2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Melo wanted to come here and resigned largely because of money and convenience....but loyalty and purpose definitely played a part imo.

He's one of those street kids that are loyal to a fault. He's shown nothing but standup qualities in his professional career.

NY'ers are just super jaded.

Bron literally turned his back on his hometown team (and Miami) and came back home only because everything was perfectly aligned for his success....yet he's welcomed in Cleveland with open arms.

Melo has every reason in the World to cut ties and make easier money in at least a dozen other locales but forced his way here and stayed in spite of it all...still his hometown fanbase refuse to accept him.

He's not the perfect player but he is an authentic NYC star imo.

Winning a chip with the NY born underdog, who battled back from injury and media slander...would be a lot sweeter than winning with the hired hitman who has been giving the red carpet treatment his entire career imo.
Melo wanted to come here and resigned largely because of money and convenience....but loyalty and purpose definitely played a part imo.

He's one of those street kids that are loyal to a fault. He's shown nothing but standup qualities in his professional career.

NY'ers are just super jaded.

Bron literally turned his back on his hometown team (and Miami) and came back home only because everything was perfectly aligned for his success....yet he's welcomed in Cleveland with open arms.

Melo has every reason in the World to cut ties and make easier money in at least a dozen other locales but forced his way here and stayed in spite of it all...still his hometown fanbase refuse to accept him.

He's not the perfect player but he is an authentic NYC star imo.

Winning a chip with the NY born underdog, who battled back from injury and media slander...would be a lot sweeter than winning with the hired hitman who has been giving the red carpet treatment his entire career imo.

Well said. Well said.
Melo wanted to come here and resigned largely because of money and convenience....but loyalty and purpose definitely played a part imo.

He's one of those street kids that are loyal to a fault. He's shown nothing but standup qualities in his professional career.

NY'ers are just super jaded.

Bron literally turned his back on his hometown team (and Miami) and came back home only because everything was perfectly aligned for his success....yet he's welcomed in Cleveland with open arms.

Melo has every reason in the World to cut ties and make easier money in at least a dozen other locales but forced his way here and stayed in spite of it all...still his hometown fanbase refuse to accept him.

He's not the perfect player but he is an authentic NYC star imo.

Winning a chip with the NY born underdog, who battled back from injury and media slander...would be a lot sweeter than winning with the hired hitman who has been giving the red carpet treatment his entire career imo.
Thank you  for letting me avoid going in Du-Rant mode
Melo came here for the bread and Lala IMO. He stayed for the money too.

That man was screaming West Baltimore for the vast majority of his life....and yeah he had his fam here but he wasn't really claiming us like that till it was time for him to get traded. And that's cool, your here for the money that's fine. You wanna claim NY as your hometown, it's your preference.

As long as we get somewhere then it is what it is I. But I ain't labelling Melo as some type of hometown savior. Not yet at least.

You can proceed to slander me now.
He's one of those street kids that are loyal to a fault. He's shown nothing but standup qualities in his professional career.

He's not the perfect player but he is an authentic NYC star imo.


You really need to read the latest ESPN article on this guy and his motivations.
Melo came here for the bread and Lala IMO. He stayed for the money too.

That man was screaming West Baltimore for the vast majority of his life....and yeah he had his fam here but he wasn't really claiming us like that till it was time for him to get traded. And that's cool, your here for the money that's fine. You wanna claim NY as your hometown, it's your preference.

As long as we get somewhere then it is what it is I. But I ain't labelling Melo as some type of hometown savior. Not yet at least.

You can proceed to slander me now.

You do know that he came to redhook plenty summers before he came to the Knicks right? Lol. & NY wasn't the best possible situation for Melo when he arrived, & still isn't as of yet. Idk why ppl think he's a bad guy, but cut LBJ slack.
Melo came here for the bread and Lala IMO. He stayed for the money too.

That man was screaming West Baltimore for the vast majority of his life....and yeah he had his fam here but he wasn't really claiming us like that till it was time for him to get traded. And that's cool, your here for the money that's fine. You wanna claim NY as your hometown, it's your preference.

As long as we get somewhere then it is what it is I. But I ain't labelling Melo as some type of hometown savior. Not yet at least.

You can proceed to slander me now.

You do know that he came to redhook plenty summers before he came to the Knicks right? Lol. & NY wasn't the best possible situation for Melo when he arrived, & still isn't as of yet. Idk why ppl think he's a bad guy, but cut LBJ slack.
Didn't call Melo a bad guy. And yeah I know of the Red Hook summer time visits. I'm just calling it how I see it. Didn't say he's Satan. Amare came here for the money too. It's fine with me.
And yet he still refused to say he would sign as a free agent and made them trade their entire team for him.

