2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I normally record my podcast on Thursday nights but I'm trying to get it rescheduled or something since I wanna actually enjoy the draft and the shenanigans that follow.
so whats the general consensus here on which pg to pick up? lets say philly gets the european and russell and mudiay is available who do we get?

Hopefully we draft Mudiay. I won't be mad if Phil chooses Russell.. To be honest, I just have a feeling that Phil might move down to WCS, Lyle or Payne.

I normally record my podcast on Thursday nights but I'm trying to get it rescheduled or something since I wanna actually enjoy the draft and the shenanigans that follow.

Nice, I know what you mean. I usually go to gym at night time on weekly days. I decide to skip that day and want to enjoy the draft as well.

probably home with my brother

i planned on going to Barclays until i saw tix were $50+ :smh:

I don't blame you. Going to Barclays on draft night was my first plan until tickets came out. :x My friends and I were like screw it, we will be going to BW3. Wings + beers + multiply televisions = winning
Ford said that Russel is from that Steph Curry and James Harden type of mold and Mudiay is in the Westbrook and Wall mold. He feels they both are very good passers especially from the P&R but he feels Mudiay has the edge cause he has the potential to be a top 5 defender because of his physical tools and athleticism.
He says to support his family, but it was because he wasn't going to get cleared to play ball because he went to Deion Sander's failed prep school.
He says to support his family, but it was because he wasn't going to get cleared to play ball because he went to Deion Sander's failed prep school.
I just read some background on him. Financial reason are def believable. Have a little more confidence in his mental fortitude considering his circumstances. He's had an injury as well so there's that..
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He says to support his family, but it was because he wasn't going to get cleared to play ball because he went to Deion Sander's failed prep school.
Larry Brown and SMU has denied these rumors.

But yall really love to pick and choose when you love/hate Chad Ford, dont you? 

I am strongly against anything to jeapordize our future. You go with the BPA and you do what helps this team for now and the short term. At the same time, while doing that, it is extremely important to consider ALL factors. 

We didnt sign Melo to a long term contract and make him our centerpiece to not build a team around him that fits his game and maximizes his prime. We did not hire Phil Jackson to run this team only to draft players that any shmuck could draft that he might not necessarily love and/or completely abandon the triangle.

Both Melo and Phil have had a lot of success in their careers, and the hope for the sake of our future is that by combining their forces and by incorporating other **** that has worked for us (like small ball with Melo at the 4, for example), that we maximize our team success. Regardless of what you might think about Phil and Melo, they are the 2 most important pieces in the organization right now, so we need to try and make the most out of it. I am fine with striking out as long as we strike out swinging.

When you swing, there is at least the chance we hit a home run. Like what the Warriors have done by trusting their gut through consistent criticism. You arent going to win anything in this league by playing it safe and not trusting your gut. By selecting players just because the consensus likes them the most. Anybody could do that ****. David Khan tried that **** and it blew right up in his face, and now everybody thinks he is a shmuck. Which he is, but as I said before, look through his draft record and you will see that he was the master of the "safe pick." It just didnt work out.

Having said all that, if it comes down to Russell and Mudiay on draft night IMO we need to go with Russell.

I mean he is my favorite prospect in the draft, but in addition to that, he is too perfect of a fit for this team. I have said for awhile that I view Russell in this draft as a gift from God if he is available to us. He is the perfect modern PG to evolve the triangle offense into 2015 NBA basketball and beyond. He possesses all of the basic elements of a traditional triangle PG and so much more. He is absolutely great for the direction the league is heading in general. He is 6'5, can read the defense and pass better than anybody in the half court, and he could hit from the outside.

In addition, I think his inner-confidence and scoring potential gives him the possibility of filling 2 major needs in one pick. Not only can he be our franchise PG of the future, but he could also be the secondary perimeter scoring option this team has been severely lacking. And he is also the kind of player that Melo can pass the mantle to when he is done, and even play 2nd fiddle to in a couple of years when Russell is coming into his own and Melo is on the decline.

