2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Damn there was so much wrong with this. This was dumb as hell fam, i'm keeping it a buck with you. I could take down this dumb *** post one by one but i'll just leave it here.

Start Over.

Wait, nvm don't start over. Just...Stop.

You're arguing with a dude who wholeheartedly believes the Clippers lost their series because the crowd wasn't loud enough. It's like watching ESPN Classics from the 80's where everything is a cliché :lol:
I don't even know what the argument is but Draymond is GS's most important player. They go as far as he takes them
I totally agree. I think they're actually a bit vulnerable without him and borderline invincible with him.

But that's not because of his "heart" or "desire" or "Will"

It's because he's 6'7.5 with like a 7'2 wingspan who's built like a refrigerator and moves like a guard which allows him to adequately defend 5 positions and allows GSW to keep their best players on the floor in key moments (Death Lineup) AND he's a really good playmaker.

Those are acutally tangible reasons why Draymond green is great, not some cliche ESPN Jargon about heart and desire.
The argument was this: Dude said "intangibles don't matter" and I told the funny guy that the reason Draymond is "better" and ultimately more effective than Blake in spite of Blake's offensive numbers is because Green is 1) a smarter player, 2) tougher, 3) makes more big plays for his team, etc etc.

I said the same thing about Tyson Chandler in the playoffs with the Mavs vis a vis what DeAndre Jordan has been doing/not doing in the playoffs the last three plus years.

But sure, intangibles are overrated just because you can't quantify them LOL.
1) Draymond Green isn't better than Blake Griffin. Draymond will never be the best player on a 50+ win team. Never. Draymond Will never avg 22/8/5 on 50/34/70 with a 22 PER. Never. And that's Okay because what he does for GSW obviously is great. But he isn't the better player, or the more talented player. Everything Draymond Green is great at wouldn't look nearly as great if he was a #1 or #2 option.

And everything Tyson Chandler brought to Dallas in 11' wouldn't matter nearly as much if he wasn't playing with Dirk Friggin Nowtizki.

Again, circumstance matters. And YOU don't understand it and it's actually funny lol
You're arguing with a dude who wholeheartedly believes the Clippers lost their series because the crowd wasn't loud enough. It's like watching ESPN Classics from the 80's where everything is a cliché
Meh, I got time today lol
I wouldn't max out Kyle Lowry, and that puts the Raptors in a tough spot moving forward.
The argument was this: Dude said "intangibles don't matter" and I told the funny guy that the reason Draymond is "better" and ultimately more effective than Blake in spite of Blake's offensive numbers is because Green is 1) a smarter player, 2) tougher, 3) makes more big plays for his team, etc etc.

I said the same thing about Tyson Chandler in the playoffs with the Mavs vis a vis what DeAndre Jordan has been doing/not doing in the playoffs the last three plus years.

But sure, intangibles are overrated just because you can't quantify them LOL.
1) Draymond Green isn't better than Blake Griffin. Draymond will never be the best player on a 50+ win team. Never. Draymond Will never avg 22/8/5 on 50/34/70 with a 22 PER. Never. And that's Okay because what he does for GSW obviously is great. But he isn't the better player, or the more talented player. Everything Draymond Green is great at wouldn't look nearly as great if he was a #1 or #2 option.

And everything Tyson Chandler brought to Dallas in 11' wouldn't matter nearly as much if he wasn't playing with Dirk Friggin Nowtizki.

Again, circumstance matters. And YOU don't understand it and it's actually funny lol
Everything you just said above are not facts. How do you know Draymond wouldn't ever average 20 ppg with the Clippers? How do you know that DAL wouldn't have won the chip in '11 with Chandler if Chandler had KG or Duncan next to him instead of Dirk?

Once again....I'm laughing at you much harder than you're laughing at me. 
Draymond Green, is 6'7 tank with a 7'1 wingspan and can guard 5 positions while playmake,

But it's his "heart" and "will" that make him good.

