2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

If y'all don't see the writing on the wall with Melo, I don't know what to tell y'all.
If ANYTHING this summer just reaffirms the loyalty Melo should to us, and thus the loyalty I feel back to him as a fan.

I mean Melo got **** on last summer for taking slightly less than the max when he said he would be willing to take a pay cut. And he did. But of course it wasnt enough. But maybe that pay cut he took was relative? Maybe it was more of a long term pay cut. Just look at this **** going on right now.

Its unbelievable. Melo got **** on last summer for passing up that Chicago offer. He "didnt want to win." It was "all about the money." I mean, I am pretty sure that if Melo took that deal, he would be getting paid as much as Demarre ******* Carroll a year later. Imagine next year? Melo would probably be making less than his back up in no time if he took that offer :lol:

And I still wont say this proves it WAS all about the $. Because the opposite effect is really the case. Melo could have easily taken a one or two year contract with Chicago and tried to cash in on all of this ****. Putting himself in a better "win now" position AND also allowing himself the opportunity to get paid in the long term.

But there was more to it than that. I truly believe in that. Because this is Melo to a fault. Always misunderstood. Always loyal. And like actually LOYAL.

"Loyal" as in signing a 5 year contract to the team he ******* committed to. Not "loyal" as in just saying the **** people want to hear about being "loyal" (because we all know that Melo doesnt always say the right thing necessarily) without truly having a loyal bone in his body and proving that time and time again with actions. Like his buddy Lebron.

Melo is the kind of guy you want to root for as a fan. Lebron is the kind of guy you root for only because he is good, and you allow yourself to buy into the bull **** he spoon feeds you.

Melo chose to commit to this team, city, and fan base for 5 years. Maybe he looked around, who doesnt, but he made up his mind and stuck the **** to it. The cap increase was no surprise. People knew this was coming. Lebron sure as **** did with his one year contract and opt out clauses. But Melo isnt Lebron. He is committed to this team in the long term and now that "pay cut" he took is showing its true colors.

Just contributes to my personal belief that people love holding Melo to unreal expectations and using it to hate.

No players get hated on for trades their dumb *** organizations willingly made. Melo does. No player gets hated on for taking $. Melo does. Always black and white with melo haters.

"He doesnt care about winning because he turned down $60 mil from Chicago!" Cmon now. Any ******* player in Melo's position would have turned that **** down :lol:

But Melo stuck himself on the line for the long term. No escape route like Baby **** Lebron and his phony *** letter. Call me a homer or whatever you want, but I respect the **** out of that much and I will continue to defend Carmelo because of it.

I believe in Carmelo Anthony. If he is loyal to a fault than so am I. I just hope homie gets the recognition he deserves some day.
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He doesn't go to Chicago, he doesn't care about winning. He stays in NY, it's all about him getting his money. It's ridiculous.
never like david west on this team unless he was getting a paul pierce type contract... but it seemed like he wanted 8 million or more and at his age no thanks
@KnicksMemes: Ugh, Iman Shumpert getting paid just means all his rap lyrics are gonna be about "The Paper" now

If any of yall would prefer Greg Monroe to Draymond, I just dont know what to tell you.

Draymond is EXACTLY the kind of player we need next to Melo and Zinger.

It would help if he was a little bigger, but we need defense first from that spot first and foremost. Offense should be secondary. And it helps that he is a combo forward so him and Melo would be able to mix and match based on matchups and also so we could push the tempo offensively. He is also a terrific passing forward.

I think he has high bust potential if he landed in the wrong spot. But I dont think he would do so in NY, in the triangle, alongside Melo.
This is exactly what I wrote about Josh Smith and got **** for.

I understand Smith has never realized his full potential and would be a tremendous risk. What do we have to lose?? We won 17 games last year and you act like Robin Lopez is gonna lead us to the promised land. 

I understand that his attitude is not always the best. But Phil made head cases like Rodman and Ron Artest into world champions. 

But from a basketball standpoint, Josh Smith is a FIT. He has the defensive versatility to take pressure off Zinger and Melo. Plus, the paint wont be clogged (like it will with Monroe) so Smith can play closer to the hoop and utilize his gifts as a playmaker. 

