2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Yeah I was never on board with that Caldo move but gave PJ the benefit of the doubt, strike one. LOL. I'm still riding with him for now.
worst thing he did was take back caldron's contract but i can live with that because at the time, it looked like a decent idea and upgrade from what we had.

the deal had potential, but that flopped. the fact that caldo is really the only negative phil brought, im not mad.
you really believe someone with 11 rings that has been involved with the nba since the 70s has no contacts?

don't buy what's being sold to you in any interview involving phil. we all know how cryptic and confusing he likes to be with the media.
Agreed. If you know Phil you know how much he LIVES for that kind of ****.

He is the king of delegating power to others to give them a sense of personal entitlement and accountability, while always remaining in COMPLETE control over everything and everybody on his team.

It relates to his whole ******* theory of people under him being cows in pastures or some **** like that, he talks about it a lot in his book. Im obviously paraphrasing, but he writes that he knows how to read others and how much "grass" they need and how much to "extend the fenses" of the pasture for certain people (Rodman for example, needed a lot of fense space because if you tried to micromanage Dennis it would only blow up in your face). But at the same time the fense is always there.

Phil always remains in complete control like any great leader does, he just knows how to delegate responsibility in a way that works for him. It relates to his Zen mindset about everybody contributing to success. Everybody playing a part in the whole. But at the end of the day, Phil knows as well as anybody that he is the ring leader. He knows how to get the best out of people, even if his methodology differs from other leaders like Pat Riley. He's ******* Zen. Thats what he has always been. Thats how he runs his teams.

He is also the king of plaing mind games with the media. Everything that Phil does is always a ******* mind game. Its always been that way. But he has always been extremely calculated in his actions and in total control, especially when he appears most unpredictable. I have no reason not to believe that he doesnt know exactly what he is doing this time around.
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Don't disagree with anything you guys are saying (JRS + greatest) but the house just stinks of **** right now and I can't help but to think these things. The fisher hire has nothing to do with what I'm thinking. All I'm saying is dude coulda gotten real assets for Tyson (picks) and he gave 120 mil to a guy who is all about the money and personal branding...yet today he says these are the types of players we won't go after.

Everything that's happened just seems very Knicksish yet because it's Phil and Carmelo we can't call it like it is? I totally agree that they both need more time to make a final judgement that's for sure. I'm not jumping off a cliff yet, just throwing some off season thoughts out there but if someone put a gun to my head right now and said in the next 5 years do the Knicks trend up or down? I say down without hesitation, that's all.
he gave 120 mil to a guy who is all about the money and personal branding...yet today he says these are the types of players we won't go after.

Melo certainly cares about his brand. Im not gonna deny that. But that is just the way the NBA is right now. All these guys dress like ******* idiots and all of these guys are very into their individual brands. They should be. They have an extremely small window to make an insane amount of money, compared to any other job in the world. Of course they all want to get while the getting is hot. It wouldnt be smart to completely forget about life after the NBA because one minute your the king of the universe and the next you are out of the show.

But that dog still very much lives inside Melo. He wants to win and he wants to win for the Knicks. That is all I can ******* ask. If he wants to go buy Puerto Rican soccer teams and wear stupid ******* fedoras in his free time, thats on him. As long as he doesnt stray from his ******* mission.

Saying that Melo is "all about the money and personal branding" is an utterly ridiculous notion. You must think Lebron is "all about winning" :lol:
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you have a guy like melo already on your roster, you give him the big contract he deserves because you dont just wake up every day and have the chance to acquire a player that talented. some may like him, some may hate him, but at the end of the day, melo is one of the best scorers in this league and if you already have him on your team, you need to keep him to have a chance at winning.

tyson deal, yeah, he could've handled it better. but i dont have too many qualms there. at the time it seemed like an ok move and hey, bad moves happen sometimes.
I know Melo is a polarizing figure but my Melo slander is justified. Dude put off surgery and rehab to play in London and the ASG. Lebron has nothing to do with this sentiment but if you wanna go there at least dude inspires those around him and elevates everyone's game. When Melo was healthy did he elevate anyone's game?