Can't make this up
Everything you just said above are not facts. How do you know Draymond wouldn't ever average 20 ppg with the Clippers? How do you know that DAL wouldn't have won the chip in '11 with Chandler if Chandler had KG or Duncan next to him instead of Dirk?

Once again....I'm laughing at you much harder than you're laughing at me. 
Trust me, you not. I swear to god you not. People who throw out this silly **** like "Will" and "heart" will NEVER not be funny to me lol

If you watch basketball and think Draymond Green can switch places with Blake and avg 20ppg then Idk what to tell you.

I get it though, don't waste your time arguing with people who weren't even old enough in the 80s to know how to tie their shoes.

99% of the people here who actually believe Bird, Magic, Kareem had no impact on the game during their prime playing days did not watch those players live in the late 70s, 80s. Guaranteed.

The thing is you don't need to watch players to realize their impact.

You know how big Wilts impact was?

Draymond Green, is 6'7 tank with a 7'1 wingspan and can guard 5 positions while playmake,

But it's his "heart" and "will" that make him good.

Can't make this up
I can name numerous other players in the history of this game that are 6'7" built like a tank and have a 7-foot wingspan but amounted to very little because they didn't work hard enough and didn't know how to OPTIMIZE their game to get max results and ultimately help lead their team to become better than they were.

Can't make this stuff up folks.
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I can name numerous other players in the history of this game that are 6'7" built like a tank and have a 7-foot wingspan but amounted to very little because they didn't work hard enough and didn't know how to OPTIMIZE their game to get max results and ultimately help lead their team to become better than they were.

*cough* Dwight *clears throat*
Everything you just said above are not facts. How do you know Draymond wouldn't ever average 20 ppg with the Clippers? How do you know that DAL wouldn't have won the chip in '11 with Chandler if Chandler had KG or Duncan next to him instead of Dirk?

Once again....I'm laughing at you much harder than you're laughing at me. 
Trust me, you not. I swear to god you not. People who throw out this silly **** like "Will" and "heart" will NEVER not be funny to me lol

If you watch basketball and think Draymond Green can switch places with Blake and avg 20ppg then Idk what to tell you.
Oh best believe I am. Wanna know why? You're a CLIPPER FAN.

'Nuff said.
I can name numerous other players in the history of this game that are 6'7" built like a tank and have a 7-foot wingspan but amounted to very little because they didn't work hard enough and didn't know how to OPTIMIZE their game to get max results and ultimately help lead their team to become better than they were.

Can't make this **** up folks.
You can name them? Then do it

Find me 'numerous' 6'7 guys who were built like tanks that could guard 5 positions and playmake.

Do it. Do it.


And name their teammates too. They probably didn't play with guys as good as steph, Kd, or Klay foo
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Draymond Green, is 6'7 tank with a 7'1 wingspan and can guard 5 positions while playmake,

But it's his "heart" and "will" that make him good.

Can't make this up :lol:

He'd be good anywhere. Maybe not this good tho.

I'd love to see him in Portland with Lillard & McCollum

I get it though, don't waste your time arguing with people who weren't even old enough in the 80s to know how to tie their shoes.

99% of the people here who actually believe Bird, Magic, Kareem had no impact on the game during their prime playing days did not watch those players live in the late 70s, 80s. Guaranteed.
The thing is you don't need to watch players to realize their impact.

You know how big Wilts impact was?

Of course he's still a topic. Dude averaged 55 for a season and scored 100. Dude was the Shaq of his time.

But there's a HUGE difference being around in those days and watching those players evolve and realizing the societal impact they made, the type of headlines and hype that was being generated in the newspapers and the media etc versus watching youtube videos and hearing about the era from your parents and grandfolks.
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He'd be good anywhere. Maybe not this good tho.

I'd love to see him in Portland with Lillard & McCollum
I'd agree with this.

He'd be good anywhere because of tangible things though which is my point and he could never be like the 'go to guy' for a basketball team.
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