2018/19 Philadelphia 76ers Thread: The Process Continues

Fam, you can't talk about us being "homers" when you came in suggesting we should trade away our future for the 'unstoppable' Giannis.

EDIT: Who mind you is a very good talented dude..but cmon :lol:
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Illogical Points
  • Ben doesnt have much to prove imo
  • We KNOW what Embiid can do, we dont need him for all 82, 60 would be good enough with planned rest
  • Saric is what he is and is a better shooter than Giannas 
  • Fultz is not Harden, Fultz can play defense. He's more Wade than Harden
  • We don't NEED JJ, Ibaka or Mills but it would be ok to have them to make the core better
ben hasnt played a single nba game but doesnt have much to prove....but your point is valid, okay ill play along lmao.

embiid is the second coming of the dream but now were okay with "just 60 games" and planned rest....smh

saric is JUST a shooter....Giannis does everything else better, and at 22 years. Giannis averages better field goal and 3pt percentages than saric next year, want to bet?

fultz is not wade....dont try my boy like that. you guys gotta hope hes dangelo russell before you hope hes d wade.

jj,ibaka and mills .....again why do you want the oldheads playing instead of your young "core" playing (embiid playing 82 games, consistently)

why do you want mills on the ball when ben simmons is supposed to be magic johnson on steroids but cant shoot  
Fam, you can't talk about us being "homers" when you came in suggesting we should trade away our future for the 'unstoppable' Giannis.

EDIT: Who mind you is a very good talented dude..but cmon
ill stick to it....any three not including simmons and any two including simmons for giannis.

atleast giannis gives me 82 games
Illogical Points
  • Ben doesnt have much to prove imo
  • We KNOW what Embiid can do, we dont need him for all 82, 60 would be good enough with planned rest
  • Saric is what he is and is a better shooter than Giannas 
  • Fultz is not Harden, Fultz can play defense. He's more Wade than Harden
  • We don't NEED JJ, Ibaka or Mills but it would be ok to have them to make the core better
ben hasnt played a single nba game but doesnt have much to prove....but your point is valid, okay ill play along lmao.

embiid is the second coming of the dream but now were okay with "just 60 games" and planned rest....smh

saric is JUST a shooter....Giannis does everything else better, and at 22 years. Giannis averages better field goal and 3pt percentages than saric next year, want to bet?

fultz is not wade....dont try my boy like that. you guys gotta hope hes dangelo russell before you hope hes d wade.

jj,ibaka and mills .....again why do you want the oldheads playing instead of your young "core" playing (embiid playing 82 games, consistently)

why do you want mills on the ball when ben simmons is supposed to be magic johnson on steroids but cant shoot  
Yea you clearly dont know basketball if you really think Saric is just a shooter lol 

Giannis plays 82 games and the team gets a 6 seed and bounced in the first round? Cool
Yea you clearly dont know basketball if you really think Saric is just a shooter lol 

Giannis plays 82 games and the team gets a 6 seed and bounced in the first round? Cool
my bad, tanking on purpose 5 years after the process started and half the process cant even play is a much better route.

all of my points....and your response was that giannis got his team the sixth seed....but you know basketball

whats the point of playing? is it to win the game or to collect assets that you pay and dont play but then settle for them playing 60 games only at 21 years old ? 

again, dont be mad at me making points cause i gaurantee you if it was giannis leading the sixers to the 6th seed that youd be all on his.

try reading my points without bias and being a mindless homer.
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i still remember when jahlil okafor was getting compared to tim duncan

the moment they traded noel instead of okafor i knew what ive been watching....a mediocre team with wack management and decision making.
Yea you clearly dont know basketball if you really think Saric is just a shooter lol 

Giannis plays 82 games and the team gets a 6 seed and bounced in the first round? Cool
my bad, tanking on purpose 5 years after the process started and half the process cant even play is a much better route.

all of my points....and your response was that giannis got his team the sixth seed....but you know basketball

whats the point of playing? is it to win the game or to collect assets that you pay and dont play but then settle for them playing 60 games only at 21 years old ? 
You dont understand the process at all lol 

Fun fact, dont forget that the Bucks blatantly tanked in 2013-2014 (and had THE WORST RECORD)  but the Sixers are a disgrace lol
even if the bucks blatantly tanked.......how are you going to use that as a point when

A. why are we making this about the bucks?

B. your defense about your tanking for 5 years, is a team that tanked one year? 

C. i never said i didnt understand the process. i actually understand that well, i dont understand why you want jj reddick, serge ibaka or patty mills to mess up the processing part of the process.
even if the bucks blatantly tanked.......how are you going to use that as a point when

A. why are we making this about the bucks?

B. your defense about your tanking for 5 years, is a team that tanked one year? 

C. i never said i didnt understand the process. i actually understand that well, i dont understand why you want jj reddick, serge ibaka or patty mills to mess up the processing part of the process.
You came here (to a Sixers thread) talking about Giannis (who is a Buck)

Sixers weren't tanking for 5 years lol 2013, 2014, 2015. This past season was not tanking but rather letting the guys play

Those guys dont derail the process. We have to spend money and we have a **** ton of cap space to use. Ibaka is a decent back up big to use with Holmes to back Embiid. Patty Mills is a shooter who can play off ball with Simmons, Fultz and Saric. JJ Reddick is another shooter for a team that doesnt have any. 