What a guy.
Yeah youre right, Melo is a horrible dude for asking Denver to trade him because he wasnt going to resign, letting NY media go crazy with rumors, and probably holding a gun up to Dolan's head as he overruled Donnie Walsh to pull the trigger on the trade.

He probably just should have led Denver on, only to **** them over and leave for nothing like Lebron would have done.

I swear, dudes act like Melo drew up the ******* trade details. Melo simply told the organization that drafted him, the place he spent his past 8 ******* seasons at, that he wasnt going to resign in the offseason, and told them the place he wanted to go to (NY), so that the Nuggets could try and work out a deal instead of leaving them blinded and in the dust. Anything beyond that, like most dumb things that has happened with the Knicks this decade, is on Dolan. 
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Yeah youre right, Melo is a horrible dude for asking Denver to trade him because he wasnt going to resign, letting NY media go crazy with rumors, and probably holding a gun up to Dolan's head as he overruled Donnie Walsh to pull the trigger on the trade.

He probably just should have led Denver on, only to **** them over and leave for nothing like Lebron would have done.
Ahhh so telling Walsh he was going to sign with the Nets if they didn't trade for him was actually a sign of his loyalty to Denver and his need to get them something in return.

I understand now.

Street-level loyal mogul superstar right there.
Melo left for money, LeBron left for the best roster situation. They both did what suited their needs at the time. It is what it is.
Ahhh so telling Walsh he was going to sign with the Nets if they didn't trade for him was actually a sign of his loyalty to Denver and his need to get them something in return.

I understand now.

Street-level loyal mogul superstar right there.
Lol Melo never ******* spoke with Walsh that season. That would have been tampering. Anything that happened was driven by the NY media, and Dolan let the rumors get the best of him.
I swear ppl be acting like these dudes aired their girl out or something. It's one thing to dislike a player, but y'all be taking it way too far :lol:
Melo made it very clear from Day 1 that he only wanted to come to the Knicks. The Nets were a media driven rumor because they had the assets to pull off a better deal. However, even in recent years, Uriji has said that the Nets were never in serious contention and he used the rumors to tug at Dolan's strings. I mean, the Nets could have still pulled off a trade, and mabe they could have convinced Melo to resign, but nothing about the Nets ever came from Melo as far as I know.

Like I said, Dolan played right into Uriji's hands against Walsh's advice. Walsh didnt not want Melo, he just felt that Uriji was bluffing and he is right. AMAZING that people use **** like this to blame Melo. And the fact is that even if it was true, great players are traded for trade assets all the ******* time and they never get it held against them. Only Melo. Like Gallinari became the Italian ******* MJ or something. Get real.
I blame the Melo trade fiasco mainly on Dolan for being a idiot and getting fleeced....

Melo should've done what you guys said and just bounce at the end of the season but it is what it is at this point...
I swear ppl be acting like these dudes aired their girl out or something. It's one thing to dislike a player, but y'all be taking it way too far
Lot of NYers think Melo sucks.  Most Knick fans I know.  I understand you want to defend your team as is and be hopeful but you'll be very glad when the loser has left the building.
Melo's one of my favorite players in the league. Doesn't mean I gotta take his word as gospel.

That was more directed towards the numbered fellow. I don't take his words as gospel, but I also don't think everything he does is malicious either.
what players did we trade that are actually good players now that would help the team? Mozgov? W. Chandler? Gallo has yet to play a full season since the trade & Felton is Felton.

we traded a bunch of role players for an established superstar, the picks kinda hurt us tho.
He wants to be a Billionaire Tech investor and his wife is an actress...I'm supposed to hold that against him?

He couldn't have done those things in LA, next door to silicon valley with the premier NBA franchise? He wouldn't have gotten paid crazily if he went to Chicago (another Tech hub) and was currently playing in the Finals with that hypothetically stacked quad? He couldn't have forced his way to the Wizards and played with a team full of young stars for his hometown, who would also be instant contenders and only minutes away from NYC?

Come on, give the man a little recognition....the Knicks aren't the desirable organization y'all make them out to be. If we were, top free agents would actually be coming here, instead of using us as bargaining leverage every summer.

Y'all praise A'mare for having the bravery to come here....when he got an uninsured 100 million dollar contract, to sit out 60% of it and write children's books in Zoolander outfits. I never got that...he took a guaranteed 100 mill that NO ONE ELSE was going to give him. What's so noble about that? He didn't care about the Knicks franchise and showed it with his departure. He was the one purely following the money trail.

I'm not going to downplay the dollar sign but I do see some NY loyalty in Melo's stay here. From him re-building his childhood court in Red Hook to his reverence of Bernard King, dude's cares about the legacy of our franchise.
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