2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Mudiay's jumper is being overhyped as awful. It's a little mechanical, but I really think with experience and comfort, it can become reliable enough in games to not be a liability. In the motion of a game, he'll be fine. He just needs to smooth out his release and become more confident.
#4 straight up for Lawson? nah

#4 & Caldo for #7 & Lawson? maybe

Mudiay,Winslow, or WCS at 7. One of those 3 will be available 

i like that deal a lot actually, except ty's salary is 13mil in the final year of his contract. if we are gonna be stuck with jose for the full length of his, id rather pay 5mil more for a a much better pg. also, with the 7th pick we can draft justice or WCS. id rather draft WCS if we actually do sign monroe. a starting 5 of ty, THJR, melo, monroe, and WCS would be damn good IMO.

No "superstar" would let their team be the worst in the NBA. Don't care how many excuses are given, that does not happen with Top guys. That first half of the season was straight up embarassing.

Dead last in the league? Being in the eastern conference? Sorry if I'm not riding with Melo after that. My bad.

i can see your point, IF he played at least 70 games and wasnt injured. thats like russ or KD for not making the playoffs, when both were injured more than half the season.

If a player struggle to finish, then I do not want him to play for the Knicks.

Iman :x He gave me headache when he can't finish.

yeah thats why i dont want russell tbh. id rather have an attacking pg with a broken jumper (muddy), vs someone that CANNOT finish at the rim. you can teach someone to shoot, but you cant teach someone to not be afraid of the rim (shump).
Mudiay's jumper is being overhyped as awful. It's a little mechanical, but I really think with experience and comfort, it can become reliable enough in games to not be a liability. In the motion of a game, he'll be fine. He just needs to smooth out his release and become more confident.
I agree with that definitely. And I love Mudiay. I would be thrilled if we drafted him.

But Mudiay's jumper is worse and more troubling to me than DLoading's "ability to finish at the hoop." I get that topic is fresh on our minds with Shump and everything, and it is important, but that is nit picking for the sake of nit picking IMO.
I agree with that definitely. And I love Mudiay. I would be thrilled if we drafted him.

But Mudiay's jumper is worse and more troubling to me than DLoading's "ability to finish at the hoop." I get that topic is fresh on our minds with Shump and everything, and it is important, but that is nit picking for the sake of nit picking IMO.

Missed layups make me cringe :x

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yeah thats why i dont want russell tbh. id rather have an attacking pg with a broken jumper (muddy), vs someone that CANNOT finish at the rim. you can teach someone to shoot, but you cant teach someone to not be afraid of the rim (shump).
I agreed with almost everything you said, but labeling Russell as "someone that CANNOT finish at the rim" is SUCH a ******* reach.

Is he as good at Mudiay around the hoop? No. But they have very different styles of play, and DLo also has much more of a perimeter oriented game than Muddy. Better for today's NBA and the triangle offense anyway IMO (not that I think the triangle should be the end all be all, but it is important, and I like Russell more than Muddy regardless personally).

But is he ******* Shumpert around the basket? **** no. Russell is a very capable finisher. He is very crafty around the basket, just needs to add strength. I get it that Shumpert is still fresh in yall minds, but dont let yourselves go crazy with the nit picking. Saying that Russell "CANNOT" finish at the rim, must be the biggest cap exaggeration I have ever seen. 
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Yeah, D'Angelo isn't definitely Shumpert. Shumpert has no confidence in his offense at all. Hesitate all the time. So annoying. D'Angelo has that kind of confidence in himself. His athleticism concerns me a bit but he will be fine. His basketball IQ is the reason why I like his game. A great decision maker.
He's not Shump bad but I worry about how that's going to translate against bigger, stronger, nastier defenders in the NBA.

Like you said they're two different players, I just personally like Mudiay's attacking style of play more in comparison to Russell's game. Admittedly if they're still gonna continue force the triangle Russell might be a little better suited right now.
I also think the top 3 picks aren't gonna go as everyone expects. We keep hearing the top 3 is set but I think someone unexpected will go early and change the whole draft.
i didnt say russell is shump, but thats who he reminds me of and i dont want that again. im just saying, its easier to fix someone's shot vs trying to make them a rim attacker. bc if your shot isnt falling and you cant get to the rim, then what do you do?
I also think the top 3 picks aren't gonna go as everyone expects. We keep hearing the top 3 is set but I think someone unexpected will go early and change the whole draft.

i think the only guarantee is that KAT is going #1. i agree with you. i think there are gonna be a ton of surprises next thursday. i just hope we dont end up with bargs 2.0 or reach for someone like trey lyles.
Like you said they're two different players, I just personally like Mudiay's attacking style of play more in comparison to Russell's game. Admittedly if they're still gonna continue force the triangle Russell might be a little better suited right now.
That's fine. I love both Russell and Mudiay and would be thrilled to have either of the Knicks. Personally, I would take Russell all day. But thats me, and I could be wrong. 

I'm not looking to change anyone's opinions. I cant do that and wouldnt want to do that even if I could. I respect everyone's opinions in here (besides the trolls). It is what makes the group ******* function. This thread would ******* suck if we all agreed about everything and blindly accepted everything the Knicks did without criticism. That would make us ******* "cheerleaders" instead of "fans." Something that I am very strongly against.

