2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

we need a playoff team next year, we don't have our pick and i would be sick to see that pick be a decent lottery pick.
You put zinger in the starting lineup and he'll get eaten alive.

You put an old vet like West in the starting line up and he'll get burnt out.

The consistently high expectations and mindset will only let us down, unfortunately.

Also, didn't someone mention that Shved had a couple million team option? If so, he should definitely be cut and maybe extended a qualifying offer?
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zingers latest weigh in was at 230lbs. After he is officially signed and begins NBA strength training maybe expect him to come in for the first day of the season at 235-240.

I don think that's a stretch, from now til October?

Until we actually sign somebody I'll just talk about the people on the team
This is what your current roster looks like:

11 players

View media item 1604375
Green is Qualifying Offer to make a RFA, Red is non-guaranteed.

Things of note:
- Maybe a 10% chance you guys getting out of Calderon's contract this offseason. You don't have the assets to unload a to be 34year old PG who is below average at this point owed 2 year / $15mil.
The only way I could see that happening is, if you take on a contract that is like $5.5mil a year over 3 years for an equally below average player.
-Alexey Shved is likely to be back. It's a price I wouldn't pay, but he won't get many if any offers from FA teams.
- Acy & Wear will be cheap to bring back. Also think Acy brings a nice toughness that you guys need.
- Thanasis should be coming over this year.

Under this circumstance, you have $22mil in cap space. Enough for a max for say a DeAndre Jordan, and $2mil left over.

What I would do with the players you have.

View media item 1604386

- I wouldn't bring back Shved, unless it was for half that as part of your room exception.
- I would cut Ricky Ledo. He had a 6 PER in 17 games. By comparison, average NBA PER is 15. He also shot 35% from the field, 41% from 3. That shows he's only one thing. Maybe he develops. But what's the ceiling, maybe the 6th Wing Player in your rotation.
- Shane Larkin is at best a 3rd PG. I'd wait until after everything is done to bring him back for the Veteran's minimum. If at all. I'd pass. Since he's not better than Galloway, and you're stuck with Caldo, and you drafted Grant. Let Larkin go. Simply because of that, and because Barry hated the Mets.
-Move on from Bargs.
-Not sure why Phil cares about Jason Smith that much. The article says he fits the Triangle. Honestly Phil needs to let the triangle go. He played fine. But I mean it was amongst a bunch of bums. He's also 29. So unless he's playing for Veteran's Minimum. Phil needs to move on.

When it comes to Free Agency, I truly don't have that much hope for you guys. Far less than I did before the draft. Kristaps could certainly become the best player in the draft. But today, this year, he's not ready. Phil really hurt you guys this year, and next year in Free Agency with that pick. Not many want to join a rebuild, or whatever the Knicks are doing... They definitely won't want to join a partial rebuild with him. Call it Xenophobia, but NBA players have it even worse than the general TV watching public. See Dirk. Dirk is a Hall of Famer, Top 30 All Time Player, how many Big Name Free Agents have wanted to join Dirk Nowitzki? Even when they've had massive cap space. Even when Dirk was in his prime. Phil should have taken the best fit players: Winslow, Cauley-Stein, Hezonja (would not be thrilled if he was picked, but has some positional flexibility), Stanley Johnson... All better fits, and better picks that could have been more impactful for the short term future. Mudiay as well, but not necessarily for the Triangle. But if Phil got his head out of his butt for a minute and just scrapped it. Mudiay would have been a good pick.

Marc Gasol, Jimmy Butler, Kawhi Leonard, DeAndre Jordan, LaMarcus Aldridge, Draymond Green, Kevin Love? Forget about all of them. Those names are not leaving. And if they are, there are teams that have much better that they could leave for. You'll just be spinning gears and talking about names that are never in play. Take it from a Lakers fan from last year with all our cap space. If it seems like they won't come, they are not.

Khris Middleton? Maybe if you offer him a max, you could get him. But remember the Bucks traded an All Star Caliber PG in Brandon Knight so they had more cap room. So very very doubtful

Brandon Knight? Intriguing. Nobody knows what Suns are doing. They trade Dragic & Thomas for Knight. Then try to trade Bledsoe. Were unsuccessful... So I don't know what that means for Knight. Also not sure if committing big money into a PG is worth it for the Triangle if Phil is committed to it.

Tobia Harris? You have a good chance at him. But he's Melo light. He is a less talented Melo. Not sure how that will work. But I mean he greatly improved the talent of the team. Just not sure you should spend money on a guy you ultimately end up making the 6th man when Melo & Tobias hurt each other when they are on the court together for long stretches.

Greg Monroe? Probably the guy you could get that works. Has good low post moves. But horrible defensively.

David West? Brings that toughness and grittyness to your team, and some defense next to Monroe & Melo.

The problem is if you put Kristaps, Monroe & Melo front line on the court, you guys will be doomed! Solid offense, but the defense will be so bad that you would never be able to keep pace.

Maybe you guys should instead of trying to hit a Monroe home run, you should fill in all the other pieces, so when the cap shoots up, you can have a more complete team, rather than a top heavy team that isn't good enough to compete.