There's a reason the team 2 years ago was good. They had GREAT vets like Kidd, Camby, Kurt who kept the locker room in line. What happens the last 2 years when Melo is your lead dog? Guys quit in the 2nd quarter when they're down 15. Guys don't hustle because they see their leader not busting it. Don't even get me started on Melo being sensitive. This I know from people around the team. You got Melo going after THJ saying he wants to fight him when THJ tells Melo to hit the boards? Please what kinda leader does that? youd think the least he could do is help out the younger guys in a year like this one.

My Melo slander is based of going to countless games since we got him. Dude is a GREAT front runner. But watching his body language, general lack of hustle, and all the talk he does, it's a joke how people give him a free pass. You're the lead guy making 25 mil, don't say guy doesn't deserve blame. Oh and by the way he thinks he's the most underrated superstar in the league...but it doesn't matter to him, it only matters just enough for him to say it.
It wasn't just the vets that made that team great, though, it was the ball movement, spacing and knockdown shooting that disappeared after that year. We lost our shooters, we stopped running an offense under Sn, we barely had any talent last year while guys were learning a new system. I can't blame Melo for any of this. If and when a well-rounded team falters under Melo, maybe then I'll criticize him, but for now, he's the last of my concerns.
Btw I could write a typical greatest post on Melos defense and general disregard of it from an X's and O's standpoint but I've done that before :lol:

I totally agree that we had to take the chance to get him, but health, luck and circumstances are things all 30 teams have to deal with. After 3 and a half years certain things you see with Melo are how they're always gonna be. There's a reason people said the stuff they did in Denver when he left. I always felt that people out there were mad Melo didn't want anything to do with them but honestly a lot of the knocks on him out there aren't too far from the truth.
They're all reasonable gripes, but me personally, I'll reserve judgement on both Melo and Phil till I see the product they lay out and how that product plays out.
if social media existed in the 90s ewing prally would of got it bad just like melo with all the hate... they going to be like ya you made the playoffs but no chip to show for it... the lack of respect for star players in NY :smh:

when melo gets a better team around him and fails then i will past judgement... but when majority of your career you have JR as your second option the lack of success is expected... hes a loyal dude like pierce and not just jumped to a stack team and instantly win like lebron... but yet when lebron loses theres so many excuses
Knicks off-season break down

Player '15-'16 Salary
Carmelo Anthony $22,875,000
Jose Calderon $7,402,812
Tim Hardaway Jr. $1,304,520
Cleanthony Early $845,059
Langston Galloway $845,059

Cap Breakdown $ Amounts
Projected Salary Cap $67,100,000
Total commited $33,272,450

4th Pick $3,443,100
Cap Holds $525,093 per slot, with six slots empty.

Spending Money $ Amounts
Sign One Free Agent $27,758,985
Sign Two Free Agents $28,284,078
Sign Three Free Agents $28,809,171
Sign Four Free Agents $29,334,264
Sign Five Free Agents $29,859,357
Sign Six Free Agents $30,384,450

Where will the money go?

Player '15-'16 Salary Type
Alexey Shved $4,102,570 Qualifying Offer
Quincy Acy $1,181,348 Team Option
Travis Wear $1,045,059 Team Option
Ricky Ledo $1,184,095 Qualifying Offer

"Big Name" Free Agents '15-'16 Max Salary Knicks can offer (w/o Sign and Trade)
Level 1-Omer Asik, Draymond Green, Tobias Harris, Reggie Jackson, Knight, Leonard, Matthews, Monroe, Butler, Kanter, Danny Green, Middleton, Thompson $15,532,585

Level 2-Afflalo, Aldridge, Rondo, Dragic, Gasol, Hibbert, Jordan, Love, Lopez, Millsap $18,639,102

Level 3-Chandler, Wade, Al Jefferson, Ellis, LeBron $21,745,618

Do the Knicks have other money in addition to cap space such as exceptions?
Yes, the Knicks will be able use the "room exception" if they do not go over the cap (at the cap counts). This is $2,732,000 that will allow them to go over the cap and sign a player.
Rumor has it my favorite Knick is open returning because he loves the triangle. I'm down because he already got all of the money he's ever going to get and we know he'd be coming off of the bench.
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