I you don't believe me, compare him to Draymond

 [h1]What Are The Knicks Doing?[/h1]

Kyle Wagner
Filed to: LOLKNICKS 7/01/15 7:35pm

I’m just going to list some things the Knicks are doing.
  • - The Knicks wanted to sign LaMarcus Aldridge.
  • - But LaMarcus made them wait until last to meet with him.
  • - They will see him tomorrow, maybe.
  • - The Knicks think they can sign Greg Monroe, and met with him last night
  • - Monroe is a fine offensive player but will have to play alongside a 19-year-old who is very thin—and also Carmelo Anthony—and he is one of the worst defensive big men in the league.
  • The Knicks like his butt.
  • - The Knicks would like to get Wes Matthews to play in the triangle, and presumably defend the perimeter. Wes Matthews is thinking it over while he recovers from a torn Achilles tendon, a bad injury for a guard.
  • - The Knicks are meeting with Arron Afflalo tomorrow. Afflalo was a Portland Trail Blazer last year. He shot well from three and on spot-ups in general, but was well below average at every other facet of the game, per Synergy Sports.
  • - The Knicks are expected  to offer Afflalo “in the neighborhood of three years, $36 million-$38 million.”
  • - The Knicks wanted to sign Danny Green, but they forgot to call him:
  • - Danny signed with the Spurs this morning, for less than Thad Young makes now.
  • - The Knicks did remember to call Patrick Beverley, who is bad.
  • - They also called Corey Brewer, who is a 3-and-D guy who shot 26 percent from three last season, and currently is a backup plan for the Sacramento Kings.
  • - They called Willie Green twice  this morning before Danny Green signed with the Spurs.
  • - The Knicks have reached out to Jeremy Lin, whom the Kings are also interested in signing.
  • - The Kings, you will rememberwere one of the teams jostling to draft Frank Kaminsky. They have been battling with the Knicks this whole offseason to get players who are in some demand. This is like when teams know that the Spurs or Rockets are interested in a player, and then try to get the same player because they know he will be good, except for a few minor differences.
  • - The Knicks have reached out to Kendrick Perkins, who is a mop languishing in a bucket of dirty, fetid water.
  • - The Knicks have reached out to Landry Fields, who is spending this offseason learning to shoot with his left hand.
  • - (Landry Fields, who already shot like his parents made him do math problems in his head before he was allowed to release the shoot button, is learning to shoot with his non-dominant hand, because he forgot how to shoot and play in general.)
  • - The Knicks are very interested in DeAndre Jordan, and their plan to sign him is to promise to make him the second option on offense, behind Carmelo Anthony.
  • - DeAndre Jordan, you will remember, cannot shoot or pass or dribble, which are things that you do on offense.
  • - DeAndre Jordan had a four-and-a-half-hour meeting with the Mavericks today, and has been out to dinner with Chandler Parsons for five nights in a row. (Five date rule, I guess.) Anyway, DeAndre’s meeting with the Knicks has not happened yet.
  • - The Knicks thought they might sign DeMarre Carroll. They used to have another playernamed the Junkyard Dog.
  • - The current JYD signed with the Raptors.
  • - Phil Jackson thought that he might be able to sign Paul Millsap, because he is good at defense, rebounding, and passing, which are things the Knicks need.
  • - Paul Millsap re-signed with the Hawks.
  • - The Knicks are showing late interest in Derrick Williams, who is a poor shooter who also cannot rebound or pass.
  • - The Knicks were interested in David West, who will be 35 when the season starts. Word was they wanted to sign him to a three-year contract. They were “very likely”  to sign him just a few days ago.
  • David West said he doesn’t want to play for the Knicks, because they are bad and he is old, which honestly sounds like a good reason the Knicks should also consider.
  • - The Knicks want to sign Robin Lopez too, and are planning on meeting with him.
  • - Robin Lopez has reportedly met with the Bucks.*
  • - Last season, Knicks traded Tyson Chandler away, in part because Phil Jackson was not sure he was a good fit for the triangle offense, and in part to dump Raymond Felton’s contract. He took back Samuel Dalembert, whom the Knicks waived for saying true things, and Jose Calderon.
  • - Raymond Felton makes $4.5 million this season, the last year of his deal.
  • - Jose Calderon makes $7.4 million this season, and $7.7 million next season.
  • - Tyson Chandler signed with the Suns  for four years and $52 million, because he is good.
  • - The Knicks are interested in K.J. McDaniels, who could not hack it as a Philadelphia 76er.
  • Wayne Ellington  and Caron Butler, too.
  • - The Knicks are a team that does not have a draft pick next year, and are building around a 31-year-old with knee issues. They are on the clock, yet drafted a young stretch big—the riskiest phenotype in NBA prospects—and now need to plug a 90-pound 7-footer into an NBA defense that features Melo and probably Monroe, and has not ruled out bringing back Jason Smith and mother ******* Bargs.
  • - The Knicks are just ignoring reality and the rules of the physical universe around them.
  • - The Knicks are ********.
If any of yall would prefer Greg Monroe to Draymond, I just dont know what to tell you.

