2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

It was tough reading the last 10 pages, but it's the usual banter from most Knicks fans. The sky is constantly falling over and over again :lol:

I wanted Mudiay so damn bad. In fact, I'll be watching him in Denver cause the kid is gonna be a star.

That being said, it's more than clear what the Knicks are trying to build here at this point, and if you pay attention objectively, you'll see how intriguing this is.

Jerian Grant is immediately our starting PG. He is the prototypical Triangle PG. Great shooter, great defender, great passer, and athletic. 6-5. He's the most pro ready of any PG in the draft and will be highly effective from jump. This trade is what made me accept the fact that we are taking a chance on Porzingis.

If we draft Mudiay, we get a potential great PG, and nothing else. No other potential good big man is available. Now you're forced to find that in free agency and that won't happen. Now you have Jerian Grant, who is ready from Day 1, which allows you to draft a potentially great big man. Now you have filled two major holes. Porzingis is athletic, he has great lateral movement which will allow him to guard the pick and roll. He can block shots. His offensive game is incredible. But mostly, his attitude is A1. All I needed to hear from him was...

A lot of fans weren’t happy they drafted me,” Porzingis said. “I have to do everything that’s in my hands to turn those booing fans into clapping fans. There’s nothing I can do. I was happy about it. I want to be part of this organization. Fans are a little bit harsh sometimes, but that’s how it is in New York and I’m ready for it.”

We're talking about his weight but guess what...don't nobody bang in the NBA no more! This is a perimeter league filled with perimeter players that's don't even know how to post up. He will bulk up. His style of play is the most important thing took at, and it is a perfect fit alongside Melo. They will be interchangeable at the 3-4 depending on the matchup.

Next season, for the first time...every player on the Knicks roster will have actual basketball skills. They will all be able to shoot. They will all be able to pass. They will be able to post. They will be able to shoot the 3. They will be able to run pick and roll. Everything the successful teams did this season...they will have the players to be able to do it themselves. Look at the Hawks. A bunch of "skill players" and no stars and they win 60. Well the Knicks can potentially be a team with all skill players, plus a Superstar in Melo. The key is getting another star to join. Knicks need Jimmy Butler, and a center. With David West on the way, he brings the toughness missing on the Knicks and he would be a great mentor to Porzingis and Bargnani (because he will be back next season as well, so we might as well get over the trade that brought him here, accept it and move on).

Jerian Grant
David West (soon)
Greek 2
Cleanthony Early
Jason Smith
Quincy Acy

Hopefully we shed Calderon's contract ASAP. Then you add a defensive big man (Robin Lopez?), a 3pt specialist/great shooter (Danny Green?), and a starting 2 guard that can score/defend (God willing...Jimmy Butler), and this team is ready to play ball and compete next season.

All skill players. Ball movement, cutting, shooting the lights out, post up, perimeter, run and gun or half court, plus good defense.

It is this well rounded-ness that I believe that Phil is going for, and I'm not mad at it. As long as there is a plan, I'm good to let it rock and see how they execute.

At the end of the day, Phil just placed the entire onus on him. All the pressure is on him now. Let's see if he fails...or if all he still knows how to do is win.

One more thing: Everyone needs to stop trying to define Melo's time as a star. Yall give Bron 5 more years of his prime when dude doesn't even have footwork or skills to outlast a drop in athleticism, yet yall are sooo sure he has 5 more years on top SMH. Melo, who's game is completely skill based, apparently only can expect to be good for 2-3 more years though. The logic is completely asinine :lol:. Like Phil said, Melo hasn't even reached his peak, and his skillset can allow him to be one of those players who has most their success in their 30's. With a highly skilled surrounding cast, I'm absolutely sure that Melo can have this type of ending to the 2nd half of his career.
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^ Sorry if I'm not throwing confetti for that lineup, and the Hawks won 60 and got scraped when it mattered.
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^ Sorry if I'm not throwing confetti for that lineup, and the Hawks won 60 and got scraped when it mattered.

That's a lazy reply. He clearly stated that they didn't have a star(which we have). He's just saying that if you add a star(or 2) to that formula then things could be really good.

If you think about it, GSW had 1 bonafide star, & a bunch of skilled players which won them a title.
If we could land Green & Monroe this off season, then I'd call this a success. I'm not as upset anymore about the draft. HOPEFULLY Krispy can contribute something this year. Upper body needs to get swole, but his legs don't look like Chandler tooth picks so that's good.
Well at least lst night proved that "long time Phil Jackson confidant" Charlie Rosen, the dude who the media keeps on interviewing about Knicks rumors, doesnt know a ******* thing. Just as little credibility as Broussard. :lol:

Which is very good, because he sounds like a ******* dumb *** every time he talks. You know, always in the media, the guy who said that Phil would take Okafor over Towns because Towns was "too skinny" and that he would like to pair Okafor with Greg Monroe because Monroe had a "big butt." :smh:

Then Phil goes out and drafts the railest mother ****** in the draft. Times is changing b. Get with it or get out of it. :lol:

Also drafting Zing makes me extremely not down on Monroe. Knicks are building a foundation right now, no need to spend max dollars on a player who isnt a good fit. No need to 2009 Detroit Pistons it and use up our cap space on not elite players/bad fits the summer before a better free agency class comes around.

The Knicks are also young and can use some battle tested veterans. Go and get David West to play the 4, not Monroe. West gives you some interior defensive toughness and he is more versatile offensively than Monroe. Then go out and sign another solid veteran 2 like Danny Green. Thats how I would do it at least.

