2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Im fine with bringing our starting 5 back for the bench like lance, gallo, jason smith and amundson. and if we can get lou williams or bass maybe both this was a good summer. we can easily win 40 games if everyone is healthy and plays their role consistently
This was a purposed roster from KnicksMemes on Twitter. Should be fine in relations to the cap and Chris Herring agreed that it looks realistic

What do y'all think
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Appreciate all the support from the article fam. Really means a lot. Ran out of reps reading through the comments. Been working on it for almost a week now and JRS helped it become what it did as well, so appreciate the love.

Now hopefully we can continue the process :pimp:

I really like the Rolo signing (I think I will only be calling him that for now on, especially because I have become associated to hate the last name Lopez :lol: ). Dont care about the 12-13 so much but I am curious to find out about the years. If it is 3 or less I will be fine. More than that (like Asik's 5 year deal), Idk if I would like it so much.

But I dont really see what the big deal is. Market is absurd right now and Rolo is the exact kind of big man this team needs right now. Like someone posted awhile back, he is the perfect center to sign for a team who has defensive limitations in the front court, which the Knicks clearly do.

He is a MUCH better fit than someone like Greg Monroe. Ive said it all along, but I do not see a lot of upside in a Melo/Monroe frontcourt tandem, so I didnt see the point of pursuing it. Especially for the $ Monroe was pursuing. Id rather have a guy like Rolo who knows his role, does it well, and could hold down the center spot efficiently while allowing the core players to develop like we hope.

Signing Rolo could make life a lot easier for Porzingis, and you all know how strongly I feel about that. Rolo could handle the physicality in the short term, and the 2 could even develop into a really good shot blocking tandem. Rolo could even shoot a little bit like Zinger, so they wouldnt necessarily clog the paint/clash offensively despite their size.

But in 2-3 years my hope is that Zinger will be able to become a full time center, so we can transition Melo back to the 4 and try to add some athleticism from the 3rd front court spot. I think as a general rule of thumb, you sign a player to a contract for no more than one year more than you want the contract to be. Because if you want to get rid of them at that point, at least they will be an expiring contract.

So for me, anything more than 3 years might be too much for someone like Rolo. But there is 0 doubt in my mind that he can/will be the Knicks starting center for at least the next 2 seasons, so I dont mind giving him that money in this market. As long as it is not too long term. We dont want to be stuck with Robin Lopez making that kind of money coming off the bench as a 30 something year old.

I also love that he has a little bit of offense in his repetoire. IMO it should make him a much more natural fit in the offense than Deandre, and it will keep him on the floor late in games.

I am also shocked by him committing pending Deandre's decision. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure I have never seen that before. At this point, it almost makes me just want him more than Deandre. Like **** it I respect the commitment. I was never too into Deandre because of his lack of offense and because his personality reminds me a little of Dwight, but he is a physical freak so I guess I'll just take it as a win-win.

I dont see Deandre here regardless. I never took signing him seriously, and I still dont. He is much more LA personality than NYC, and he would be out of his ******* mind to leave that scenario with CP3 and them from a basketball perspective, to come here and play in the triangle offense of all systems. Im not buying that he is interested in becoming a #2 option (literally the ONLY argument we have) because he cant ******* score. :lol:

So yeah, guess what im trying to say is welcome to NY Rolo. :pimp:

Hope you can beat the **** out of your brother... O/U 2 weeks before the first NYC tabloid article comes out interviewing the Lopez parents about their childhood fights. Even though they really both are ******* nerds :lol:
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dude is hilarious 
Looking at Gerald Green. Had a down year this year, his analytics weren't that good. Interesting enough his usage increased this year so maybe he can be worthwhile in a lesser role. Wanna keep it short w him year wise though.
Wings: Gerald Green, Dorrell Wright, Corey Brewer, Marco Belinelli

Bigs: Brandon Bass, Kosta Koufus, Tyler Hansbrough, Bismack Biyombo, Jason Smith, Darrell Arthur 

all unrestriced & i imagine they can all be had for less than $6M per 
It's sad that in today's game a player like DJ can hold a free agency hostage. He's good & athletic no doubt but he's MORE than a liability during crunch time. He's no Shaq so whatever else he brings to the table, if part of it can be had cheaper (Lopez) I'd go with it. And between the two players, you can see who has actually worked immensely on their game after being drafted and who is still leaning heavily on their athleticism alone.

Setting a bad precedent by making DJ a priority. Him signing to whatever team ain't a homerun neither.
Lopez is really good, but he has his limitations.

Good signing by the Knicks regardless.
I seriously cannot believe how many people want Deandre Jordan in here.

If ya'll were complaining about Tyson Chandler offensively when he was here, Dj would be even worse and at a full max contract no less :x

He is nothing without Chris Paul, no one on our team would be able to play 1/4 of Paul's role. Ya'll would hate Jordan by the 10th game.

Like the Affalo deal, it was cheap and short. Hope a similar deal goes to RoLo aswell - it'd be a great offseason if it does.
Good off season so far.

We had holes in literally every position...we managed to pick up solid guys at C and SG along with drafting two solid prospects and F and PG.

First time in a while we've been able to be patient and not just interested in doing whatever it takes to make the biggest splash possible.
Good off season so far.

We had holes in literally every position...we managed to pick up solid guys at C and SG along with drafting two solid prospects and F and PG.

First time in a while we've been able to be patient and not just interested in doing whatever it takes to make the biggest splash possible.

Yup. Well said.

What's the numbers on the Lopez deal tho? I can't find it.
Anyone who hates mascots is :pimp:

We dont ******* do mascots in NYC. Some of those hits were pretty intense actually :lol:

I have never seen that before. Mad funny. Did Rolo ever get finef for any of those mascot hits?
Good off season so far.

We had holes in literally every position...we managed to pick up solid guys at C and SG along with drafting two solid prospects and F and PG.

First time in a while we've been able to be patient and not just interested in doing whatever it takes to make the biggest splash possible.

Yup. Well said.

What's the numbers on the Lopez deal tho? I can't find it.
I've heard 1 year $12-13M...but that was from a friend of mine, so who knows. I hope its a short deal.

Also, after thinking a bit, I don't think I even want DeAndre. Dude is all athleticism and an absolute liability on offense. Kinda rather have Lopez who doesn't rely on his athleticism so much. Lopez just seems a lot more reliable and sturdy...not to mention the fact that he commands a lot less money.
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