2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th

I take it back

I forgot about Catch Me If You Can

I'd put that in instead of WoWS

Also, I thought Revolutionary Road was really good
Because he sold out and spent his prime years doing movies like Pirates, Alice in Wonderland, etc. Black Mass was supposed to be his comeback but it was pretty underwhelming. His wasn't even the best performance in that movie, Joel Edgerton's was.

If you wanna talk about an actor getting jipped by the Academy, it's Joaquin Phoenix
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Because he sold out and spent his prime years doing movies like Pirates, Alice in Wonderland, etc. Black Mass was supposed to be his comeback but it was pretty underwhelming. His wasn't even the best performance in that movie, Joel Edgerton's was.
i want to see a movie about the making of batman forever where depp plays jim carry playing the riddler 
The mob genre is by far my favorite. I went to watch Black Mass the day it was released expecting the next great mob classic, I was pretty disappointed when I left the theatre.
johnny depp is the anti leo

VERY talented actor, TERRIBLE taste in movies to act in 

best answer :lol:

Here's the thing about Depp when he picks serious roles, they are utter trash. He needs a new agent. Until then he's going to be that guy who wears make-up in every movie :smh:

That movie were he was the Native American :x I was watching that like WTH is this mess?

He's a method actor like Daniel Day Lewis, if he chooses better roles he'll get an Oscar.

I will not stand for the Black Mass slander tho :smh:
:stoneface: at Depp & DDL being mentioned in the same sentence.

Black Mass was caca but I agree that Depp was masterful in that.

One of his best non-Sparrow performances.
leo really does need to work with fincher though

then he will have worked with the top 4 directors working today 
Speaking of gangsta movies, Legend was surprisingly good. This Tom Hardy guy is a star. Him in Warrior tho>>>>>>>>>>

Tom Hardy is the next big thing in Hollywood. He was in the two most nominated films this year, only a matter of time before he wins an Oscar for himself. One of his best performances was in The Drop with Gandolfini, very underrated film.
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