2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

That's an odd signing. They have a pretty deep running back group in SF. Does Mckinnon get cut/traded?

That's an odd signing. They have a pretty deep running back group in SF. Does Mckinnon get cut/traded?

Doubtful. Breida got hurt damn near every game. ****, at one point we were starting dudes of the practice squad last year (looking at you Jeff Wilson). I'm sure this is just assurance so this **** doesnt happen again.

And that's exactly why Bell held out.

BuT LeVeOn Is TaKiNg A pAyCut
Doubtful. Breida got hurt damn near every game. ****, at one point we were starting dudes of the practice squad last year (looking at you Jeff Wilson). I'm sure this is just assurance so this **** doesnt happen again.

BuT LeVeOn Is TaKiNg A pAyCut

Mostert looked good before he got hurt. I didn't realize he was a fa though.
Mostert looked good before he got hurt. I didn't realize he was a fa though.

yeah Mostert was good, but he may have suffered the most gruesome injury I've ever seen. Granted it wasn't to his legs, but his arm looked like a god damn snake. Who knows what he will be like next year or be able to do.
Doubtful. Breida got hurt damn near every game. ****, at one point we were starting dudes of the practice squad last year (looking at you Jeff Wilson). I'm sure this is just assurance so this **** doesnt happen again.

BuT LeVeOn Is TaKiNg A pAyCut
He didn’t have a choice. The market is the market 35 mil is still better than 14. Had he tore his acl he wouldn’t see another 20 plus mill guranteed.
He’s not that good, career backup and make good money is smart.
I dont think he's good too, but why sit in NO behind a guy you're gonna have to drag off the field because he doesnt want to retire?

Teddy needs to give it one more shot. Miami is a good place. I know you don't want him but if he has a chance to start there, he needs to take it. Seems like a no brainer
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