2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

As far as DJ is concerned I think he'd be a good rim protector anywhere he went, however, he is the product of "Lob City". Who wouldn't flourish with a lesser PG. For right now, I'll reiterate, RIGHT now, we have lesser PG. Grant will be fine but right out of the gate, idk how it would be. DJ is a by-product of Cliff Paul. If he came here it would be cool for defense only. Unless we ditch the triangle and go all 2K and throw lobs every trip down.
One year deal for RoLo would be extremely interesting.

Dude know he's worth much more then 12mil given the current contracts handed out and he expects to be rewarded handsomely next year assuming he gets the opportunity to showcase all of his talent.
chris paul has little to do with deandre being at worst the second best rebounder in the league and a top 5 shot blocker

I dont want deandre to come in and drop 15ppg, just want someone to play defense and go all out on the boards. can rolo do that? yes. can deandre do that much better? most likely

I'll be happy with either one
if we can add brewer and bellinelli to robin and afflalo, that's a tremendous offseason and foundation being built. next year we go out and maybe get a star if its possible w the cp increase.
im trying to watch basketball games next year not some dude brick free throws.  no need for deandre, lopez will do just fine.
Rob Lo/Aldrich?

Still have Early, Shved, Gallow and Greek Freak #2
My new sn was banned for whatever reason, most likely an accident, so I'm back to using this.. hopefully, at least for now.

Golden State has explored dealing ex-Knicks power forward David Lee, who wants to play in New York and has one year and $15.5 million left on his pact. According to a source, this scenario has been discussed among the parties. Pacers center Roy Hibbert, who opted in to the last year of his deal ($14 million) and shares an agent with Monroe, reportedly is available as well, and the Knicks have interest.
Phil is killing it for us. This is way bigger than just next season. The East is weak and wide open. By surrounding Melo with so many multi skilled players, you optimize everything that he already offers. The bench was the starting unit last year! That's why they are gonna be a sick *** bench this season with lesser responsibility + all the experience. I love the Robin Lopez move if DJ doesn't sign. He actually does more things that our team needs, and it will allow Porzingis to do his thing.

I still need to read that dissertation by Gr8est :lol: but I haven't had enough free time the past couple days
My new sn was banned for whatever reason, most likely an accident, so I'm back to using this.. hopefully, at least for now.
David Lee wanting to come back home. All I needed to hear :pimp:

What was your new sn btw? I like to know who is who if 2 people are the same.

"Dissertation" :rofl: :pimp:
^^ SN: PaulMinus

I wasnt going to have two active accounts. I'm only using this cause i have to. I only had like 3 post on it

If we sign Lopez, I think Melo should play the 4 and Porzingis play the 3, forget height, probably....

Lopez - Melo - Porzingis - Afflalo - Grant.

Placing Zingis at the 3 would allow him to play in or out and use his versatility more. We also shouldn't worry much about big names, wouldn't be upset if we didn't sign DJ. Having multiple versatile selfless players who can play D is the key. That model started taking shape when San Antonio beat Miami in the Finals.
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man why is nate not on a nba team? dude is short but has proven to be a solid backup time and time again. Was/Is he injured or something?
I hope they throw Kristaps right in the fire.

Let him play as much as possible and learn through his mistakes. Some guys you just gotta let them go at it from day 1 and I think he definitely fits that category.
man why is nate not on a nba team? dude is short but has proven to be a solid backup time and time again. Was/Is he injured or something?
been wondering the same thing 
Melo is a way better defender at the 4 versus the 3. I like Porzingis there I think his lateral quickness and length will bother opposing SF's
I like the ROLO news, He seems like such a chill dude aswell, Good to have in the team.
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