2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Mixed bag for Phil from me. But he's actually trending in the right direction since the draft.

The Kristaps Porzingis pick was probably the worst pick that Phil could have made, it didn't and doesn't make sense. And from a future perspective it made very little sense to be happy with him thinking he could be a franchise player in the future. He got a D grade from me on that. Because even if he becomes Dirk, Dirk doesn't bring in players until he's in his mid 30s and takes a huge paycut.

The Jerian Grant trade was great. Grant has the tools to be a good player. I would say an okay Starting PG ceiling, but a great backup PG. Good instincts, good feel for the game. The only downside is he's an old Draftee in comparison to others, so people feel his ceiling is pretty close to where it is. Also his fit isn't great, he isn't a knockdown shooter off ball, so it will hurt the triangle, but you gave up only THJr for Grant, which is a solid trade. B Grade from me.

As for the signings:

Robin Lopez was a great signing for a steal money wise. You may think he isn't. But if Asik got 5 year / $60mil, Lopez should have gotten 4 year / $60-64mil. He will clean up a lot of mess for Melo, Porzingis. He will be great in the P&R on offense, would help if you guys had better PGs. He's also a hilarious guy, who you'll love to have on the team.
Grade: A-

Aaron Afflalo - He's getting older, but you got him for pretty decent money, although the signings after him, made it a little less attractive. He's a 3 & D guy, but both of those are slipping with his age. Especially defense, he's getting worse every year on that end. A lot of people believe that he just gave up on defense, and focused on offense. So he doesn't fight, which while it wouldn't suddenly remake him into a better defender, it would make it not look as bad. I would say you want Afflalo to be like a 4th option as opposed to being # 2 which is what he will be.
Grade: B

Derrick Williams - I don't much care for this signing. He doesn't fit with the Knicks. As I said, he's not fast enough to play NBA SFs, and not big enough or a good enough shooter to stretch the floor and be a Stretch 4. He's a bust, and I don't see it changing, even under the most desperate of prayers. 2 year / $10mil with 2nd year Player Option isn't throwing away the farm, but you could have saved the $5mil on top of the rest of the cap space for a better fitting role player:
Grade: C

I honestly think this team will still struggle on both sides of the ball, not as much as last season because there is certainly more talent, and Melo isn't injured.. But you guys are headed in the right direction.

I predict a 35 win season, with an off chance that you make a mid-season trade, and sneak into the playoffs.

View media item 1613040

If cap goes up to $69mil

View media item 1613042
Red is non-guaranteed
Blue is Player Option
Green is QO to make them a RFA

Most you can sign a player for is actually $4.306 because you need a roster hold.

I'd look at a 3rd PG because Calderon & Grant is nowhere near enough, you need a 3rd PG. (Aaron Brooks, Jameer Nelson, J.J. Barea)
You need a SF. If Melo move to PF, you clean up the hole in PF, but create a huge hole at SF (Dorrell Wright)
Vet minimum Big (Quincy Acy should be back)

As for 2016, I'd do the same thing you did this season. Do not shoot for the home run, shoot for depth. That should be what Phil does from here on out during the last 4 years of Melo's contract. Then in 2019 (Phil will be gone by then), that's when you rebuild and do it through trying to get a Star.

I doubt that you guys will find a taker for Calderon unless he has a good season. Because even though he's on his last year next season, you need to trade assets to get another team to take him.

Going for a home run will be a swing and a miss each year, and you'll be wasting valuable time on guys who can help now, and make you better (see My Lakers)
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I was in the Lakers thread the other day wishing we had someone like you crunching the numbers over here, but lo and behold....appreciate that, breh.

This FA pool wasn't all that spectacular imo, so I'm rather impressed with the signings taking into consideration the money that was spent. LMA wasn't the answer for this team and DJ has glaring deficiencies that greatly sully the good he brings to the table.

Derrick Williams doe :rolleyes
"He got a D grade from me on that. Because even if he becomes Dirk, Dirk doesn't bring in players until he's in his mid 30s and takes a huge paycut."

Now, I hated the pick. But if he somehow becomes even close to Dirk, I don't give a **** if it takes time and he "brings in players" :lol:
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I swear you guys don't know **** about basketball when you recommend bringing in KJ McDaniels. Unbelievable 
Phil has a way with outcasts, maybe Williams is another one that carves out a niche and finds a role. Who knows. I wish we gave him a team option though.
"He got a D grade from me on that. Because even if he becomes Dirk, Dirk doesn't bring in players until he's in his mid 30s and takes a huge paycut."

Now, I hated the pick. But if he somehow becomes even close to Dirk, I don't give a **** if it takes time and he "brings in players" :lol:

Well yeah you should be excited about it.

But just saying in the best case of best cases, it still has a risk and downside that I don't think Phil should have taken. Especially if he doesn't plan to be in NY for 10 years to completely see Kristaps through the process.
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"He got a D grade from me on that. Because even if he becomes Dirk, Dirk doesn't bring in players until he's in his mid 30s and takes a huge paycut."

Now, I hated the pick. But if he somehow becomes even close to Dirk, I don't give a **** if it takes time and he "brings in players" :lol:

Indeed, that was a ridiculously stupid thing to say or compare.

Like really stupid :lol:
"He got a D grade from me on that. Because even if he becomes Dirk, Dirk doesn't bring in players until he's in his mid 30s and takes a huge paycut."

Now, I hated the pick. But if he somehow becomes even close to Dirk, I don't give a **** if it takes time and he "brings in players" :lol:

Indeed, that was a ridiculously stupid thing to say or compare.

Like really stupid :lol:

Look at my response to clarify.

And it's also something I said when he was drafted, and right before FA.

It's an unnecessary risk that Phil took. Especially when even at his best case he's not bringing in star power nor is Phil going to be around long enough to build a team around him after his rookie contract. Also there were 3-4 players available who were just better fits and as good today.

Hence why it was a bad pick.
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Bismack got a 2 year 6 million deal from Toronto. Now this Williams signing really annoys me
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D-Will can bring more to the table than Biyombo can if he's putting in 100% effort

would've like Biyombo at that price tho.. :smh:
Rather Bismack but Phil probably feels he can get something outta Derrick, especially with Rambis around and when we utilize Triangle sets.
Idk but I just went through the Kurt Rambis twolves teams he coached and they ran the triangle. We were connected to a handful of players from those rosters already :lol:
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