Draymond is EXACTLY the kind of player we need next to Melo and Zinger.

It would help if he was a little bigger, but we need defense first from that spot first and foremost. Offense should be secondary. And it helps that he is a combo forward so him and Melo would be able to mix and match based on matchups and also so we could push the tempo offensively. He is also a terrific passing forward.

I think he has high bust potential if he landed in the wrong spot. But I dont think he would do so in NY, in the triangle, alongside Melo.
Wrote the same thing about Josh Smith and got ******* on. 

I know its a boom or bust signing, but what do we have to lose?? We just won 17 games and yall are acting like robin lopez is gonna lead us to the promised land.

I know he doesn't have the best mindset (selfish chucker) but Phil has made Dennis Rodman and Ron Artest world champions.

But, from a strictly basketball standpoint Smith is a FIT. His defensive versatility would take pressure off Melo and Zinger. 

Offensively, the paint is not clogged (like it would be with Monroe) and Smith could operate closer to the basket, playing to his strengths as a secondary playmaker.

If you told me a month ago that Smith should be a target for the Knicks, I would laugh in your face. But the draft has changed that.

We dont need him to be a superstar and he is a risk that just might work.

If its a bust, just cut him. No pressure. 

Go on basketball reference and compare Draymond and Josh Smith.

Smith has higher rebound, assist, block and steal totals while doubling Draymond's ppg. 

Then go on Nylon Calculus and you will see that Josh Smith was better protecting the rim as well. 

Im not saying Josh is better than Draymond, but is a more realistic acquisition. 

NT did not allow me to post the links.
at this point, on a 1 year deal, i'm for josh smith. he'll be hungry enough to earn another payday.
I agree :lol:

At this point I would 100% take Josh Smith as long as he doesnt kill our long term cap flexibility. :smh:

Still dont think he leaves H-Town and I would still be wary of signing him to a major deal, but maybe if we can offer him a large one year contract it could pursuade him to leave Houston.

**** it. It couldnt hurt. And you are right, Phil has turned around Josh Smith-type players in his past and Smith's skillset (or at least in his prime when he wasnt chucking, didnt watch him in Houston much this season) is at least similar to Phil-coached forwards from the past like Scottie, LO, Metta, Ariza, etc.

I would take him on, as long as it is low financial risk, because the reward is potentially pretty high. If we are talking about "moneyball." But Smith as a player is a major risk, so I wouldnt want him if it cost us anything more than a larger one year deal or a small deal for multiple years.

Longer the contract, lower the price should be. But solid points @jf95... And just ftr I wasnt one of the people who **** on you last time. :lol:
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Monroe gonna be the new Stat watch it happen
Injury prone and isn't good at defense with his first year being great?
It's not preference.

I do not want Draymond Green on the NY Knicks. I'd still be slightly annoyed if we got him for the vet min.

If you told me it's either Robin Lopez or Green I'm picking Lopez.

I've seen his game and I'm not buying at all that talk that he'd fit great her. **** him
Well it sounds like you have a personal problem with Dray, which is OK.
I don't like his game or him from what I've seen. It's as simple as that.

He's just on that list of players in the league I think of as bums. A few other ppl everybody been mentioning are on it as well.
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David West turned us down & we didn't give Demmare Carroll $60M
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