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Yet people sweep this under the rug and talk about his 51 points and how JR cost them the game. Reminder, JR got the rebound preventing the Warriors from getting it calling time out setting a play and winning it, he lost track of score and just ran the clock out. How did JR lose them the game? I'm not going to be dumb and say he cost them the opportunity of winning in regulation which they still had to make a shot but he also didn't lose them the game.

Lebron did that on his own by not being a leader and going ghost in OT.

I think he gave up more because every time he did something right, the refs basically stole the game from him. You're sweeping that under the rug too. 2 clean swipes that ended with KD at the line. A play that shouldn't have been reviewed. A foul by Looney that didn't get called. Just play after play when the Cavs did the right thing and were screwed over and over again. Momentum plays that could have completely blown open their lead. It's disheartening when you know you're the greatest player but don't get treated like it. Jordan got treated like the greatest player even when he couldn't make it through the East. Refs here go against the legal rules of review to overturn a call. And you play 48 minutes, hit all the big shots, make all the right passes. And then JR does something stupid after making a good play to get a board, while Lue just stands there with his thumb up his butt. Doesn't matter how mentally strong you are, that would drain you.
I say this is the last year they win the chip if they even win it this year. 3 chips in 4 years is incredible.
If you think about it , if they win in 16 they don't get kd and without kd I think they run would of been over by now .
Was this posted yet?

Moping, crying, pouting, So much gold.

Trash *** leader.


I guess we can use this video as evidence of a bunch of people being flat out wrong when they were crying about LeBron trying to call a timeout. He never tried to call a timeout. His hands got close, but he never made that signal. Why? Because HE HAD NO IDEA IF HIS TEAM HAD ANY TIMEOUTS OR NOT. This video proves that.
i still think they win the next couple of years, at least. I don't see any challengers barring something insane to happen with Lebron and a super team.

GSW will get better next year
I guess we can use this video as evidence of a bunch of people being flat out wrong when they were crying about LeBron trying to call a timeout. He never tried to call a timeout. His hands got close, but he never made that signal. Why? Because HE HAD NO IDEA IF HIS TEAM HAD ANY TIMEOUTS OR NOT. This video proves that.

I don't know, this looks like Bron acting. Peep how he glances over quickly at JR before asking Lue did they have timeout. Almost to further embarrass him. And then the theatrics afterwards.
When will GSW fall off? 2022? Durant n Curry will be 34 by then..

They’ve gotten REALLY lucky with injuries tbh so I can’t see them being contenders in 2021 or 2022 without dealing with those of the cap issues that another post ITT pointed out.

Also, Boston is looking scary as is Philly-they’re going to have to play one of these squads that are stacked with talent in the Finals who are going to be VERY hungry for a ring.
i still think they win the next couple of years, at least. I don't see any challengers barring something insane to happen with Lebron and a super team.

GSW will get better next year
They really can. The bench can be improved drastically.
I think he gave up more because every time he did something right, the refs basically stole the game from him. You're sweeping that under the rug too. 2 clean swipes that ended with KD at the line. A play that shouldn't have been reviewed. A foul by Looney that didn't get called. Just play after play when the Cavs did the right thing and were screwed over and over again. Momentum plays that could have completely blown open their lead. It's disheartening when you know you're the greatest player but don't get treated like it. Jordan got treated like the greatest player even when he couldn't make it through the East. Refs here go against the legal rules of review to overturn a call. And you play 48 minutes, hit all the big shots, make all the right passes. And then JR does something stupid after making a good play to get a board, while Lue just stands there with his thumb up his butt. Doesn't matter how mentally strong you are, that would drain you.
Why are you talking about refs when the refs where the ones that gift Lebron the series against the Pacers. Or did you forget the goaltending. FOH.
Malone was MVP both years MJ beat him. Malones team in 97 won 65 games and was the 1st seed. 98 Utah Jazz won 62 games and was 1st in West.

Malone averaged 27 and 10 while shooting 52%+ both MVP years and played 81+ games and averaging 37+ mins. Who the **** cares if he was "old". Old dude was ballin and was arguably top 3 in the league

Beating 73 win team > beating 65/62 win team
Kids think LeBron is goat . That's all they grew up knowing.

Yeah, I can't hold anything against him now. He wasn't even alive during MJ's 1st 3-peat. Still pissing the bed during the second 3-peat.

Started watching Kobe possibly in elementary school and probably really gotten into basketball during HS. LeBron is all he knows. Which explains the "old Malone" comment :lol:
Why are you talking about refs when the refs where the ones that gift Lebron the series against the Pacers. Or did you forget the goaltending. FOH.

Did you forget about the play on the other end where they called it off Thad and then didn't call the goaltending? Or that the game ended in a 3 by LeBron not a 2? FOH.
This time next week another basketball player will have the same amount of championship rings as the so called best player of his era. Not my GOAT. All from defeating him!

3 rings?


How cute.
They really can. The bench can be improved drastically.
doesn't always work out like that tho.
They signed nick young and casspi and people were saying they were great signings and they didn't really meet expectations. Nobody but old dudes looking for a chip trying to play for nba pennies.
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