2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

All this talk about next year? Correct me if I'm wrong, but who else besides KD, noah(who I wouldn't want, hortford would be worth pursuing?

We have to max out DJ or Monroe tonight. At least offer them something.
This right here. I've been looking at this 2016 FA class a lot lately since people keep saying lets wait til next year and the only person worth the hype is KD and I refuse to put all my hopes into that pipe dream |I
Dudes are being very delusional about next years FA and I don't get it. Maybe it's just a Knick fan thing to always be looking to next season's FAs :lol: and that we won't have 1st round picks for a while :smh:

KD is not coming to the Knicks. I can see those posts being worse than all this hope for DJ.

Knicks win day 1 of FA :pimp:
Technically you right :lol:
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Day one theme has been overpaying big men. Does not make sense.

The game is trending the opposite way. The space and pace method that is thriving de-emphasizes big men's skills. 

Bogut and Mozgov didnt play in the last 2 games of the NBA Finals

The Knicks should NOT overspend on Monroe, DJ or Lopez.

Give me Kyle O'Quinn for the low. He is a goon who can protect the rim. Has a good jumper too. 
Give me a bunch of young guys at the 7-8 mil range and we good. Just bc were not signing a LA or kris middleton, doesn't mean we gotta go broke and offer up option C. None of these FA were gonna make us legit contenders anyway. We have way too many holes to fill. Just give us some bargain young guys that'll develop and who knows, we might end up with a gem.
Ay though.

Shout out to all the folks in here that wasted time & energy for weeks thinking Draymond Green & Jimmy Butler were switching teams this offseason. As RESTRICTED free agents. And to the Knicks no less.

Meek Mill don't even dream this much. 

At least we ain't the Kings though!
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I dunno, I guess I was hoping that maybe we could wait for everyone to be gone already and us to have failed completely before we began the sky is falling routine...
Players don't want to come play for us because they want to be in a winning situation. A decade ago it was advantageous to come play in a big market, but with the influence of social media and news being sent out faster than ever, it's not so bad to play for a small market while getting a big pay day. I also suspect some players don't want to play in the triangle either. It's too much to learn and a lot of guys won't get that many touchers or have the chance to shine.

Players want to be able to move freely and use their athletic abilities to get up as many shots as they can. League is moving in a different direction and here we are stuck on something that's been left behind years ago. It's really a function of poor management and people resisting change.

I want to say I feel bad for Melo, but he knew all of this going in. I guess we'll end up trading him and Phil will get exactly what he wanted--To start from scratch without Melo and build a winning team. The issue is that he's stubborn as Hell and I'm not so confident his brand of basketball is what will put us in the best possible chance to win a title anytime soon. Not unless we draft some superstar in 2017 :lol:
^^^By February when we have a total of 6 wins, Melo will ask for a trade. Well get s couple draft picks and even more money for FA next offseason.

I'll keep riding with Phil, even with the triangle being outdated. I mean he's only had the job for a little over a year and he got dealt some bad cards.
Give Draymond and DJ the max and just see what happens. Offer Lopez 3 years 35 mill and Gerald Green 3 years 24 mill and Afflalo 4 years 40 mill
Soooo Day 2... Signing Nate for vets minimum and trading for Lee (and a Dubs draft pick or Looney) sounding a little bit better right about now :lol:

Getting the band back together :pimp:
Soooo Day 2... Signing Nate for vets minimum and trading for Lee (and a Dubs draft pick or Looney) sounding a little bit better right about now :lol:

Getting the band back together :pimp:

Idk if you're joking but I'd welcome Lee with open arms. Yea yea, Lee is a turnstile on defense, but idc idc.
Offer both DJ and Aldridge 18 mill. Whoever bites first gets the deal. Fill in the rest of the roster with exceptions and vet min signings.
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