2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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If the Warriors win tonight, I'm naming my daughter Draymonia!


DUBS IN 7! :pimp:
Man. I haven’t caught up to the thread yet but last night was a rollercoaster of emotion. Per young sage nick. nick. ’s advice, I decided after leaving the telly for dinner I would block off the world from the game since this restaurant didn’t have TVs. I wanted to enjoy the experience.

After that first quarter lead, when I left the hotel, I was like

Fast forward a mere two and a half hours later. Stomach was full of delicious tapas and rich sangria. I knew it was the night. Lebby would finally not to the finals for close to a decade.

Prior to dessert, around 11:25PM EST, folks go make a bathroom run and I’m at the table by myself. I think that checking the scores would be the dessert before the dessert. I notice near 100 missed texts. Clearly this must Lebby slander, right?

I close my eyes, scroll to the bottom of my notifications and see the second quarter score and my immediate reaction was

Lebby was closing in. As I frantically scroll to the third quarter and read the score...


At this point, I’m truly feeling anxious. Will the Jaylen, Jayson and Terry prove the doubters and Bronsexuals wrong or will Lebby and his fan base prevail and have supreme bragging rights until Thursday? I see the final score.....


Everyone comes back, super gleeful and the whole time I’m eating my dessert like

**** you LeBron not just for being overrated, not just for not being my GOAT, not just for being insecure to the point that in your heart of hearts you believe you’re beyond reproach and criticism, not just for being a phony but **** you for allowing your cult of unsavory fellows (s/o wavycrocket wavycrocket for that poignant distinction) to ruin the NT NBA Thread experience for thread loyalists.

Spiritual. Beautiful. Wise words from a decent man.

P R E A C H!!!!!

First year in a while we have low expectations plus 9ers fans gassing the **** out of themselves really thinking they have a landed superstar and everything’s going to go perfectly.
Iggy resting tonight so he can come back fresh and ready to sweep Lefraud. :pimp:
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