of sense to me actually.

You KNOW that Bron's "extra motivation" (at least externally) is not any source of media criticism. Lebron is smart enough as a marketer to not give any media member credit for that. Lebron knows as well as anyone that giving media criticism credit as his "external motivation" would only increase the following of that media member. Lebron would never do that. He wont admit that his "extra motivation" is excuses, like it actually ******* is. What else could it be for Lebron? Unless it is a family related issue like having another kid on the way (a significant possibility), I really think Lebron might have a major announcement coming if the Cavs win. And if it was some sort of family related issue, why would Lebron just not talk about it now? Maybe he doesnt want it to get in the way of his psyche, but maybe there really is something more at stake here.

IDK, the more I think about it, the more I cant disprove it using logic. All of it would make so much sense to me. I guess my other question is, if this all comes to fruition, who would abandon ship with me? Would any of yall accept Lebron fake *** repping the "NEW YORK" across his chest? Because I say **** that. **** that so hard. **** that for Patrick ******* Ewing who worked his *** off to win this city a championship but never succeeded, but also never ******* abandoned ship despite never playing with another all-star. I get it, the "times are different," but still, **** that. **** that so hard.

not this much detail... but this was my general rant that I mentioned that I went on after many many many beers in my system :smokin

annyyyyyttttthhhhhhhiiinnnggggg issss pooosssssiiiiiibbbbbllllleeeee
Nah my problem with Melo is his on and off court demeanor and performance, not the trade.  I just brought it up because the way it went down flies in the face of what you have said about his loyalty, which I completely disagree with.

I agree that the trade is Dolan's fault, 100%.
So informing Denver that he wanted to leave them in free agency to sign with the Knicks, demonstrating loyalty to the ******* Knicks/NY before he even got here, as well as Denver (the organization he had played for and built a great/respectful relationship with for 8 years) for not lying to their faces and leading them on just to **** them over like Lebron would have done, "flies in the face" with Melo being loyal? Gotcha bud... 
Pelé ‏@Pele · 50m50 minutes ago
Welcome to the football family @carmeloanthony . Good luck! pic.twitter.com/qFGWCLcX4d
View media item 1577346

The greatest football player acknowledges Melo

Old article, but I stumbled upon it earlier and it is interesting to re-read (even if it is the ******* Post)... 

[h1]  [/h1]
[h1]Why LeBron says he’s a ‘little jealous’ of Carmelo[/h1]
By Marc Berman

February 14, 2015 | 10:12pm

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LeBron James (left) and Carmelo Anthony share a laugh during the All-Star walk-through on Saturday.Photo: AP

[h3]MORE ON:[/h3][h6]NBA ALL-STAR NYC 2015[/h6]
[h5]Grande, dunks and Clinton: Best of the NBA All-Star Game[/h5][h5]Carmelo Anthony haters got all worked up over nothing[/h5][h5]What All-Star Game taught us about future of the NBA[/h5][h5]The ugly numbers from Carmelo's controversial All-Star start[/h5]

Carmelo Anthony and buddy LeBron James will share the frontcourt Sunday as teammates for the first time at the Garden when the first All-Star Game in this arena since 1998 tips off.

Foreshadowing of things to come? It’s probably a pipe dream, but James did raise eyebrows with remarks Friday about how great it is to play in the Garden.

Anthony wasn’t too surprised to hear of James’ comment. Asked by The Post what he feels about playing the Garden, James said no offense to Miami or Cleveland fans, but “If I could have 82 regular-season games in the Garden, I would because it’s the Mecca of basketball.’’

How about 41 regular-season games? On Saturday during the East’s open practice, James told the Garden crowd he loves the place “for the history. I’m a little jealous of Melo being the host.’’

Of course, James is known to pander to the crowd.

“He’s jealous of me?’’ Anthony said mockingly. “Don’t start nothing with that.’’

In December, James spent a night off in New York to sit courtside at the Garden, supporting Anthony.

“I’ve been able to be alongside him, play with him time in and time out,’’ Anthony said. “We go back all the way to high school when we played in the USA youth basketball games in high school and I was at Oak Hill [Academy in Virginia], he was at St. [Vincent’s]. I’m pretty sure he’d love to play in New York. I mean, nobody would say they don’t want to play in New York. How could you not want to play in this city and in this building?’’

Anthony, after gingerly getting through Saturday’s Garden practice, said he could just make a cameo on Sunday night, saying he will play “even it’s a couple of minutes out there.” Anthony has a tendon injury and he likely will shut it down after Sunday, eventually to undergo surgery.

Anthony and James have been Eastern Conference teammates in past All-Star Games and for the 2004, 2008 and 2012 U.S. Olympic Teams. But they never have been teammates in this arena, not even in the McDonald’s High School All-Star Game, and certainly not with the Knicks, who will have cap space in 2015 and 2016.

After spurning the Knicks in 2010, Akron’s finest will get another chance when he becomes a free agent in 2016 — or 2015, if he pulls a surprise and opts out of his contract.

