2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

Dude didn’t really play himself. What happens if he tore his acl last season. Dude simply didn’t want to play for a team that didn’t value him enough to give him more than $14 million gursnteed. Imagine taking a year off from work and returning the next year to get paid again.

You're not wrong. But in his mind he held out for more-than-Gurley $ and ending up getting "only" $35M guaranteed from what I'm reading. Therefore, you can argue he played himself.
You're not wrong. But in his mind he held out for more-than-Gurley $ and ending up getting "only" $35M guaranteed from what I'm reading. Therefore, you can argue he played himself.

yeah exactly...he wasn't holding out for just $35M :lol:

You're not wrong. But in his mind he held out for more-than-Gurley $ and ending up getting "only" $35M guaranteed from what I'm reading. Therefore, you can argue he played himself.

He didn't quite get the same guaranteed money as gurley, but I think I read that Bells contract is 52M base, 61M with incentives so it very well could end up being more than gurleys contract in total.

I don't think any of us actually know what the hell the steelers really offered, but it sounded like it was $10M guaranteed and $70M total. He was never seeing that $70M with the workload they were giving him. There is some advanced stat out there that of all the running backs would touched the ball more than 400 times in a season, only 1 played more than 8 games the next year. Dude was going to die in Pittsburgh if they kept giving him the ball like that.
Saquon is a beast but drafting im at #2 overall is starting to look senseless now

it does when you remember why zeke was drafted #3 by the cowboys

also when you remember why the last 2 HCs have been fired by the organization
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