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Career high 54? Carry on
I would have just used docusign and went back to sleep. And I thought OJ Mayo was just weed and some kinda GNC supplement with DHEA in it
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I don't think it was Tyreke's first drug related suspension though if I remember correctly
Yea to get a ban the league gotta catch you slippin multiple times…Anybody can come back from a drug ban, it’s up to the player to complete the programs and guidelines the league sets up for em

OJ knew his time in the league was coming to an end anyway so don’t think he cared too much, Idk bout Reke
They being too thirsty with the Dragic thing, if I’m Toronto I would just annoy the Mavs and force an overpay since they want him so bad :lol:

Mavs don't want to cave on anyone from the 2020 draft and I think they are both mid.

It probably ends up being Green to go though.

Memphis didn't really get much for Iggy and I'd argue the 18th pick of the 2020 draft and Dwight Powell and some 2nds is enough.

If Masai wants more than that good luck, no contenders can match that salary without gutting depth so I don't see who's trading anything of note for him.
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