2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I keep asking why green would leave the Spurs to come here and nobody is answering me. :lol:
He is a native New Yorker and I know he spends a lot of time off season here. Has a basketball camp here too. Only real reason I could see him leaving. And oh yeah, more money.
I hope we trade Carmelo to Cleveland. I'll never see the Knicks win a ring so it would be cool to at least see Carmelo win a ring.
I keep asking why green would leave the Spurs to come here and nobody is answering me.
You want an answer 718, well here it is,  I live in South Texas about a hundred miles from San Antonio, and all of them from Duncan all the way down to the damn ball boy have a cult following. It is a family like atmosphere up there and Pop is Gawd like status and RC Buford is a competent owner. They treat their players well. Plus they know that this group can compete every single year. So to answer your question, Green wouldn't leave the Spurs to play for a team that is essentially 1 year or 2 years away from being good every year. If Green left the Spurs it would be because there is a team that can compete right now, and has the money to pay him. We aren't that time. Come to think about it, the same goes for any free agent that wants to come here, if they came here it would essentially be a money grab. My question is, Phil is on a 5 year deal, Fish can leave and likely will leave when Phil does, would that time be another rebuild? The squad is building for a future with the damn triangle, what happens to that offensive philosophy when those two are gone? Another question, at 5 years and 12 million per, if this never works out, would Jackson's contract officially be worse that Amar'e Stoudemire's contract? I think it would.
if we wanted a tall white cat that can shoot and do nothing else we should've kept Novak or got Brad Lohaus out of retirement.
Repped for Brad Lohaus reference. Is Detlef still alive, he's about as ready as Zinger is right now at this very second. My question is is he going to come over right away and contribute?
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if we wanted a tall white cat that can shoot and do nothing else we should've kept Novak or got Brad Lohaus out of retirement.

This kid's offensive game is a million times more diverse than Novak's. I understand you're down about this pick, but that's just crazy.
Jerian Grant has NBA in his genes apparently. From NY Post......."The NBA is in Grant’s blood. His father, Harvey, had an 11-year NBA career and his uncle, Horace, won three NBA titles with the Michael Jordan-led Bulls. His older brother, Jerami, plays for the 76ers."
Also, what's "two future draft picks" for that guy we drafted in the second round?

I can live with the 4th pick, but we had to give up two future seconds for a second rounder who isn't even coming over this year, right?
It'll be really hard to move Calderon this year. I doubt you do without trading something bigger, which you guys don't have. If he was getting paid $3mil less, then he'd be easily moved. But 2 years / $15mil is tough.

As for the Grant trade, you fleeced the Hawks.

The Kristaps & Guillermo picks were really underwhelming.

It's fine for Phil to think Kristaps can develop into a great player. But you guys are also a win now team.. And Phil REALLY REALLY hurt your pitch in FA this year.
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ok I'm going to look at the positive, i remember how mad i was when we  picked Gallinari and he turned out to be a serviceable player and yeh i know it took time and yeh i know we need to win now because Melo is getting older but we have to build for life after Melo plus if we get a few free agent vets like a D west and a young free agent fringe all star like say a tobias harris or greg monroe they can mentored for the future plus i think we would still be able to compete this year.
ok I'm going to look at the positive, i remember how mad i was when we  picked Gallinari and he turned out to be a serviceable player and yeh i know it took time and yeh i know we need to win now because Melo is getting older but we have to build for life after Melo plus if we get a few free agent vets like a D west and a young free agent fringe all star like say a tobias harris or greg monroe they can mentored for the future plus i think we would still be able to compete this year.

