2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

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RUMORS:Suns offering 13 pick and Bledsoe for Knicks pick 4
12:09 AM - 18 Jun 2015
I'm not thrilled with any of the top 4-5 picks. I'd take Bledsoe and the 13. Not sure that any pick will contribute to championship run for at least 3-4 seasons...Especially given NY inability to develop talent.
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If the Knicks pass on that trade for Mudiay, than Phil is an ******* IMO.

I mean I love Mudiay. But he is very similar to Bledsoe. Bledsoe has proven his value and is still extremely young and loaded with potential. Phil has spoken about his desire to build a team of "young veterans." Bledsoe definitely fits the bill.

You take that deal, get your PG of the future and then you use that 13th pick on a player like Trey Lyles. A player I personally think is very under the radar as a prospect and a logical fit for this team. I think Phil does also. I would be VERY happy with all that playing out.

It all depends on who's left. Personally, I still like DLo over that deal. I am that high on him. But Mudiay and Bledsoe are so damn similar, might as well take the proven commodity of the 2 and get back a lottery pick in the process. We have too many needs to turn down a deal like that IMO.
If the Knicks pass on that trade for Mudiay, than Phil is an ******* IMO.

I mean I love Mudiay. But he is very similar to Bledsoe. Bledsoe has proven his value and is still extremely young and loaded with potential. Phil has spoken about his desire to build a team of "young veterans." Bledsoe definitely fits the bill.

You take that deal, get your PG of the future and then you use that 13th pick on a player like Trey Lyles. A player I personally think is very under the radar as a prospect and a logical fit for this team. I think Phil does also. I would be VERY happy with all that playing out.

It all depends on who's left. Personally, I still like DLo over that deal. I am that high on him. But Mudiay and Bledsoe are so damn similar, might as well take the proven commodity of the 2 and get back a lottery pick in the process. We have too many needs to turn down a deal like that IMO.

good logic... but to play devils advocate, when you have the second worse record in the league sometimes it takes somewhat of a gamble and roll of the dice on a player to see if he can turn out to be great rather than just good.

either way... in Phil, I trust.
there's a reason the Suns are offering their best player for an unknown:

a) he's unhappy there
b) they regret giving him that contract
c) they think Mudiay/Russell will be better

pass on the trade. if we were getting pick 7-9 in return than i'd do it
If they're similar why take the one making 10 million more?

13 is too far of a drop off pick wise.
Because Melo is 31 years old. Bledsoe is a top 10 PG in the league RIGHT NOW. Mudiay might have a higher ceiling than Bledsoe, but is it really by much? Bledsoe is a proven commodity, knows the league already, AND he has room to grow as a player. Still extremely young. If you are going to go with that KIND of PG, might as well take a player like that.

Bledsoe would be by far the best PG on the free agency market. I know you are worried about free agency, but if Bledsoe were in free agency, Knicks would probably be willing to spend a lot more than what he makes to get him.

It just doesnt make sense to me to draft Mudiay over the proven commodity Bledsoe, when we also would be getting a lottery pick to fill another need. And I cant emphasize enough that Bledsoe is still very young.

Bledsoe will obviously be better than Mudiay out the gate (SO important next to prime Melo), but there is also a strong possibility that he has the better future as well. We don't know this for fact. But are you really high enough on Mudiay to take a gamble on his potential as opposed to getting a player already as good as Bledsoe is, who plays the same style at the same position, and has serious potential as well, AND another lottery pick?..

I love Mudiay as much as the next guy, but I'm not.

and even if we do make that trade, the suns need to take caldo.

And who gives a **** if the Suns are higher on Mudiay than Bledsoe? That's their ******* problem. You gotta trust your own instincts to make it in this league. Of COURSE the Suns are ******* higher on Mudiay than Bledsoe if they are offering up this trade. Why the **** else would they do so? 

Unless Phil is absolutely IN LOVE with Mudiay and thinks he can become the best PG in the NBA, turning down this trade wouldnt make much sense IMO.
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Can't be making rash moves just based on Melo's age. Especially for a guy that's had a knee surgery. Give me Muddy spend that bread on a big.
This is what I don't get if he's similar to Muddy why take the guy that's older, making more money and has had a knee surgery?
This is what I don't get if he's similar to Muddy why take the guy that's older, making more money and has had a knee surgery?
Uhh maybe cause one would automatically be an all star in the east while the other looked alright while playing in China? Lol not that hard to figure out
Muddy will need a FEW years to become the player Bledsoe is NOW. Unless you get the 1 spot you're picking based on previous picks anyway and Muddy might not be available.
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