2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

How many stories are out there? This reads NOTHING like the story I read. Literally all the details are different.


That other article is kind of misleading. This link is just facts from the case. The chick herself says she was drinking vodka while she waited for the driver who was 3 hours late and then was drinking wine in the car on the way there and tequila when she finally got there. They have evidence that she was partying two weeks after the incident although she claims she was 'not the same' after the incident. Her roommate says she was 'happy and smiling ' the next morning. It seems like it wasn't until she hit rock bottom and was applying for food stamps that she went to police, two years after the fact. There's also a text from 2015 she sent to her friend talking about buying a plasma with the money from the case. A plasma? In 2015? :smh:

Then there's this..

The texts state, in relevant part:
 6/20/2013 01:07:45 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “Dam babe U making you
***** wet” (ECF # 71-2 at 74).
 6/20/2013 01:24:35 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “I’m about to take a cold ***
shower with my vibrator smdh” (ECF # 71-2 at 74).
 6/20/2013 01:40:56 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “What’s your email. . I’ma try
from my mac my phone videos don’t go through . .bay u now u the only one
than can make her cum and drip and cum again” (ECF # 71-2 at 75).
 6/27/2013 01:28:28 AM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “I would explore and open
myself for anything only to satisfy my man and u are clearly showing me our
relationship is based on your sexual fantasies.” (ECF # 71-2 at 78).
 7/23/2013 08:36:10 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “We good but I’m not messing
wit u like that anymore. (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 08:48:51 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “It’s no hate wit u at all. U got
mad at me for askin a question” (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 09:18:56 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “All I can do is ask. It was
nice meeting u and I wish u nothing but the best” (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 09:23:20 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “If my flaw is wanting and
waiting and keeping my ***** for you, then my bad. I can share u with
howeva many ******* but **** I had never messed or **** with more than 1
@ a time so my bad for that too. U did give me some good **** so thanks
and I guess I have to b less selfish with my ***** next time.”


Chick is questionable to say the least.
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That other article is kind of misleading. This link is just facts from the case. The chick herself says she was drinking vodka while she waited for the driver who was 3 hours late and then was drinking wine in the car on the way there and tequila when she finally got there. They have evidence that she was partying two weeks after the incident although she claims she was 'not the same' after the incident. Her roommate says she was 'happy and smiling ' the next morning. It seems like it wasn't until she hit rock bottom and was applying for food stamps that she went to police, two years after the fact. There's also a text from 2015 she sent to her friend talking about buying a plasma with the money from the case. A plasma? In 2015? :smh:

Then there's this..

Chick is questionable to say the least.

She's a ******* idiot. If anybody can read those texts and that info and think she actually got raped then you're a lost cause.
She's a ******* idiot. If anybody can read those texts and that info and think she actually got raped then you're a lost cause.

Her initial lawsuit is a joke. Tries to paint her as this lil innocent church girl. There's a part that talks about how she was uncomfortable masturbating and thought that was something only men do, not women :rofl:. The texts are right there..the other article made rose seem thirsty like he was begging for pics and she just ignored him but it was mutual. I'm starting to think she's bluffing and hoping for a settlement. She really doesn't want it to go to trial because then she would have to reveal her identity. I don't think there's anyway she can prove she was drugged, that they trespassed or that there wasn't consent. It's all gonna come down to witness testimony. Supposedly rose's team has evidence that they all smashed at the house in Beverly hills that they will present at the trial..I dunno man. Her story doesn't really add up
She's a ******* idiot. If anybody can read those texts and that info and think she actually got raped then you're a lost cause.
Her initial lawsuit is a joke. Tries to paint her as this lil innocent church girl. There's a part that talks about how she was uncomfortable masturbating and thought that was something only men do, not women
. The texts are right there..the other article made rose seem thirsty like he was begging for pics and she just ignored him but it was mutual. I'm starting to think she's bluffing and hoping for a settlement. She really doesn't want it to go to trial because then she would have to reveal her identity. I don't think there's anyway she can prove she was drugged, that they trespassed or that there wasn't consent. It's all gonna come down to witness testimony. Supposedly rose's team has evidence that they all smashed at the house in Beverly hills that they will present at the trial..I dunno man. Her story doesn't really add up
Dudes were ready to give Rose life after reading those first series of texts though.
Two years after this "happened" and those text.. Was sketchy to begin with Yeah I'm convinced rose is innocent now. Money grab..
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Yea that article was hella one sided and didn't show most of the texts that make her look bad. Almost forgot to mention she was asking rose for ecstasy and weed..but claims she was drugged and is just a conservative church girl.
How many stories are out there? This reads NOTHING like the story I read. Literally all the details are different.


That other article is kind of misleading. This link is just facts from the case. The chick herself says she was drinking vodka while she waited for the driver who was 3 hours late and then was drinking wine in the car on the way there and tequila when she finally got there. They have evidence that she was partying two weeks after the incident although she claims she was 'not the same' after the incident. Her roommate says she was 'happy and smiling ' the next morning. It seems like it wasn't until she hit rock bottom and was applying for food stamps that she went to police, two years after the fact. There's also a text from 2015 she sent to her friend talking about buying a plasma with the money from the case. A plasma? In 2015? :smh:

Then there's this..

The texts state, in relevant part:
 6/20/2013 01:07:45 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “Dam babe U making you
***** wet” (ECF # 71-2 at 74).
 6/20/2013 01:24:35 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “I’m about to take a cold ***
shower with my vibrator smdh” (ECF # 71-2 at 74).
 6/20/2013 01:40:56 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “What’s your email. . I’ma try
from my mac my phone videos don’t go through . .bay u now u the only one
than can make her cum and drip and cum again” (ECF # 71-2 at 75).
 6/27/2013 01:28:28 AM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “I would explore and open
myself for anything only to satisfy my man and u are clearly showing me our
relationship is based on your sexual fantasies.” (ECF # 71-2 at 78).
 7/23/2013 08:36:10 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “We good but I’m not messing
wit u like that anymore. (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 08:48:51 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “It’s no hate wit u at all. U got
mad at me for askin a question” (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 09:18:56 PM Mr. Rose to Plaintiff: “All I can do is ask. It was
nice meeting u and I wish u nothing but the best” (ECF # 71-2 at 79).
 7/23/2013 09:23:20 PM Plaintiff to Mr. Rose: “If my flaw is wanting and
waiting and keeping my ***** for you, then my bad. I can share u with
howeva many ******* but **** I had never messed or **** with more than 1
@ a time so my bad for that too. U did give me some good **** so thanks
and I guess I have to b less selfish with my ***** next time.”


Chick is questionable to say the least.

So the two parties CAN write in English :wow:
So all those new texts are texts she sent 2 years after the alleged rape?

*puts Rose cape back on

Eff you, coin collecting and taxidermy. This Knicks fan is back.
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It's funny how she complains about the plaintiff being smeared and treated unfairly then uses the whole article to misconstrue and omit facts to make rose look bad. Like saying she wanted rose to come alone (he sent his guy and she wanted rose to come too), saying he requested videos and she never sent (texts shows she tried to send vids) and just leaving out all kinds of info.

Anybody got a link to the actual depositions from the case? All I'm finding is these chopped and screwed versions
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