2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

This was from last year about Tobias harris playing alongside Melo.

Nov. 12. 2014
“I’m telling you if the Knicks come at him hard, who wouldn’t want to play for their hometown team?” a Harris confidant told SNY.tv and The Knicks Blog.

The source pointed out that the 6-foot-9 Harris plays well alongside Knicks star Carmelo Anthony. The pair worked out together multiple times this summer at Terminal 23, Anthony’s midtown gym.

“They play well together,” the confidant said. “Carmelo always had him on his team when Kevin Durant came to town and they would win every game.”

Even if we fill up most of our cap this season, we'll still have money for one more max next offseason?
2016 free agent class is trash. All the talent are restricted and will go back to their teams and KD is deadset on playing home
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The article is about Melo & Tobias chemistry "vs." KD's team, it's not Melo, KD & Tobias on one team.
get David Lee and/or Hibbert and lets get that 6 seed, try and steal a round one series against a Chi/Mil/Tor... square up against a 2 seed and hope they have injury bugs - either give them a series or steal another one... eventually lose to the Cavs but get every free agent out in the West ready to join NYC to give King James the King Geoffrey

2016 free agents who would want to join if we showed some promise, team work, and fight...
Kevin Durant - team up with Melo and try to finally win a championship
Nene Hilario - ex Melo team mate and goon in the block
Al Horford - great team mate, would love to join another team if atlanta can't get over the hump
Joakim Noah - could pair him up with his Florida team mate above and move Horford to the 4
Mike Conley - quick PG who would want to get out of the West
Bradley Beal - chance to make a name for himself in a bigger city
I hope they throw Kristaps right in the fire.

Let him play as much as possible and learn through his mistakes. Some guys you just gotta let them go at it from day 1 and I think he definitely fits that category.
yeah just put him out there in the very beginning of the season. nothing to lose but a few games. the season's long

i think sheltering and being conservative with young players hinders their capacity to play more freely. it's kind of an antiquated thing really

remember larry brown's policy to never play rookies? he was such a douchebag about it. then by the end of the season he'd get desperate for a few wins and throw in completely inexperienced rookies that he shunned throughout the entire year. no reason
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60-22 next season
ayeeeee its litttttttt
@rick_bonnell: Ewing tore a meniscus in his left knee while working out. Will have surgery --10th on both knees -- after summer league.

We have 8mil left, and we gonna use it on Corey Brewer? Cmon Phil you're better than this
if i go to a 4th of July party and #PORZINGIS isn't being played at an ignorant volume i'm walking out
Should we absorb that contract or is Lee + 30th pick better? Nene is on a $13M expiring contract. While dumping Caldo of course.

Wizards Exploring Trade Of Nene
JUL 3, 2015 11:20 AM

The Washington Wizards are shopping Nene this offseason.

Washington would like to trade Nene into another team's cap space to create room to sign David West.

The Denver Nuggets traded Nene to the Wizards in 2012 just months after signing him to a new contract.

Chris Broussard: Sources: Knicks meeting with Corey Brewer and Derrick Williams today in LA. NYK has about $8 mill left to spend….
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There are plenty of options out there remaining for that 7-8 mill range.

Corey Brewer is very good at what he does, doubt we give him more than 5 mill. We need someone that plays defense, ignites the fast break, cuts in lanes, and gets easy points and thats exactly what he does.
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i never really wanted lma on the squad,dude always seems soft or timid or some **** honestly and i dont want no soft *** dudes on this team no more.
I want Lee for nostalgic reasons. But other than that, if we had to choose, I'd like someone else who can do those things ballinsam23 ballinsam23 mentioned.

Who do we even have to trade for Lee?
get David Lee and/or Hibbert and lets get that 6 seed, try and steal a round one series against a Chi/Mil/Tor... square up against a 2 seed and hope they have injury bugs - either give them a series or steal another one... eventually lose to the Cavs but get every free agent out in the West ready to join NYC to give King James the King Geoffrey

2016 free agents who would want to join if we showed some promise, team work, and fight...
Kevin Durant - team up with Melo and try to finally win a championship
Nene Hilario - ex Melo team mate and goon in the block
Al Horford - great team mate, would love to join another team if atlanta can't get over the hump
Joakim Noah - could pair him up with his Florida team mate above and move Horford to the 4
Mike Conley - quick PG who would want to get out of the West
Bradley Beal - chance to make a name for himself in a bigger city
I got 3 words for you: Michael Kidd Gilchrist :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

remember larry brown's policy to never play rookies? he was such a douchebag about it. then by the end of the season he'd get desperate for a few wins and throw in completely inexperienced rookies that he shunned throughout the entire year. no reason
Yeah and LB is most definitely part of the reason that Darko and Channing Frye didnt pan out. Dude was more stuck in his ways/stubborn than any coach I can ever remember. Dude tried to turn prime Marbury into Eric ******* Snow and essentially ended his career. Steph was never the same then then LB quit on the team, took his $, and never looked back. He didnt have the ideal situation obviously, but **** Larry Brown. :smh:

And yeah, let Zinger play :lol:

That PORZINGIS hook tho :wow: :pimp: :lol:

Side note: Remember when we gave Corey Brewer to Dallas (I think) because we wanted to help them out :rofl:

And I think it was during that time right after the Melo trade when we were playing ******* Jared Jeffries, Bill Walker, Shawne Williams, Anthony Carter, and Toney Douglas around Melo. God DAMN we ******* suck so hard :lol: :smh:
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