2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Me scrolling through this thread reading all the Warrior haters posts that we're throwing a parade in the first half

Also, you have to be on another level of stupidity to honestly believe that Zaza with his back turned closing Kawhi out intentionally was able to have his left foot in perfect position for Kawhi to land on it
How was his back turned? Jalen Rose literally did the exact same thing to Kobe. 
Me scrolling through this thread reading all the Warrior haters posts that we're throwing a parade in the first half

Also, you have to be on another level of stupidity to honestly believe that Zaza with his back turned closing Kawhi out intentionally was able to have his left foot in perfect position for Kawhi to land on it
dawg look at this

you saying with his back turned like he couldnt possibly have known where Kiwi was during the play 
question for those who play basketball: when you contest a shot on defense, do you make sure you give the shooter room to land?

personally, i do, but it may just be because I've rolled my ankles so much that i make sure i don't do it to someone else.

I'm a bigger guy and I'm conscious of it. For that reason I don't close out at 100% speed cuz there's no way I can stop on a dime. Zaza closed out to the best of his ability and couldn't stop.

People saying he reshuffled his feet as a bad thing. As if his 7ft frame was supposed to land after running, plant his feet, and tip over instead of stopping his momentum
Kawhi drove hard left, stepped back and Zaza, who was late tried to contest. That's not dirty.
David Lee is a dirty player sitting there injuring Kawhi
Come on man theres a difference between Kawhi accidentally landing on his teammates foot on the bench and Zaza getting in his way fouling him leading him to get injured
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if zaza did that to Lebron, his *** would've been deported seconds after
Oh man, YES.

The HUGE difference in how 'protected', star players are called, I feel like it's the most imbalanced in the NFL and NBA.
if zaza did that to Lebron, his *** would've been deported seconds after
Oh man, YES.

The HUGE difference in how 'protected', star players are called, I feel like it's the most imbalanced in the NFL and NBA.

heck, zaza would've been in foul trouble already, cause bron be flopping and pointing at the illegal screens :lol:
best believe the cavs are going to point that out before the series even starts
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David Lee is a dirty player sitting there injuring Kawhi
Was he playing defense on Kiwi?

Had he been getting away with dirty things all game?

Does it benefit him to injure Kiwi?

No, no, and no. So the only similarity is that both of their feet went under Kiwi.
Oh man, YES.

The HUGE difference in how 'protected', star players are called, I feel like it's the most imbalanced in the NFL and NBA.
LBJ would have been on the ground for 5 minutes with his head covered and would have had guts carry him out.
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