IMO if the Knicks get a crack at Russell, it would be a huge mistake to pass him up. I know that a lot of you dont agree with me, and that is fine, but I strongly believe in this. I love Mudiay, but in no way do I advocate selecting him with Russell available to us.


But then again if Phil DOES decide to select Mudiay over Russell in that scenario (although I doubt he would), I couldnt be a hypocrite and not support Phil going with the prospect he liked more.

However, if Russell and Okafor are the 2 available (unlikely) and he chooses Okafor, I will be a little pissed. I would keep an open mind and hope that Okafor could win me over, but IMO drafting Okafor if he unexpectedly fell to #4 has "safe pick that wont pan out, but you make anyway because people will be pissed at you if you dont" written ALL over it.
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I dont see anywhere that mudiay is in the top 3 for mock drafts so we should be fine if we are looking to draft him
what y'all think about this interview with Phil in the times?

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think my man knows what he's doing as a GM. There's been plenty of HOF coaches who have been brutal GMs, I think this is gonna be another case of that.

Like I said I hope I'm wrong but man, seems like a really slippery slope we're playing with right now and there's not much to be hopeful about. We might be 2 years removed from that fun ride but what I can tell you is after 3 years of watching Melo, that guy is NOT someone you want on your team when the ship is sinking, or stuck in **** as we are now.
what y'all think about this interview with Phil in the times?

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think my man knows what he's doing as a GM. There's been plenty of HOF coaches who have been brutal GMs, I think this is gonna be another case of that.

Like I said I hope I'm wrong but man, seems like a really slippery slope we're playing with right now and there's not much to be hopeful about. We might be 2 years removed from that fun ride but what I can tell you is after 3 years of watching Melo, that guy is NOT someone you want on your team when the ship is sinking, or stuck in **** as we are now.

youre worried about the plan of the best basketball mind of all time? dont worry about what phils saying bro hes not passing up on the top 4 prospects
yeah i gotta admit i'm a little worried. not because of any interview though. i'm worried based on the terrible season the team had and the awful moves the team made in and out of the court
what y'all think about this interview with Phil in the times?

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think my man knows what he's doing as a GM. There's been plenty of HOF coaches who have been brutal GMs, I think this is gonna be another case of that.

Like I said I hope I'm wrong but man, seems like a really slippery slope we're playing with right now and there's not much to be hopeful about. We might be 2 years removed from that fun ride but what I can tell you is after 3 years of watching Melo, that guy is NOT someone you want on your team when the ship is sinking, or stuck in **** as we are now.
The way I see it is that Phil is here and I will fully support his vision until he loses my trust.

People LOVE to pick Phil apart (especially in the NY media) but at the same time he has really did almost nothing wrong since he has gotten here. He came here and we all said how this is not going to be an overnight process, yet people jump on him all the ******* time like we expect things to turn around overnight. Its amazing.

Isiah came here after Layden turned our roster to complete ****, and he acted immediately, and brought in more ****. Phil is staying patient and waiting to make his move. He is sticking with his plan. Nobody on this team has trade value, and he is waiting it out to get the kind of players that he envisions will help this team reach new heights.

I mean look at the Fisher hiring. It's classic bull **** Phil bashing. IMO it is SO hypocritical for people to **** all over Phil for hiring Fisher, yet rave about the job Kerr has done in Golden State. Phil had his eyes on Kerr before anyone else did. Kerr won an NBA championship as a rookie head coach in the right situation. Kerr is going to be a great NBA coach. It is obvious that Phil knew what he was doing. So how the **** can you support that notion, but at the same time label Fisher a bust hiring after year one coaching a dog **** team?

Yet people rip apart Fisher like he has no business being in the NBA. What the **** was Fisher supposed to do? Yes, he has some kinks to work out, but Phil chose Fisher for this team for a reason. It is part of his vision. The same vision that targeted Steve Kerr before anybody else did. And Kerr went with the better roster and he was right to. It has worked out great. But who is to say that if Kerr had come to NY he would be any less criticized as a coach than Fisher is now?

