2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Worst comes to worst we could absorb JJ Hickson for a year if we don't like anything else out there. Expiring contract.

Maybe get Gerald Henderson from Portland. Expiring contract.

Maybe use Felton's exception to get Harkless.

Gamble on Anthony Bennett and then decline his team option, meh.

Maybe absorb Terrence Ross? Meh.

Could absorb Waiters.

Could bring back Jamal Crawford once a Knick
Just Never Liked Henderson and Bennett is straight disappointing and i don't want to be frustrated seeing him play for the Knicks even if its just for a year.  But i def Dig the other suggestions.........................OJ Mayo???????
that 09 nuggets team had no so called "rim protector" just good team defense

and enough scoring options that melo could rely on "nene, billups and jr"

team defense>>>rim protector

09 nuggets >>13 knicks
marcus camby wasnt a rim protector? kenyon martin?
also as much as i would hate to do it and only because the the salary cap is going to rise and not hurt us as much, if it comes down to it i would use the stretch provision on Calderon.
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I agree with THE GR8EST 
And what do you do when Zinger's "body develops" and you are still paying Greg Monroe $15 mil a year?

Im thinking maximum upside with this team. I am sure Zinger will have speed bumps in the short term but I would rather go through that than sign a guy we could only go so far with like Monroe.

My winning formula of Melo/defensive-minded-combo-forward/rim-protector has not changed just because we drafted Zinger. I just have high expectations of Zinger because I believe in him and because IMO he needs to be our rim protector if we ever want to be a contender again with Melo in his prime.
Monroe is not our guy. He's a slow footed big and a defensive liability. Clogs the paint.  We need to add a defensive forward to balance the front court. However, David West may not be the guy. I respect his leadership and I would love him off the bench, but as far as defense is concerned, Al Farouq Aminu would be more of a versatile fit. He's a swiss army knife defender who could match up on positions 3-5 (ala Draymond Green) and take defensive pressure off Melo and Co.... Plus, he showed a promising 3 point stroke in the playoffs for the Mavs. I would take a gamble on Josh Smith as well. I dont think he would cost too much this offseason.  Same kinda impact.
Monroe would only be with us for 4 yrs if he gets the Max and i think people are over exaggerating his defensive short comings just like they do Melos.
i'm a lil drunk at 1:50 at a family party talking to my uncles & cousins about Zinger

i've hit a new low
i'm a lil drunk at 1:50 at a family party talking to my uncles & cousins about Zinger

i've hit a new low
I'm proud of you.

Rim protection isn't overrated, you need a body back there to anchor your defense. But yes, team defense is equally as important.
Monroe's max isn't terrible either. I think it's like 5/63?

Look, we need to build a balanced roster and there's many ways, different styles to do it. I'm fine maxing out Monroe and bringing in a center like Robin for 3 years. This way, if and when King Zinger is ready to start full time, he has the 5 open for him. So we position ourselves to win immediately, but leave room to win down the road as well.

The issue there is the 2. We need someone who can create his own shot, space the floor and defend. Not easy getting that guy for the cheap. So Phil is gonna need to be creative because whether we go Monroe, Robin, guard or whoever, we have 3 holes that need to be filled. It isn't fair to expect King Zinger to step in day 1 and play the 5 for substantial time. We gotta ease the kid into the game, keep him healthy and confident, make life easy for him.

If we can dump Caldo, we'd be in great shape to fill our 3 needs. But with him on board, it gets tough.
Like you said, we have 3 spots to fil. Why not start Zinger and make it 2 spots? I dont think it will do us or Zinger any good to start him off the bench behind a guy like Robin Lopez.

Let the kid play. Im a big believer in learning from mistakes and experience being the best teacher there is. I think starting Zinger would be best for us (saves us $ that we will need) and best for Zinger's long term development. Hes here. Hes gonna get it rough. No need to baby him.

I think he will shock a lot of you. Yall would be clamoring up ROY hype right now if we had drafted that scrub Okafor. I think a large reason why a lot of you think Zinger isnt ready to play year 1 is because we havent watched him play at a high level yet.
Monroe - D. West - Melo - J. Crawford - Caldo?

Monroe does play C, he's playing PF now cause of his post game is better than Drummonds.
Zinger would be the first big off the bench. Crawford probably can be taken.

YOOOO i forgot. what about Paul Pierce? Although he'll probably play for the Clips.

Paul Pierce Opts Out Of $5.5M Deal For Next Season
JUN 27, 2015 1:30 PM

Paul Pierce opted out of his player option with the Washington Wizards on Saturday.

Pierce reportedly will decide between returning to the Wizards or joining the Los Angeles Clippers.
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I want Porzingis on the floor from Day 1. No time for this "baby steps" process. Throw him on the court and put him in a position to be successful. The kid gloves mentality is not going to take the Knicks anywhere. You make a risk, then you go all the way with that risk
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Porzingis vs. Gasol @ Age 19

View media item 1603731
:wow: My point EXACTLY.

Let's throw this kid into the mix right away and see what he is made of. No free agent is going to come in and make us a contender right away anyway (unless we sign Gasol, unlikely), so we owe it to ourselves to see what we can get out of this kid right now as well as down the road.

This team's upside is dependent on Zinger, no need to be around the bush. I feel that a large reason why a lot of these Euros dont pan out is because teams try and ease them into the action to often and view them as projects.

Like Darko. They sit on the bench until their hype winds down and they are forgotten about and often written off too early. That wasnt the case with Pau Gasol, who surprised everybody by winning the 2002 ROY and never looked back.

Let's see if Zinger can do the same for us. We have 0 reason not to IMO. Like I was saying about the Boogie risk, what the **** do we have to lose?

Its not like we have a championship foundation in place like the Pistons did with Darko. If we plan on building a championship foundation, Zinger MUST be a part of it. Therefore, I would like to see Zinger starting from day 1 in the same exact way I would have wanted Towns or Okafor or Russell or Mudiay or WCS or anyone else starting day 1.

The only reason a lot of yall are being so hesitant is because he is foreign. And also because he is skinny, which is being blown completely out of proportion IMO. Im not saying he will come right out and take the league by storm, but given the direction of this team's future and Zinger's long-term potential, I could live with this team falling short of expectations year 1 because Zinger is a project a lot more than I could because Melo and Greg Monroe can not coexist.

And then there is always the possibility that Zinger does shock us all and takes the league by storm as one of the best overall rookies from out the gate.

I guess its important to see how he looks in the Summer League and the preseason, but I am fully expecting Zinger to be a starter in year 1. I was expecting anyone we used that 4th pick on to be able to come into the starting lineup right off the bat. Zinger is no different.
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