So my suggestion? You overpay for Robin Lopez. Try to fit Danny Green & Al Faroq Aminu in. And look for cheap help on the wings, lock it up for a few years. Let Kristaps start, throw him to the wolves, and make him get his feet underneath him. If you baby him, and ease him in, it's going to waste the final 4 years of Melo's deal, and may hurt Kristaps, setting you guys back.

Because if you guys go the Monroe & West route (We both know Phil will) you guys are in a really bad position.

I think Phil has made some good moves. But more bad than good. Phil essentially sold the basketball equivalent of Ocean front property in Idaho to Dolan at $12mil a year. He is too committed to his system. He thinks he's above trends, he thinks he's above a lot of things that make a good GM. Yes, he has 11 championships, and yes he's probably the GOAT Coach. But that's a coach, that's not a GM. They are very different things. He screwed it up.

My honest outlook for you guys is not great. And I so badly want you guys to be a relevant team. Now will you guys make the playoffs? Probably. It's the East. 38 wins got there. If Melo is healthy, and you add Monroe & West, you'll get there. But you'll be nowhere near a title. There's just so many teams ahead of you.

Now if you go the Lopez, Green route... Maybe you don't make the playoffs, but you have the makings of a team going into 2016.

Because 2016 isn't looking promising for you guys either.
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Great un-biased report, repped.

Why is Thanasis on our salary cap if he isn't signed with the team? I thought he was only under contract with the D-league team.

Jason Smith can be bought back for the vets min IMO. Definitely could do a lot worse for a 3rd / 4th option PF at that price.

Get a combination of Aminu / Butler or Gasol and I'll be thrilled.
Great un-biased report, repped.

Why is Thanasis on our salary cap if he isn't signed with the team? I thought he was only under contract with the D-league team.

Jason Smith can be bought back for the vets min IMO. Definitely could do a lot worse for a 3rd / 4th option PF at that price.

Get a combination of Aminu / Butler or Gasol and I'll be thrilled.

He's still unsigned. But you own his rights. His deal starts whenever you offer him an NBA contract.

You'll be very disappointed then.
That nonexistent first rounder next year is like a constant slap in the face

Welp this is the last year for it.

The thing though is Phil and whoever replaces him in a couple years. Cannot trade the picks.

Have to hold onto them, and even try to gain as many as you can.

Lakers would be screwed had they not lucked out past 2 seasons. Dwight leaving was a gift and a curse. A curse because the team really sucks. But a gift because it forced Mitch & Jimmy to realize they have to build through the draft. No more reloading.

So trading Calderon is out of the question because it hurts more to give up the picks than it does to just eat the salary.
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i want Calderón gone so damn bad

Problem is leverage. Other team has all of it Is it worth trading multiple picks 3-5 years from now just to get rid of him?

You guys were screwed once that Melo trade happened. And at every turn the Front Office made it worse, and Phil made it even more exponentially worse.

Not Phil, but the Bargnani trade, probably top 10 of worst trades since 2000. Traded for a # 1 pick bust, who couldn't stay healthy. Gave away a first and 2- 2nds to pay him $11mil a year.

Or see the Nash trade. Lakers had leverage, and overpaid. And had it not been for Dwight leaving, the team would be screwed for years to come.

Have to be frugal with the picks now.

Although you guys have 0 - 2nd Round Picks from now until 2021. Phil just traded 2 - 2nd Rounders to get 1 second rounder. So I guess that's not too bad.
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In theory if the Knicks spend their cap and next year the cap increases we still have that increase to play with right?

Yeah. You'll have money to spend next season. How much it depends. Probably somewhere around what you have this year.

Assuming you guys don't make a trade that brings in much more salary in season.
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In theory if the Knicks spend their cap and next year the cap increases we still have that increase to play with right?
never even thought of this 
Problem is leverage. Other team has all of it Is it worth trading multiple picks 3-5 years from now just to get rid of him?

You guys were screwed once that Melo trade happened. And at every turn the Front Office made it worse, and Phil made it even more exponentially worse.

Not Phil, but the Bargnani trade, probably top 10 of worst trades since 2000. Traded for a # 1 pick bust, who couldn't stay healthy. Gave away a first and 2- 2nds to pay him $11mil a year.

Or see the Nash trade. Lakers had leverage, and overpaid. And had it not been for Dwight leaving, the team would be screwed for years to come.

Have to be frugal with the picks now.

Although you guys have 0 - 2nd Round Picks from now until 2021. Phil just traded 2 - 2nd Rounders to get 1 second rounder. So I guess that's not too bad.
I agree with most of this but I wouldnt say that Phil has made it "exponentially worse." Matter of fact I actually think Phil has done a pretty good job besides the Chandler/Calderon trade.

Sure it caused us to have the worst record in franchise history. But that was a blessing in the long run.

And I am not as adamant about trading Calderon as I was before we got Jerian. I dont necessarily mind keeping Caldo around as a vet backup now that we got a solid rookie PG in Grant. Calderon could help him.

Sure I would still rather get rid of him because of his contract, but if we arent able to do that, it wouldnt be the worst thing to hold on to him for now.
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