A lineup of Grant, Green, Melo, West, Zinger would be an extremely solid, well put together foundation, with room to grow as a unit. With a solid mix of young talent and high character veterans, and also pretty much all local kids besides the Zing... For some of yall xenophobes :lol:

Also, count me in the minority, and I am still a huge Mudiay fan and I will be pulling for him to make it, so I dont want to come across as a hater, but I think that both Grant and Zinger will be more ready to contribute than he will from Day 1.

Mudiay is a project who plays the deepest position in the league. He basically took a year off from the game while Porzingis regularly contributed at the highest level of non-NBA basketball that there is available. IMO, all talk about Porzingis being less NBA ready than Towns or Mudiay or any of these guys really, stems mostly from ignorance and partially from his frame, which I have made clear that I think is being completely overblown... And I think Zinger has the higher upside as well while Grant is the better triangle fit.

EDIT: @dmvisrnb agreed completely :pimp:

A lot of fans weren’t happy they drafted me,” Porzingis said. “I have to do everything that’s in my hands to turn those booing fans into clapping fans. There’s nothing I can do. I was happy about it. I want to be part of this organization. Fans are a little bit harsh sometimes, but that’s how it is in New York and I’m ready for it.”
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That's a lazy reply. He clearly stated that they didn't have a star(which we have). He's just saying that if you add a star(or 2) to that formula then things could be really good.

If you think about it, GSW had 1 bonafide star, & a bunch of skilled players which won them a title.

GSW also locked in on defense when it counted. Who's the best defender on that proposed roster?
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SAS is a ******* dumb *** and a phony. Dude was praying for Okafor to fall to us as 4. He knows nothing about this kid besides that he is white and European. The more SAS dislikes what we are doing, the better I feel :lol:
we're getting monta to fill that sg spot

count on it

I wouldnt mind, but what would the team chemistry be like? Monta can be a bit of a douche.

Not sure how I feel about Zingis yet. I do like the THJ trade tho. We know Hardaway Sr wasnt rooting for us anyway.
At this point all we gotta do is support the pick and hope it works out

Adding David West would be great for us even for locker room reasons

I love the Grant pick up because he played smart ball at Notre Dame (Im a Duke fan I've watched Grant plenty). Now I just hope we can add Danny Green, Rob Lopez and Jimmy Butler god willing
At this point all we gotta do is support the pick and hope it works out

Adding David West would be great for us even for locker room reasons

I love the Grant pick up because he played smart ball at Notre Dame (Im a Duke fan I've watched Grant plenty). Now I just hope we can add Danny Green, Rob Lopez and Jimmy Butler god willing

Lopez and Butler probably want a lot of $

SAS is furious

.......and I agree with him.
I know y'all see some sort of potential in son, but I really wanted someone who has a charisma about them, a swagger that screams "you try to play me, I'm finna buss ya ***"

This dude is a euro player, I haven't seen one who has exuded those types of mental traits, at least out the gate.

Dudes gonna be trying to herb son up left and right. I don't know, it looks good on paper, draft videos and from logical standpoints but it's not settling well with me yet.

I guess when Phil said "yes" when he was asked if choice will surprise anyone, he wasn't lying...

Shoot actually, we sitting here trying to decipher dude and thinking he's throwing up smoke screens etc and he sure as hell wasn't.

I'm still sick. If I see ANY one we passed up doing better than this dude, I'm fading Phil on spot
This draft pick really hurt our free agency. None of the great free agents are going to want to come play for a team that just drafted a foreign kid that is years away from being good if he's not a bust. I hope Acy breaks this kid's ******* neck. I woke up and still can't believe we drafted this kid. We should have traded down or drafted Justise Winslow. We are so ******.

I was never a big Mudiay fan, he didn't drop. Orlando just drafted a PG that they really like. Sac is getting Rondo and possibly D'Angelo Russell if they make that Cousins trade. Phila almost took Mudiay and they really ****** us.

Then we trade two second round picks for a kid that will stay in Spain for a year, possibly two :rofl:
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You guys desperately need a defensive Center.

If you add Monroe... It will be a long season with Melo - Kristaps - Monroe defense.. A really long long season.

You should see what the cost is on Roy Hibbert, and kick the tires if it's just a salary dump. And then spend the rest of the money you have in FA on say Danny Green or Wes Matthews, even if you have to overpay.
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- Caldo and Porzingis to ease the situation for M. Gasol?

-Danny Green would be a good look, hes from NY too. Tobias Harris is from L.I.

- David West and Melo at 4-3 is a tough front court to guard.

- Something tells me Stephen A Smith fakes being upset at ****

This dudes dont sound so foreign. 3 week old vid

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Good luck to talk with Kristaps, interested to see how that plays out....

And hope yall ain't expecting too much from Grant at PG , might be disappointed if you think he gon be anything more than a part time starter/solid back up pg ...Phil got him to take some heat away from the Kristaps pick :lol:
Pipe dream, but signing either Butler, Green or Gasol would make this off-season a success.

Maybe we can see what the asking price for Lawson is since they have Mudiay or if we could take Looney + Lee for a salary dump from GS so that they can offer Green a max.
At this point all we gotta do is support the pick and hope it works out

Adding David West would be great for us even for locker room reasons

I love the Grant pick up because he played smart ball at Notre Dame (Im a Duke fan I've watched Grant plenty). Now I just hope we can add Danny Green, Rob Lopez and Jimmy Butler god willing

I'm a Duke fan as well, which is why I'm excited about the addition to Grant. Kid is an animal. Free Agency is where it counts now. We did pretty good in this draft so far in my opinion.
Yeah that's what i thought. That sucks. The contract besides that is fine as far as numbers go. Numbers about to jump.

I'm still shocked at the pick.
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