Fans have opinions and fans need to be "won over." OKC, for example, has a bunch of ******* cheerleaders IMO. Sure they are loud, but they stand and clap all game like a bunch of ******* ********. NYers arent afraid to Boo when Booing needs to be heard. NYers are fans in every sense of the word. Emotional, loyal to a fault, and full of opinion that we arent afraid to voice. It is what makes us great. It is why if you do win us over and win here (prays to God), there is no better place to win in the entire ******* world. That is what I love most about being a Knicks fan.

However, I will try and point out when I think certain criticisms are being overblown. I'm fine with preferring Mudiay over Russell, even though I personally dont, but dont exaggerate/ nit pick Russell's game to shreds to try and prove a point. That's all I'm saying.

IMO Russell is a very adept finisher, just needs to add strength. He is confident and crafty as ****. Extremely skilled. I think Mudiay's jumper is much more of a "work in progress" than Russell's finishing ability right now. Not that either of those things cant be worked on and fixed with time. Russell should work on his finishing and Mudiay should definitely work on his jumper. But personally, Muddy's J scares me more than Russell's finishing, as I think it is worse off right now, and I also think shooting is more important for a PG than finishing given what the league is right now.

A league in which Steph Curry is the MVP and Rondo might be out of the league. Not that I am comparing Russell to Curry or Muddy to Rondo, those are both extreme examples, but I use the extreme example because it just shows what is valued in the league right now. Russell could become a great pro even if he never becomes a great finisher. He could get by being just a capable finisher, even though I think he can be more. If Mudiay cant shoot, than he better be a ******* freak everywhere else like Westbrook or Wall.
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I also think the top 3 picks aren't gonna go as everyone expects. We keep hearing the top 3 is set but I think someone unexpected will go early and change the whole draft.

I really hope this is what happens because then it would benefit us... but at the same time im already prepared to get mudiay at #4 which i dont mind at all
All I know is Porz, Kaminsky and Lin better not be on this roster this season or I'm done with the Knicks.
All I know is Porz, Kaminsky and Lin better not be on this roster this season or I'm done with the Knicks.
If Phil is confident enough in Zinger to take a chance on him, knowing all that is at stake for him and the Knicks with this draft pick, and knowing how crucified he will get by NY fans and media for taking a ******* Euro, I will have to just trust that Phil knows what the **** he is doing and be content.

I also love the idea of Porz being booed like a ******* mad man by Knicks fans at the draft, knowing what I have read about him and his mentality. How much he seems to want to prove wrong the "soft Euro" label that inevitably follows him... It would also just be funny for me to see. That place would ******* lose it 

The "safe picks" (aka Okafor if he somehow falls to us) are what really scare me... Yes, I understand that my favorite draft prospect (Russell) can also be labeled as a "safe pick." **** off 
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has the zinger actually worked out against other players? IIRC darko looked good in workouts, but he didnt scrimmage or anything. if we draft him based on that, im gonna be beyond pissed. im about to be a raptors fan then (born in toronto).
has the zinger actually worked out against other players? IIRC darko looked good in workouts, but he didnt scrimmage or anything. if we draft him based on that, im gonna be beyond pissed. im about to be a raptors fan then (born in toronto).
Porzingis produced playing for Sevlilla in Europe's top league. He also played in the EuroCup. His numbers are better than the Kentucky guys in similar minutes. Although you cant really go by that as a fair comparison, it is still worth noting.

Darko did not play in Europe's best league and his numbers were also not as impressive as Porzingis. I also think that Darko was more of an anomaly than people think. He had a lot of pressure being drafted ahead of Melo, Wade, and others in that class and he couldnt handle it.

But none of the top prospects work out against other players in 5 on 5s and stuff like that I'm pretty sure. Porzingis has given evaluators just as much of a sample size as any college kid.

Not trying to say he will definitely be a stud, but I'm not into generalizing players. I look at Porz just as I look at any other propsect and I think the "soft Euro" stereotype gives him a chip on his shoulder that other top prospects dont have. I honestly look at it as a positive more than a negative, cautiously. If he hears the Boos from Knicks fans on draft night, I am confident that it would only magnify this chip. Not saying I want him more than any other prospect, that isnt true, but I would be content with Phil taking him. Even if it is just because I would respect the **** out of Phil putting himself on the line, despite the surefire criticism, and just go "all ******* in." Instead of going with a "safer pick."

I am all about the people in charge tuning out the noise and going with their gut, because at the end of the day, media/fans will flip flop based on the success and failure of their decisions. They are really the only ones truly accountable. And Phil is here, and although he is new to the position, he has had nothing but success in the NBA. I will ride with him... Until I ultimately die with him. I either gotta be 100% behind him or not behind him at all. It's the way I am wired. I just gotta hope that he knows what he is doing. It would be hypocritical for me not to support Phil if he decided to go that route.

And maybe Phil will be viewed in the same light as Isiah one day. But until that day comes, he needs to trust his insticts. It is why he is where he is. You are not going to win anything playing it safely.Just look at how the Warriors have panned out. Joe Lacob has been visciously ridiculed at every point in the process. He did what he felt was right. Look at how it panned out for them.
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I keep coming into this thread forgetting that aside from da lulz, it's useless until draft night
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well the thing is, neither of the euros play the position we need. we dont need a lanky SF/PF like zinger or a guard like mario. we NEED a pg or center, point blank, period. if we dont draft either of those positions, we will be scrambling to fill the void in free agency and our options arent vast.
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