2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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It really looks like he just trying to close out to me. I don't know. And I love Kawhi. Foul but I don't see the dirty in that play.
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This. Saw the play. Dirty as hell. He knew what he was doing.

Bra a big trying to gaurd a wing is gon be trouble regardless your in no mans land as a big all you can do is contest and he was late. Most times bigs won't even try to contest. Its basketball and things happen
You sound like a bitter spurs fan. Nobody brought up Lee tripping him on the bench he was clearly shot up before the game that ankle is a ticking time bomb this post season
Not even interested in watching game 2 (or this series) without Kawhi.

The league needed this series to be competitive. Now the whole playoffs are trash.
Don't matter if others do it too. A dirty play is a dirty play. It didn't help that Kawhi was already dealing with an injury.
Unfortunately, retaliation has to be on the Spurs mind.

There's no way you let a dirty *** player purposely take out your guy and not give anything back.

If it's true they're saying Kawhi won't be back... I'd be surprised if the Warriors go into the finals with their big 4 intact.

umm did you forget about bruce bowen?

i doubt the spurs are looking for retaliation when they know a dirty player is an asset
Man I havent said anything about a Warrior not named Zaza Pachulia. I was commenting on all the dirty screens he was throwing and this. IDK how you sit there as someone who watches basketball on a regular basis and not see that as dirty.

Like admitting it was a dirty play isnt going to change the score of the game. 

anti, i got nothing but respect for your opinions but moving screens happen almost every single time a pick is set at this level of ball. illegal screens are like offensive holding in football. it happens too frequently that calling it would destroy any flow to a game.
Unfortunately, retaliation has to be on the Spurs mind.

There's no way you let a dirty *** player purposely take out your guy and not give anything back.

If it's true they're saying Kawhi won't be back... I'd be surprised if the Warriors go into the finals with their big 4 intact.
as much as he would want to, i don't see pop condoning such behavior.
Zaza's play doesn't appear to be intentional to me. His screens all day were dirty though.
Man I havent said anything about a Warrior not named Zaza Pachulia. I was commenting on all the dirty screens he was throwing and this. IDK how you sit there as someone who watches basketball on a regular basis and not see that as dirty.

Like admitting it was a dirty play isnt going to change the score of the game. 
anti, i got nothing but respect for your opinions but moving screens happen almost every single time a pick is set at this level of ball. illegal screens are like offensive holding in football. it happens too frequently that calling it would destroy any flow to a game.
This is true, but he was leveling Patty Mills with the shoulder. Like really aggressively, I usually never say anything about moving screens but today was something else.
Warriors would have still won the series regardless. No one talking about spurs own bench ****ig his ankle up or pop leaving him in the game without checking on it. Foh.
It really looks like he just trying to close out to me. I don't know. And I love Kawhi. Foul but I don't see the dirty in that play.

Agreed finally some sense on NT lol.

It literally can happen to any gaurd who tries to take a center off the dribble and shoot over them I see it plenty of times guys just playing hard trying to defend and leave it Out there.

The only way that play is dirty is if zaza doesn't jump and slides his foot but he clearly tried to contest the shot and left his feet and even fouled on the shot
Unfortunately, retaliation has to be on the Spurs mind.

There's no way you let a dirty *** player purposely take out your guy and not give anything back.

If it's true they're saying Kawhi won't be back... I'd be surprised if the Warriors go into the finals with their big 4 intact.
as much as he would want to, i don't see pop condoning such behavior.

Trust, once the news hits he's done for the season someone will get them back.

Pop doesn't have to say a word.
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The league needed this series to be competitive. Now the whole playoffs are trash.


Now back to just waiting for the inevitable Cavs-Warriors series we knew we'd get the moment KD joined the W's, rendering the rest of the regular season and playoffs meaningless and making the entirety of the NBA season into literally just one best of 7 series between 2 teams.
anti, i got nothing but respect for your opinions but moving screens happen almost every single time a pick is set at this level of ball. illegal screens are like offensive holding in football. it happens too frequently that calling it would destroy any flow to a game.
It happens a lot but not at the frequency GS uses them. Every other screen Zaza set was moving, I don't think he hurt Kawhi on the closeout on purpose but he is dirty for the screens, but I thought Bogut, and Varejao was dirty for setting those screens too.
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