These coaches are a product of their players. Phil proved that he has a good eye for selecting his protege by targeting Kerr, who looks like he will be a great coach in this league for years to come. Who is to say the same exact thing isnt true for Fisher? How can you accurately judge that right now while Fisher is coaching the Knicks roster and Kerr took over a playoff team with room to grow? Sure he has overachieved massively, but the same might not have been necessarily true if he had come to NY. Or we really going to bash a young Derek Fisher because he had a bad roster? Give Phil the benefit of the doubt. Let him get the pieces he has in mind and THEN judge him and Fisher.

Phil has done nothing wrong since he has come here besides trading Tyson's expiring for Calderon's long term contract. I think that he knows that was a mistake but I also think he thought he was going to get much more out of Calderon. It wasnt some sort of earth shattering mistake like trading 2 unprotected future top 10 picks for Eddy ******* Curry, but a mistake none the less. But at the same time mistakes arent all black and white. It was a little bit of a lapse in judgement, with minimal impact on our future. Nothing worth harboring over and/or bashing him to pieces. Lets move the **** on.

Phil is here. He is one of the greatest basketball minds of all time and he is certainly the best that we got. I wasnt thrilled when we hired him initially either, but I also understand that there is no point in him being here if he isnt able to build the team the way that he wants to. As fans, we need to support Phil UNTIL he loses our trust. We dont need to support him unconditionally, we have our own opinions and criticisms that we should express, but we do have to give him some time. Give him the benefit of the doubt a little bit. At least for the summer. We knew coming in that nothing major was happening before this summer. 

Was having the worst record in franchise history a little embarassing? Sure. The media coverage especially made it ******* suck. But that is what the media does. They catastrophize. It gives them something to write about. At the same time, the same media members acting like the sky was falling this season will flip their switch and ride Phil's nuts like a ******* rocket ship if Phil is ever able to build a winner here. Look at how that has happened in Golden State from when Joe Lacob took over in 2010 until now. He was literally ripped apart for almost every single move that got them to where they are now. From signing Lee to drafting Klay to trading Monta to firing Mark. ******* everything. But Lacob and management understood that winning solves everything and they stuck with their gut throughout. Similarly, Phil is the only one truly accountable at the end of the day and he needs to do what he feels is best no matter what.

When you really think about it, doing anything that the miserable Knicks teams from this era havent done, is honestly a very good thing. Even if it is accumulating more losses. Think about it. The post 2000 Knicks have been stuck in a consistent state of mediocrity. That is because we have traded away our top draft picks and never finished bad enough when we had our draft picks to draft a real game changer.

Getting 23-30 wins and finishing with the 7th-8th pick in the draft would have been CLASSIC Knicks. Wouldnt have done us any good just like it hasnt in our past. Would doing that make you feel better about Phil/Fisher? Would that be "overachieving?" I mean potentially, but in the long term we would likely remain as stagnant as ever.

17 wins? Highest draft selection since Ewing even after getting ****** by the lottery? Thats some serious progress if you really think about it. It was honestly the best kind of season we could have had in a rebuilding year, especially with no first round pick next summer. Adds all sort of leverage to this summer in addition to all of our cap room.

Let Phil do him right now. Dont hold back your judgement/criticism, that would make you a "cheerleader" as opposed to a "fan," something that just isnt the NY way. Rather reserve your judgement for a later date. When the pieces to Phil's plan start to fall into place, for better or worse. Until then, just support and hope for the best. That is all.
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worst thing he did was take back caldron's contract but i can live with that because at the time, it looked like a decent idea and upgrade from what we had.
The interview just confirms everything I'm worried about with him being a GM. Dude has no contacts in the league and let's Mills run everything. Mills even says Phil is cryptic when speaking to him.

Everything Phil's done so far points to him not knowing what it takes to be a good GM. I'll hold off on judgement until after this season, and probably after the 2016 offseason but just being a Knicks fan, this seems like another 5-10 years of hopeless mediocrity.
you really believe someone with 11 rings that has been involved with the nba since the 70s has no contacts?

don't buy what's being sold to you in any interview involving phil. we all know how cryptic and confusing he likes to be with the media.
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