If you really understood the process and THIS TEAM, you would understand these moves
for the record....i didnt bring up the bucks or the giannis trade.

someone else mentioned it..

again, if it was giannis leading the sixers to the 6th seed with the same roster as the bucks than giannis would be god.

you guys are bias and homers, all your points have been the "crybaby" "get him out, get him out" or "go to the bucks thread"

you guys have no points and wont admit it.

i mention a better player and you mention a combo of 4 players that are altogether better than one player...lmao.

i mention tanking and you guys mention the one year the bucks tanked and actually got jabari parker.

you guys simply can not fathom the sixers being "wrong" .....mindless homers, whatever the sixers and media feed you, youll take it, including those SIXTY games from a 22 year old that hasnt played 20 games in his career...lol. 
for the record....i didnt bring up the bucks or the giannis trade.

someone else mentioned it..

again, if it was giannis leading the sixers to the 6th seed with the same roster as the bucks than giannis would be god.

you guys are bias and homers, all your points have been the "crybaby" "get him out, get him out" or "go to the bucks thread"

you guys have no points and wont admit it.

i mention a better player and you mention a combo of 4 players that are altogether better than one player...lmao.

i mention tanking and you guys mention the one year the bucks tanked and actually got jabari parker.

you guys simply can not fathom the sixers being "wrong" .....mindless homers, whatever the sixers and media feed you, youll take it, including those SIXTY games from a 22 year old that hasnt played 20 games in his career...lol. 
If Giannis led us to the 6th seed, we'd hold him to the same candle as Iggy. Flashy, good player but not a superstar

WE KNOW HINKIE ****** UP WITH OKAFOR lol he was wrong and we all knew that. No one here is mindless, we'd rather be bad and take a shot to build a perennial contender than be to be mediocre and bounced out in the 1st round every year
Honestly, what is everyone entertaining @iLLiCiT305? Dude's just trolling. Let him be.
This dude really just said "Dario is JUST a shooter" and you guys are really still responding to him. He obviously has no idea what he's talking about.

First rookie in NBA history with 1000 points, 500 rebounds, 150 assists and 100 threes in an NBA season in case you need help reading.
good stuff, you actually got me with a point.

repped, i dont get butthurt like ya'll its just nba talk 
youre the one mad, im in here talking sixers basketball and trade scenarios


No, you aren't. All you've done is try to convince us how great Giannis is and how we'll be lucky if Simmons becomes what Giannis is.

Then you're taking shots at Embiid's health and Simmons jump shot but calling them Greg Oden and Lamar Odom when NEITHER Simmons or Embiid match those descriptions.

All you've done is take shots at our players and try to diminish what we have. We are here talking who to go after in free agency and how to improve our team. A team that's sucked balls for 4 years has 3 (after fultz) generational type talent players that could vault us to the top of the league one day. We're happy about our ******* team having some hope for the first time in over a decade and you're here trashing our ideas and diminishing our talent.

I'm not sure if there's even enough Bucks fans for your to congregate with so I'm sure there isn't even a thread for you to share your love for Giannis with others, but that doesn't mean you waltz in here derail this thread with your ignorance toward our team and your blind love for Giannis like he's done anything significant.

ill be fair and ask the question correctly.

embiid is not a concern at all? his health?  you really think hes going to go for 82 games without any hiccups not to mention playoff basketball?

you really think dario saric has a lot of improvement at this point? 

will ben simmons ever hit a 15 foot jumpshot?

why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?

The meniscus tear, which was a low grade tear, was in his left knee. The foot injury that kept him out for two seasons was in his right foot. So it wasn't even the same injury that's nagged him. Furthermore, everyone who's paid attention to how the Sixers have handled both Embiid's and Simmons' injuries this year can tell you that BOTH were probably able to play the last month or two of the season. The Sixers chose to tank.

That said, I have full confidence in JoJo's health. Simmons can develop a jump shot because his shooting motion isn't broken. On top of that, he's not our primary scorer and with Fultz in the mix, he really doesn't even have to be the second. He's an elite player maker with tremendous size for his skill set. The problems him, Fultz, and Embiid will give teams with the in-and-out game and pick and roll game will be MAJOR headaches for teams.

Saric was averaging like 20ppg down the stretch. The stats won't tell you this, but he's an incredible passer as well. He absolutely has more room to improve.

I have no qualms about this team moving forward.

Oh, and BTW, the "tear"/"bone bruise" that kept Embiid out the rest of the season happened a week before the January 27th Rockets game where Embiid dropped 28/7/4/2/3. Clearly, it wasn't THAT major.

And here you go, a perfectly valid point I made and not just "crying get out". Back when I thought you wanted an actual discussion.
Do y'all think it would have been a good idea to go after d'angelo?

Y'all have the cap space to take on mozgov.. could have packaged okafor in there

Or is there zero point with fultz coming in?

I wanted DLo before Fultz was in the mix. I thought he'd fit well.

I'm good on him now.

Although, I never thought about him running the 2.

Could he run the two without being a primary ball handler? With Fultz and Simmons dominating the ball handling responsibilities, wouldn't DLo be redundant? He doesn't shoot well enough, at this point, to be a threat from outside.
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Do y'all think it would have been a good idea to go after d'angelo?

Y'all have the cap space to take on mozgov.. could have packaged okafor in there

Or is there zero point with fultz coming in?

Philly got a better deal in trading for the 1st (Fultz) . They can still get good talent or a pick by trading Okafor this summer
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I'm not saying don't do the deal for 1..

I'm saying do both.. fultz ain't going play all 48.. and they need guards
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