There we go, just a lil positivity man. We gotta think logically. Can't think w/ our hearts. Phil is either gonna hit a HR w/ this kid, or strike out. I like the fact that he's being bold & confident enough to do so. West is a really good pickup as well.
With Porzingis i just want the team to really look out for him from Phil Jackson down to Coach D Fish

just put him in the best position to Win they put a lot of pressure on the kid
we arent win now if we just blew up the team last season, melo knew it was going to be a process

i feel danny green would go back to being a bum without pop ,not sold on him as a starting sg

try to sign tobias, monta, west, monroe, robin lopez , no need to force a max contract this offseason just get good pieces

It was a win now team when you gave Melo over $100million.
we arent win now if we just blew up the team last season, melo knew it was going to be a process

i feel danny green would go back to being a bum without pop ,not sold on him as a starting sg

try to sign tobias, monta, west, monroe, robin lopez , no need to force a max contract this offseason just get good pieces

I'm hearing West & Monroe are already a lock to sign w/ us. We get 1 or 2 more of those guys, we have a solid team.
You want an answer 718, well here it is,  I live in South Texas about a hundred miles from San Antonio, and all of them from Duncan all the way down to the damn ball boy have a cult following. It is a family like atmosphere up there and Pop is Gawd like status and RC Buford is a competent owner. They treat their players well. Plus they know that this group can compete every single year. So to answer your question, Green wouldn't leave the Spurs to play for a team that is essentially 1 year or 2 years away from being good every year. If Green left the Spurs it would be because there is a team that can compete right now, and has the money to pay him. We aren't that time. Come to think about it, the same goes for any free agent that wants to come here, if they came here it would essentially be a money grab. My question is, Phil is on a 5 year deal, Fish can leave and likely will leave when Phil does, would that time be another rebuild? The squad is building for a future with the damn triangle, what happens to that offensive philosophy when those two are gone? Another question, at 5 years and 12 million per, if this never works out, would Jackson's contract officially be worse that Amar'e Stoudemire's contract? I think it would.

Couldn't have said it any better
I'm hearing West & Monroe are already a lock to sign w/ us. We get 1 or 2 more of those guys, we have a solid team.
If we do indeed get Monroe and West, our frontcourt would be Melo, Monroe, and West, and that's isn't too bad at all. I think we need a competent SG and things are trending upward despite the Zinger pick. Afflalo would help, West's grit and toughness along with his leadership would pay dividends. So it isn't all too bad.
Just based on the numbers. You guys have $21.797 mil in cap space.

Greg Monroe max is $16.775mil. $15mil is probably the floor he will get.

View media item 1600383
Green is a Qualifying Offer. Red is a Non-guarantee.

-You can cut Shved & Ledo. That gives you $26.847mil.
-Acy & Wear are too cheap to bother cutting.
-At best for Calderon, you may be able to shed a couple mil by trading him for a guy with 3 years left on his deal.
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I'm hearing West

If we do indeed get Monroe and West, our frontcourt would be Melo, Monroe, and West, and that's isn't too bad at all. I think we need a competent SG and things are trending upward despite the Zinger pick. Afflalo would help, West's grit and toughness along with his leadership would pay dividends. So it isn't all too bad.

Good to see you seeing things differently, they sky isn't falling man. I don't feel like it is.
Phil said its gonna take a year at least and his defense is a major issue. Other people saying 2-3 years. This is our 4th overall pick. Should have traded this **** away. ******* distaster.

All the players available would need a year or two to have an impact in the NBA. I've said it a while ago but y'all ain't hear me. I still think we should have went with Muddy imo.

I'm sorry you don't waste the 4th pick especially with this team who hasn't had a good draft pick in over 20 years with a question mark....

You just don't do it...... :smh:

99% of draft picks are question marks tho. Those 1% players only come out every now and then,

So who's this grant kid?
pg from notre dame. good leader. think he's 23. experienced. not much of a ceiling but very high floor. low risk player. should fit well into the triangle. solid shooter. good role player.

Based on the triangle I've seen in Chicago and LA this is the type of pg Phil seems to like.

if we wanted a tall white cat that can shoot and do nothing else we should've kept Novak or got Brad Lohaus out of retirement.

Novack is good if you have a fluid offense with other weapons. That Miami series should have let everyone know if you guard him he becomes ineffective, a 1 trick pony in the literal sense.
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