2020-21 NBA Offseason thread: Officially a wrap

Personally, I think the main causes are:

1. Real world anxiety-cable news ratings have been through the roof with a pandemic, "social unrest" election stuff, I think people are more focused on that than the distractions of sports.

2. people got used to not watching sports at the beginning of the pandemic and they haven't come back yet

3. Spring and summer sports like the Masters, NBA and NHL playoffs, triple crown horse races, etc being played in the fall. I love the NBA, but I wasn't a huge fan of watching it in September and October.

All of this and I would add the increasing availability of different methods to consume media that don’t get accounted for by traditional TV ratings systems.
Personally, I think the main causes are:

1. Real world anxiety-cable news ratings have been through the roof with a pandemic, "social unrest" election stuff, I think people are more focused on that than the distractions of sports.

2. people got used to not watching sports at the beginning of the pandemic and they haven't come back yet

3. Spring and summer sports like the Masters, NBA and NHL playoffs, triple crown horse races, etc being played in the fall. I love the NBA, but I wasn't a huge fan of watching it in September and October.

4. There was a period when all four major sports and college football were being played at the same time which obviously hurts viewership.
All part of the equation for sure. I’ll add in that people lost their jobs and don’t care about sports anymore, cable is cut off, different work schedules, and 250,000 people died.

Dudes are using everything at their disposal to get out :lol:

Lol burn the rockets down
I think we can officially put the "NBA ratings were down because of social justice/BLM" to rest. Ratings across the board for just about every single sport we're down this year.

Ratings were down in every sport this year EXCEPT Golf and the WNBA, those sports were up.

NBA and NFL are “down because of BLM and protests” group never say that NHL had the biggest decrease in ratings this year.
russ and oladipo might as well be traded for one another :lol:
i don't think indy is that dumb though
So Houston & OKC out of the playoffs, Warriors and Suns in? West going to be an actual bloodbath this season unlike last year...Lakers in 5.

Those games in the bubble leading up to the playoffs were bloodbaths but I get what you saying

Memphis gonna make it tough for some teams
I also think basketball media/fans have a strange obsession with picks.
Just because you got hella 1st round picks does not mean you pulled a heist of a trade.

Most of those picks will be non-lottery, 20-30 range.
Remember how everyone would talk about how amazing Boston was for having all those picks? The only ones that mattered were the lottery picks.

Of course picks allow you to be flexible and give you more swings for trying to find the next draft steals but I just feel like pick swaps and protected picks 5 years down the line that will most likely land in the 20-30 range are overrated.
Okc's picks are way better than Boston's. Boston always had heavily protected picks and 2nd rounders. The media just hyped it up acting like they could package them to move up and people ran with it. Houston has the worst ownership in the league. Clippers have one more year in their window and no protection on those picks. It's still up to presti to bust some moves but the quality of their picks is night and day with the celtics. Okc also seems willing to tank their own picks which ainge wasn't
Who are likely vet mins for the upcoming season?

Jeremy Lin
Michael Beasley
Demarcus Cousins
Kenneth Faried
Lance Stephenson
Jimmer Fredette
JR Smith
Reggie Jackson
Dion Waiters
Jeff Green
Demarre Carroll
Nick Young
Gerald Green
Ryan Anderson
Isaiah Thomas
Alec Burks
Michael Carter Williams
Wilson Chandler
Nerleans Noel

Noel should be able to get more than the min. Burks too.
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