2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

i wish we gave DWill a team option instead of a player option :rolleyes

he was a different player once Karl became coach & there was some stability...hope he can find his game here in NY
Williams is gonna be good for us in the triangle.

You really think so? I think I hate everything about him :lol:
yeah i like the way he was sitting next to phil and what he said during the SL. he's hungry, he'll be rejuvenated. won't be the star many expected, but i think he'll be a very solid role player.

agreed with Nick though. wish it was a team option.
Billy King....how does this guy still have a job?
When money starts raining from the sky you do NOT question it... BK 4 Life 

Also think it is HILARIOUS that it was BK and the Kings fighting for Bargs. Like it was some sort of arm's race to be the most pathetic franchise in the NBA right now 

Reallyyyyyyy wish we could have swooped in and brought Harkless to NYC tho 

But I am holding out some hope that Derrick Williams could be an underrated high upside pick up...

I also thought the same thing when we got Bargs sooo... but at least we didnt give up a first for Williams. I was against doing that for Bargs from the start 

I'd go with that. Cant start 2 rookies right away imo. And i prefer Caldo's 3pt shooting.
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That should be a fun disaster to watch.
I like this lineup with JG instead of Caldo. **** starting Caldo again. Let him be a vet presence off the bench if he is still here. Let 23 year old/bigger/more athletic JG run with the thoroughbreds out the gate.

He is a rookie but he isnt as much of a project. I think he is ready to start and I think Caldo is definitely beyond ready to be a role player. Kind of like when we started Landry Fields in his rookie season despite him being a 2nd round pick... Except that Grant  wasnt a 2nd round pick and is 100x the player Landry is... Or at least we hope so 

But in today's NBA a guy like Grant is bettter suited to play big minutes and operate a unit more than Calderon is from Day 1. He will have an easier time handling the bigger name starting PGs on D and he is also much better at running the pick and roll and getting to the hoop, which can help set the pace for Melo and the others offensively (within the context of the triangle, of course 

And even though I have been all talk about starting Zinger, I'm actually all for starting DWill next to Melo.

I mean we signed DWill with hope that he can live up to his potential. If he could do that, it would be a ******* steal for us. In order to do so, I feel like we need to throw him in the mix right away and show him some love. Maybe get him to stop 2nd thinking himself and let it loose. The talent is there. Even if he was overrated as a #2 overall pick and also a product of a weak *** draft class (something I even said at the time) dude was still a top 10 PROSPECT in almost any draft this decade...

Also like that he is more of a combo forward type, something you all know I have been preaching we should be looking for next to Melo and a rim protector (Rolo).

Then you let Zinger lead the bench mob. Now that we have Rolo entrenched at the 5, we could also take full advantage out of Zinger's versatility. Allowing him to come into the game for any of the 3 front court guys as the first guy off the bench. An admirable trait for any 6th man.

It still throws him into the fire so to speak, allows him to get PT and develop while taking advantage of his versatility, and then if the DW investment doesnt pan out, we cut him loose slowly by moving him to the bench and letting the Zinger star shine in the starting lineup earlier than expected and see how he does.

I dont think the Knicks have much success this year unless Grant has an extremely solid rookie season and at least one of Zinger/DWill really overachieves. If all 3 have bad seasons, I think the Knicks will suck again. If only 1 of the 3 has a solid season, I still dont think we will be very good. If 2/3 overachieve than we could be looking at a potential playoff team depending on how much they overachieve. If all 3 have good seasons though, I think the Knicks can have an extremely successful season this year and be a sleeper to sneak into the East's top 5-6.

A lot can go right and a lot can go wrong. The team has some solid potential right now but a lot of the dude's who have the potential to take us there right now are all just investments. And like any investment, they all have a significant amount of risk attached. Luckily none of them cost us too much besides Zinger so they all have a lot of upside. We'll see how it goes. Patience is key.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best 
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one thing i saw with Grant that i didn't like was a lot of dribbling & going nowhere..i think that'll get fixed with experience in the NBA & the triangle but it's still something to keep an eye on.

also he likes the jump pass which got him in trouble a couple times.
Yea i caught that too. He does it alot.

You need a veteran PG imo so caldo needs to start, especially now that we have an actual team on the floor.
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