2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

This is what I don't get if he's similar to Muddy why take the guy that's older, making more money and has had a knee surgery?
Uhh maybe cause one would automatically be an all star in the east while the other looked alright while playing in China? Lol not that hard to figure out
and what happens when you don't have the money to sign the dominant big we need or Bledsoe tears his acl?

It's one thing if we had a top 9 pick in this deal n can get wca but at 13 you're looking at Kaminsky or lyles and you can't afford to sign lma or Monroe.
trading the 4th pick for bledsoe is such a knicks/isiah type move... making a trade just for the sake of it... bledsoe has had knee surgery so he could be damage goods and he relies on his athleticism so dont know how good he will be in the future...plus we need the cap room for this summer and next summer... i rather keep the pick and draft mudiay whos younger and a lot cheaper... its a more of a low risk high reward deal going that route
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and what happens when you don't have the money to sign the dominant big we need or Bledsoe tears his acl?

It's one thing if we had a top 9 pick in this deal n can get wca but at 13 you're looking at Kaminsky or lyles and you can't afford to sign lma or Monroe.
lol we dont need a dominant big just one the plays d.  monroe or lma paired with anthony?  lol do u try these scenarios out on 2k first or something?
Can't be making rash moves just based on Melo's age. Especially for a guy that's had a knee surgery. Give me Muddy spend that bread on a big.
This isnt a rash decision. Its a smart decision. You as much as anybody, like me, talk constantly about needing to maximize Melo's prime. Building a team around him. I'm not trying to promote trading our draft pick for Jason ******* Kidd, but you have to consider all factors, including Melo's age.

This is the kind of trade that can help Melo get to the next level right now and builds for the future as well. Knicks need to consider both. There is no guarantee that Mudiay will ever be better than Bledsoe. Bledsoe will not only be better out the gate, but he also has serious potential as well. In addition the Knicks are still getting a lottery pick. A player like Trey Lyles could potentially go a long way. 

If the Knicks were strictly a rebuilding process I would be more inclined to stick with Mudiay and bank on his potential. But that can take years if it happens at all. IMO this trade makes us immediately better right now, and potentially better in the long run as well. Unless Phil feels that Mudiay will be the best PG in the league one day, I wouldnt turn down that deal.

And the notion that we shouldnt spend our money on a young, dynamic, 2-way PG like Eric Bledsoe (and get a lottery pick) so that we can sign an overrated stiff like Greg Monroe to the max makes 0 sense to me either.

We would not be out of money after this trade, not even close. And we could address 2 major needs with EB and the 13th pick. We could still easily sign a rim protecting center after completing this trade, and spend the money we would probably use on Greg Monroe on Bledsoe instead.
i mean i would like bledsoe, but we need a higher pick than 13. at least give us a shot at WCS.

i smell a 3 team trade :smokin
i mean i would like bledsoe, but we need a higher pick than 13. at least give us a shot at WCS.

i smell a 3 team trade
I'm with this. Bledsoe wouldn't be bad, but who would we possibly want at 13. I don't see any of the bigs being there at 13, no way, no how. my question is, say we get Bledsoe, and a decent pick at 13, would we still be able to afford a quality free agent with Bledsoe's salary included?
denver gets: 4th pick plus caldo plus a 2nd rounder/whomever we got

phoenix gets: ty lawson and thjr

we get: bledsoe and the 7th pick
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denver gets: 4th pick plus caldo plus a 2nd rounder/whomever we got

phoenix gets: ty lawson and thjr

we get: bledsoe and the 7th pick
I dont think Phoenix does the deal unless they get the 4th pick. They just signed Bledsoe to an extention. I dont think they trade him to get back Lawson, who is older and just as expensive with a much lower ceiling.

I dont think Phoenix doesnt like Bledsoe, and I have never heard his name on the trading block before today. i dont think that they are looking to trade him for the sake of trading him. I think Phoenix is only dangling Bledsoe because they are committing to a rebuild. They probably know they have very little ceiling in the West, and would happily give someone like Mudiay the time he needs to develop while they collect lottery picks.

The Knicks do not have this same luxury, with a 31 year old Melo as our centerpiece and no first round pick next year. Which is why I like the trade for both sides.
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and what happens when you don't have the money to sign the dominant big we need or Bledsoe tears his acl?

It's one thing if we had a top 9 pick in this deal n can get wca but at 13 you're looking at Kaminsky or lyles and you can't afford to sign lma or Monroe.
lol we dont need a dominant big just one the plays d.  monroe or lma paired with anthony?  lol do u try these scenarios out on 2k first or something?
what defensive big are you going to get? you're not getting gasol. the next best option is robin lopez who probably stays in Portland if LMA leaves. you want to trot omer asik out there for 10 million a year? i sure dont.
what defensive big are you going to get? you're not getting gasol. the next best option is robin lopez who probably stays in Portland if LMA leaves. you want to trot omer asik out there for 10 million a year? i sure dont.
And this changes if we draft Mudiay because??.....
because you have 20 million to sign a player (or multiples) as opposed to 10 million? the roster is barren you need to bring in assets and cap space is pivotal to doing that. you take bledsoe great, now you have less cap space to play with and a power forward that's gonna come off the bench behind melo. rather have mudiay and spend that money on rounding out the team and filling holes at 2/3 and 5.
You draft Muddy you gotta commit to the rebuild since he wont be any good next year. Not playoff good anyway.
because you have 20 million to sign a player (or multiples) as opposed to 10 million? the roster is barren you need to bring in assets and cap space is pivotal to doing that. you take bledsoe great, now you have less cap space to play with and a power forward that's gonna come off the bench behind melo. rather have mudiay and spend that money on rounding out the team and filling holes at 2/3 and 5.
Bledsoe will cost this team less than Monroe. And he is the far better player. He should step in and immediately become one of the best PGs in the East. And it would let us avoid handing the team off to a rookie floor general.

IMO Lyles is very capable of starting on this team right away and becoming a very effective role player in the short term. Potentially much more than that in the long term. He is big enough to guard 4s and versatile enough to stretch the floor/play the 3 offensively. That is perfect next to Melo and in the triangle. There is a reason reports came out that Phil was "enamored" by Trey Lyles from day 1. He could be a terrific asset for us.

Now this still doesnt solve our rim protecting problem, but neither would signing somebody like Greg Monroe, who is a much worse fit at the 4 than Lyles would be. And drafting Lyles allows us to keep a player with a high ceiling from this draft class. Something that Bledsoe still has as well.

IMO give me Bledsoe and Lyles over Mudiay and Monroe easily. We still will have the cap to try and go after one of the centers as well as a solid 2/3 like you said. Just no more need to overspend on Monroe.
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i just rather maintain cap flexibility, especially with who's on the market in 2016.
We keep saying that whoever we get this summer we are going to have to overspend for. We are going to be spending money this summer regardless. Who the **** cares if it is trading for Bledsoe or signing a free agent like Monroe?

I'm all about maintaining cap flexibility and I am VERY against the idea of spending money just for the sake of spending it. But IMO signing someone like Monroe would be doing just that. I see no upside in a Melo/Monroe front court. Bledsoe is a lot more high upside and worthy of his contract. He would help this team become competitive immediately with room to grow from there. There is no other PG on the market who could offer this to us.

Maintaining cap flexibility is important, but it is more important that we maximize Melo's prime. This trade would allow that to happen while also not sacrificing our future.
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i dont want to commit to players that make us a 6-8 seed. sorry. not interested in that for the next 4 years. 1 thing being a 6-8 seed next year, but for the next 4 years? no.
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