Anthony will be surrounded Sunday by free agents whom he will try to recruit this summer. He said he decided against giving any pitch this weekend — a wise decision because the Big Apple will turn into the Big Icebox on Sunday, with temperatures potentially dropping to the lowest since 1993.

It will be toasty inside as Anthony teams up with 2015 free agent Paul Millsap, while the West boasts 2015 free-agent big men Marc Gasol and LaMarcus Aldridge and 2016 free agent Kevin Durant, who missed both of the Thunder’s games against the Knicks this season.

“I just want them to enjoy the weekend, especially those guys who this is their first time participating,’’ Anthony said. “Just enjoy the weekend, embrace this moment, have as much fun as you can.’’

The East is more nondescript than usual, with four Hawks from conference-leading Atlanta — Millsap, Al Horford, Jeff Teague and late add-on Kyle Korver — and first-timer Kyle Lowry in the starting backcourt.

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Kyrie Irving took All-Star MVP honors last season.Photo: NBAE via Getty Images

Kyrie Irving, the only true New York/New Jersey product other than Anthony, has a legit shot at repeating as MVP if the East wins. That is, unless Anthony feels he can get more minutes.

Anthony moved half-speed during the open practice.

“I didn’t do too much,’’ Anthony said. “I didn’t feel much. Just shot around, ran a couple of plays. I didn’t feel much but I didn’t want to push it.’’

There are other storylines, too. West center Marc Gasol tipping off against Pau Gasol — the first time brothers have faced each other in an All-Star Game. And there’s Steve Kerr coaching on the Western sidelines with the league’s best record while the team he spurned, the Knicks, have the worst (10-43).

But it always comes back to Anthony, the weekend’s ambassador playing on a balky knee, ready to shut it down amid criticism it’s inappropriate for him to be out there at all.

“That’s an honor for me to be able to start in the All-Star Game, on my home court, representing New York, in New York,’’ Anthony said. “For one of the biggest events in sports, for me to be that face, I’m honored to be that.’’
Again, I DO NOT want this to happen and I dont think it will ever happen. So no need to respond with "Knicks fan pipe dreams" kind of talk. That is missing the point. Just SAYING that it would not throw me off guard IF it did happen. Just an interesting theory I thought about based off of Lebron's "extra motivation" talk. That is all it is. So take it for what you will. 
I'm not questioning your criticism of the trade. Just telling you it is COMPLETELY misguided. You use the trade to bash Carmelo when in reality you should be using it to bash Dolan. I have a lot of problems with the trade as well, but I understand that the fine details are not on Carmelo. When else has a player ever been bashed over ******* trade details like Melo?

And its not even like the Knicks lost the ******* trade. If the option was either making that trade or not getting Melo, I still make that trade even knowing what I do today. Because the trade got us Melo, a top 5 talent who is loyal to this team. We didnt give up anything spectacular in return. Could the trade process have been handled better? Certainly. But to me, getting Melo in that deal is MUCH better than not having Melo. And again for emphasis, stop ******* blaming Melo for dolan's mistakes handling the trade.

I dont even blame my least favorite Knick of ALL TIME (Eddy Curry) for being the centerpiece of probably the worst trade in Knicks history that cost us 2 ******* top 10 picks. I dont hate on Curry for the $ he made either. He is an NBA player, that is what he does. I HATE on him for being a fat lazy piece of **** who refused to work on his craft or make any sort of defensive effort whatsoever for years. Those are fair criticisms to make about a player. And anybody who remembers me during the Curry years remembers how much I used to criticize him for it. But the trade details and the money? That **** falls on Isiah and Dolan. Not ******* Curry.

Melo got traded here, played out of his mind for us, continues to work on his craft, and has dedicated himself to the team. That is all I can ask for from him. Anything else is on the organization/Dolan.

Its honestly more than I could even ask for given all the **** we have been dealt with. Melo is a true professional who loves the Knicks. Yet, you instead choose to criticize him for **** that he cant even control? People will always look to focus on the negatives as opposed to the positives here. Even when the ******* negatives are beyond his control :smh:  

Why are you responding to this clown ? Conversing with haters is the last thing you want to do. How the hell can you speak sense into someone who clearly has an agenda and has been using the same shtick for YEARS on this board :lol: save yourself the keystrokes GR8
Why are you responding to this clown ? Conversing with haters is the last thing you want to do. How the hell can you speak sense into someone who clearly has an agenda and has been using the same shtick for YEARS on this board
save yourself the keystrokes GR8
Never seen the username before. Says he joined in 2012. His trolling must have taken place during my sabbatical. I'll leave it alone. And you are right, especially for me 
Dude is a gump and has Melo on his mind ALL THE TIME. Just look at his post in the NBA thread I think he averages a corny comment about Melo and the Knicks every 5 post or some ****. Dude is the male version of Jamele Hill
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