2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

This weekend alone we lost @Chester McFloppy
@kdslittlebro @Hahahaha @freddy fig

Yo Methodical Management Methodical Management why you trying to make this place suck?
Freddy Fig wasn't banned. Kdslittle bro self-destructed due to the outcome of a game.
Chester McFloppy posted a blatantly racist comment.
Hahahaha thought he could violate the rules fresh off a suspension and conceal it with an edit. He posted almost the exact thing he'd been suspended for previously.

The rules have not changed. The problem is that some users decided that they don't want to follow them at all and expect the staff to just look the other way. That's not happening.

Friendly trash talk has never been a problem. We all know that people take it too far and start making things personal and post insults that are blatantly hostile/vulgar.
ALL of the users who were banned received a generous number of warnings to help them understand where the line is drawn. They kept breaking the same rules over and over again - in some cases literally posting the same vulgar insults over and over again.

If you repeatedly touch a hot stove, don't blame the stove for your burns.

NT out here censoring peoples 1st amendment right.
You don't have a first amendment right to post porn or racist insults on a privately operated message board.

If you get drunk at a sporting event and start harassing other fans, it's not a violation of your first amendment rights if you're removed by security.
Freddy Fig wasn't banned. Kdslittle bro self-destructed due to the outcome of a game.
Chester McFloppy posted a blatantly racist comment.
Hahahaha thought he could violate the rules fresh off a suspension and conceal it with an edit. He posted almost the exact thing he'd been suspended for previously.

The rules have not changed. The problem is that some users decided that they don't want to follow them at all and expect the staff to just look the other way. That's not happening.

Friendly trash talk has never been a problem. We all know that people take it too far and start making things personal and post insults that are blatantly hostile/vulgar.
ALL of the users who were banned received a generous number of warnings to help them understand where the line is drawn. They kept breaking the same rules over and over again - in some cases literally posting the same vulgar insults over and over again.

If you repeatedly touch a hot stove, don't blame the stove for your burns.

You don't have a first amendment right to post porn or racist insults on a privately operated message board.

If you get drunk at a sporting event and start harassing other fans, it's not a violation of your first amendment rights if you're removed by security.

I get banning people for violating rules and whatnot, but if people are going to get banned it seems like there should be some leeway based on amount of time you have been here. I've rarely ever seen @kdslittlebro post something against the rules. We all know chuck & haha are dumbasses but no one is reporting it because people don't have a problem with it. (Admittedly I have no idea what Chuck posted). I don't think anyone here has a problem with most of this stuff because we know it comes from a good place. It just seems like we are getting rid of good posters who have a decade of solid posting record due to a relatively short leash.

I get trying to clean this place up for ad revenue, but you aren't going to get much revenue if your foot traffic goes down because people stop posting. I will also admit I have no idea what the posting statistics are like for this place and whether it is going down, but for the NFL thread it was a damn ghost town in here most of the season because most of the regulars are gone. I don't think banning more of them is going to fix that. I get that editing or deleting @Hahahaha's posts is a pain in the ***, but 99.9% of us think he is hilarious. Prebanning people from threads seems a like an over reach.

I do appreciate the response though.
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I just want the ever running “B.A” designation to never stop.

Can we get clipped for that????
DSA burried the ‘BA’ in the ground :lol:

Meth and the mods need to realize that some of us know one another on a personal level, and it’s not trolling or being an *******.

If I call @nickmaz96 a box chested, tuna packing, barrel built, ***** eating on the first date, factory working **** face. It’s outta love.

I met up with nick. We shared mojitos at the Marriott Marquis in Time square and I stole some of his fries at shake shack.
I also think there should be a sight distinction between those of us who are regulars in here and keep it live. We’re not roasting each other with serious vitriol and malicious intent, even if we haven’t met in person we’ve been here long enough and frequent enough to “know each other”. And hell, a good handful of people have met.

There’s a difference between us clowning each other on our personal style, preferences, interests, whatever it may be vs. going in on some new kid who shows up here to talk football and their team(which doesn’t happen, the **** talking to some new poster). The 1st responses you see from people to someone in that situation isn’t gonna be some serious **** off and die type of stuff.
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